Hirata just looked at Wang Meiyu who was sleeping beside him. It must be said that since he is an extremely popular boy, he is often surrounded by many girls.

However, he never cared about this situation. Girls or boys. Cute or scary. Handsome or ugly.

And it doesn't matter whether he (she) is a person with noble character and excellent ability. As long as he is a member of the class, he will treat everyone equally.

Once on the uninhabited island, Ibuki stole Karuizawa's underwear and blamed it on Ike. The girls wanted to search them on the spot but Hirata Yosuke rejected it, even though he was nominally Karuizawa's boyfriend at the time.

But the girls' strong reactions to such things should be understood. Therefore, he chose a compromise method and searched them one by one in private.

In a hurry, Ike stuffed the underwear to Ayanokouji, who had no choice but to put it in his pocket.

Although Hirata touched the underwear, he remained calm. This was not because he trusted Ayanokouji to be a gentleman, but because saying such things would only destroy his most cherished class!

Because he was just that kind of person, he loved the collective more than he loved other people and more than he loved himself.

However, now was a rare opportunity, he was actually alone in a room with a relatively transparent girl in the class.

Wang Meiyu, an international student from China, was very good in academic ability, especially in English, she could even be considered the best in the class.

Maybe she felt a trace of sight, or maybe she remembered that she was taking care of Hirata-kun, Wang Meiyu suddenly shuddered and stood up.

When she saw Hirata sitting next to her, and the boy's jacket that she had just shaken off to the ground……

"Ah! I'm... sorry... Hirata-kun... I... I... didn't mean it... I'll wash it and give it back to you."

Wang Meiyu was very nervous at this moment. She didn't know whether it was because of the psychological trauma left by Hirata during the day, or whether it was because she was a young girl standing in front of her favorite male god.

Hirata wanted to say something, but when he thought of his confused situation, he opened his mouth and said nothing. He just sighed.


"It doesn't matter. Clothes and stuff don't matter at all. I'm sorry, Wang Meiyu, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you during the day."

Hirata stood up and bowed slowly to apologize.

But Wang Meiyu waved her hands quickly:"No, no, no, it's our fault. We shouldn't have done such a despicable thing.……"

"Despicable... Haha, this is actually a smart move."

Hirata laughed sarcastically, but at this time his smile was filled with strong sadness. It was unclear whether he was lamenting about this class or his past.


Hirata slowly calmed down. He was ready to tell everything. Maybe it was because the girl in front of him really gave him a little human care in his despair.:

"There is no optimal solution for this exam. Either you pay 20 million or someone quits. How could I not know?"

"It’s just… I don’t want this… It’s just because of my own small and ridiculous wish!"

At this point, Hirata suddenly became so imposing that Wang Meiyu quickly took a half step back.


She didn't want to do this, but fear was controlling her subconsciously.

Hirata smiled nonchalantly,"Haha, it's okay. Now, do you know why I care so much about this class? Do you know why I, who should be jealous and hate traitors, want to protect Yamauchi?"

This is what Wang Meiyu wanted to know, and it was also what everyone else in Class D wanted to know.

"Of course it’s because Hirata-kun is a kind and gentle person… He can lead our class to compete with other classes very well, and he doesn’t judge any classmates by appearance. He is willing to sacrifice himself for others… And sure enough, even when Hirata-kun loses his temper, he is still the same Hirata-kun.……"

"Good guy? Hahahaha, hahahahahahahaha!"

Wang Meiyu was immersed in her admiration for Hirata, but was brought back to reality by a burst of piercing laughter.


Hirata laughed for more than two minutes before stopping. Suddenly, his expression became extremely wonderful.:

"Oh, I'm not the good person you say I am. I'm not gentle, and I don't have the ability to lead a class."

Without waiting for Wang Meiyu to respond, Pingtian started talking to himself.:

"You know what? I'm the worst guy in this class! I have a best friend, we've been best friends since kindergarten. We study together, play football together, and get together to discuss stupid things between boys."

"I thought this kind of happiness would continue, and even if we went our separate ways in the future, we would still have the opportunity to get together and continue to dream the same dreams we had in adolescence without last night.……"

"But. Everything changed after that. Everything changed forever."

At this point, Hirata became extremely depressed. He just kept repeating words like"changed" and"can't go back".

Wang Meiyu didn't disturb him, but just listened quietly.

"Do you know about school bullying?"

When Wang Meiyu heard this word, her pupils shrank. Bullying is not uncommon in the world, but when Hirata mentioned it at this time, it meant……

"Hirata-kun, is it possible that your friend……"

Hirata nodded indifferently:"Ah. He was bullied by those damn guys day after day. But I didn't lend a hand.……"

At this point, Hirata choked up, and endured the pain of having his scars exposed, and said word by word::

"The reason is that the guy who bullied him is also in our class. I am afraid���I was punished, and could only say sorry to him silently in my heart, but... but……"

"But I can't do anything! I'm such a cowardly, selfish waste!"

Hirata's hands tightly grasped the iron railings of the bed, and his fingers were so clenched that no blood could be seen at all.

Wang Meiyu suddenly grabbed Hirata's left hand:"Hirata-kun! Cheer up!"

It seemed that the listener comforted her, and Hirata's violently fluctuating emotions eased a little:"After that, the guy finally couldn't bear it... and jumped off the building."

"So...is this the heavy past that Hirata-kun is carrying?"

"No, this is just the beginning!"

Although Hirata was not brave or loyal in this matter, as a student, it is understandable that he wanted to protect himself.

So it is not a huge black history, and this level of incident would not be assigned to the garbage dump D class.

"The most disgusting thing is that those damn pests did not restrain themselves because of what happened to that guy. They actually found another target to bully in just a few days!"

Wang Meiyu felt sad and sympathetic for Hirata's past, but also disgusted with the bullies.

Hirata's eyes suddenly became firm.:

"At that time, I also woke up. Blindly giving in would only encourage their arrogance! Since they can use violence to bully the weak, I will simply fight violence with violence!"

"Haha, you should have seen it too. Although I am not as good at fighting as Ryuuen,���If I punch hard enough, I can knock down most of the students!"

"After that, I unified the school in this way. I would punch whichever side was stronger, and in the long run... the school really became peaceful."

"However, this is just self-satisfaction. My method made everyone lose their smiles, and they looked at me with only fear in their eyes.……"

"After that, I was criticized by the school and the parents of the students. I couldn't even go back to school. I wanted to give up everything and find a new environment to start from scratch. That's how I came to Gaodu Yucheng Middle School."

"Since violence can't solve the problem... let's use gentle means to satisfy everyone! In this way, everyone can live in peace!"

Even if Hirata didn't say what happened next, Wang Meiyu was very clear.

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