Yingyi did not return to the classroom. Instead, he took out his phone and sent a meeting notice in the student union group, and then walked directly to the student union room.

The participants of this meeting even included the discipline committee and the clerks, and the scale was comparable to the general meeting of the student union.

In a short time, the student union room was crowded with people. After Arisu slowly walked in with the support of Kushida Kikyo and sat on the two empty chairs, it was announced that the meeting could be prepared to begin.

"I'm sorry to call you all here suddenly. I have a few things to announce and to hold a discussion and vote within the student union."

"First, in the future, regarding student discipline and life issues, the student union will have certain powers to modify and add school rules. However, school rules related to the S system and the core of the school have no right to be modified or added."

This is actually very abstract. What does it mean? The student union has the power to legislate on civil disputes, but the power to legislate on criminal disputes is still in the hands of the school.

So school rules that allow fighting can be passed, but school rules that allow fighting to cause serious injury or death cannot be passed.

The first item announced by Yingyi quickly caused heated discussions. In any case, the power of the student union reached its peak after obtaining this authority.

"So the second thing I want to say is also related to the first point. I want to use the behavior of allowing mild violence between students to"


"No...No way!"

Ichinose really expressed her attitude instantly. This time, she not only felt that fighting between classmates was not good, but also thought that her class was not good at violence. If such a school rule was really passed, Class B would surely suffer.

But some people deny it and some people affirm it.

"I think it's pretty good. How can there not be conflicts between students? Do we, the discipline committee, have to deal with every one of them? Letting them solve those small problems that can be solved by themselves, isn't it also cultivating the autonomy that the school has always talked about?"

Ibuki expressed her own opinion. Of course, she didn't have so much logic. This was what Shiina Hiyori said through her mouth.

Ibuki herself didn't care.

Anyway, this was probably her own idea.

It might not work for other C classes, but when it comes to fighting, except for the guy sitting in the main seat and the expressionless man in D class, Ibuki has never been afraid of anyone.

And it is obvious that Class C is best at fighting.

If this can drag Class B down, it will be a great thing.

And it is really uncomfortable to be tied up at ordinary times.

She prefers to solve problems through the force of her belief.

Whoever has the bigger fist is the one who is right!

Arisu slowly said,"I think this is not bad. After all, everyone is very young, and there will inevitably be some collisions. Although my own body is very fragile, I agree with this proposal for the time being."

The brave and aggressive little girl thought that such a school might become very interesting!

Karuizawa and Kushida Kikyo are both loyal followers of Yingyi and Arisu respectively. After making some speeches that fit their own personalities, they also expressed their support for this proposal.

In this way, only the Class B representative on Ichinose's side is weak, but there is nothing they can do. The other three classes think this is a good thing, they have tried their best.

"OK, then I declare that from now on, minor fights between students are not considered a violation of school rules. The severity of the fight will be determined by the Student Union and the school. However, if a serious fight occurs, it will still be mediated by the Discipline Committee. If necessary, the Student Union can use violence to enforce the law. The degree of violence depends on the threat that the other party may pose."

"well...."Ichinose could only sigh, but her class would rarely become the target of violence.

"Then the second thing to announce is this special exam. The vote to withdraw from school."

Is this the final word? Everyone present refocused their attention. They had originally thought that this meeting would discuss this temporary additional exam for those who did not pass the student union.

"The specific exam rules are the same as what the class teachers said before. I think everyone should have understood it, right?"

How could you not understand the rules of this exam? Choose three people you like and three people you hate. The most liked one will get a gold medal of immunity from death, and the most hated one will be expelled.

"President, can we modify the exam this time? What about expulsion?...."

This time it wasn't just Ichinose, many people had the same idea. Except for Katsuragi, he already knew that this matter was decided by Yingyi and Arisu, and they didn't want to cancel it at all.

"Yes, in theory."

"That's great....Eh? In theory?"

The first half of Ying Yi's sentence made everyone smile, but the second half gave people a bad feeling. It's true in theory, but not necessarily in reality?

"In fact, this exam was added temporarily by the chairman, and he does have the authority to do so. Since there has never been a precedent in history, it is still unknown whether we have the power to modify it this time."

"Then, when will we know?"

Ichinose was still unwilling to give up and asked hurriedly. This was the only thing she really didn't want to agree to. The companions in Class B were all the best companions. No matter which one she gave up,....It's impossible to do it!!!

Yingyi and Yusu looked at each other. They said in unison:"At least we don't plan to modify this exam."

"Why? Abandon your companions or something."

"Ichinose-san is so cute. Do you consider everyone as your partners? Perhaps only Class B can do this, no, it should be only your class." The word"maybe" is used here because Arisu knows very well that even in Class B, not everyone is of one mind. Some of them have self-awareness.

Ichinose glanced at Shiina Hiyori beside her, who smiled embarrassedly and shook her head. She knew very well that this exam was the good opportunity that Ryuen had been waiting for. And she herself felt that if she abandoned some useless people, the train would run faster. She looked at Kushida Kikyo again and found that she just lowered her head in embarrassment and remained silent. It seemed that she couldn't bear to see her companions quit.

If Kushida Kikyo heard Ichinose's inner voice, she would probably curse:"I care about them? Those idiots should all die! Especially that Horikita*****Ayanokouji****Ike and Yamauchi*****,them*****, companions? Are they worthy? I********"

Ichinose seemed to have suddenly thought of something:"Points, points, President, we can also use points to avoid our teammates dropping out of the exam this time, right?"

Yingyi smiled helplessly, worthy of being Ichinose:"Ah, 20 million personal points can indeed exempt one expulsion penalty. But....."

"There is nothing but 20 million for my companions!"

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