The deal with Class D has been completed. It seems that they are still leaderless, but fortunately they have met a very popular person, Kikyo Kushida.

However, through Arisu's intelligence network, Higashikata-san has already learned that leaders have appeared in the other two classes.

The leader of Class B is the girl named Ichinose Honami. She looks sunny, gentle and cute. I wonder if she is also a fake with something hidden in her heart like Kikyo Kushida.

The leader of Class C is a man named Ryuen Sho. It is said that he unified the class by violence and is exercising his dictatorial rule.

Class B seems to be the type that can be traded, so leave it alone for now. But if you want to get the votes you want from Ryuen of Class C, you will probably have to pay a heavy price.

So Higashikata-san also gave up normal transactions with Class C. For people like Ryuen, threats are the right answer.

‘Since I came to school, I haven't had a good exercise for a long time. '(The competition with Matsui is not an exercise for Dongfang, it can only be regarded as a warm-up.) Thinking of this, Dongfang also felt a little itchy, so he went to the playground to run a few laps.

Time flies, as the evening sun is replaced by the bright moon, the lights around are getting brighter

"It's time to go back."

Walking on the path back to the dormitory, Dongfang was in a very good mood. Since coming to school, he has become more and more lazy.

"Hey? There seems to be someone over there."

I sneaked over and found a pair of acquaintances confronting each other.

Soon, the girl was grabbed by the wrist by another tall boy and pressed firmly against the wall.

"Lingyin, you still haven't grown at all, drop out of school!"

"elder brother.....I..."

The one whose wrist was grabbed was Horikita Suzune, but now she was no longer as cold and arrogant as before, instead she was full of grievances that should not exist on her.

And the boy was the student council president that Dongfang was very familiar with.---Horikita Manabu

‘Are these two really siblings?...It really is...’

"Suzune, drop out of school immediately. Being a student in Class D is embarrassing for me as your brother."

"No, that's not the case, brother. There must be something wrong with the school's assignment. I should be a student in Class A."

"It seems that you still don't understand? There is nothing wrong with you being assigned to Class D."

"No. But, but I will definitely lead Class D to Class A, brother, I won't let you down."

"You can't be promoted to Class A, and since my sister is so disobedient, I have no choice but to teach you a lesson."

As he said this, Horikita Manabu still held Horikita Suzune's wrist with one hand, and clenched his other hand into a fist, ready to hit Horikita Suzune hard. But the latter closed her eyes tightly, without the courage or thought of resisting.

At this moment, a strong hand grabbed Horikita Manabu's fist.

"You were really going to fight me just now."

The man had a pair of arrogant eyes and a signature flying fish hairstyle, which made Horikita Suzune recognize him.

"Ayanokouji...How could you?"

Horikita Manabu saw someone evading his perception and suddenly appearing, and caught his attack. He was ready to test this nosy guy, so he let go of Horikita Suzune's hand and punched Ayanokouji instead.

Ayanokouji was indeed the success of the White Room. He easily blocked Horikita Manabu's fist, and through clever dodging, Horikita Manabu did not succeed in hitting the opponent once.

Seeing that the opponent's strength might not be inferior to his own, Horikita Manabu stopped and asked:

"Have you learned anything before?"

"Piano, Tea Ceremony, and Calligraphy"

".......I didn't expect that Lingyin would have friends."

"He's not my friend."

"It seems that you still don't correctly understand the difference between pride and loneliness. Well, if you want to be promoted to Class A, you'd better struggle hard. Otherwise, you will be crushed to pieces."

After saying this, Horikita Manabu looked deeply at Ayanokouji and was about to leave, but he found that a fourth person suddenly appeared on the field.

"Well, if we want to play mahjong, aren't you guys just short of one person?"


Seeing the sudden appearance of Higashikada, even Ayanokouji, who never showed any expression, had his pupils shrink. He did not expect that this person completely escaped his perception. Was he becoming insensitive in the comfortable environment of the school or was the other person simply a master?

"Yes, it's you"Horikita Suzune obviously hasn't recovered yet.

"I just thought it might be interesting to show others the video of you beating someone just now."

Dongfang took out his cell phone, which showed the video of Horikita Manabu beating Horikita Suzune and attacking Ayanokouji.

"It seems that you have been there since the beginning."

Horikita Manabu was obviously not frightened by Higashigata, after all, he knew very well that he and Higashigata were comrades on the same front.

However, with Horikita Manabu's psychological quality, it would be difficult for him to change his expression even if he was photographed.

However, as a younger sister, Horikita Suzune was unaware of this. In her eyes, this excellent brother might have an irreversible stain because of her.

"No, please don't do that. It was me who was asking my brother for karate lessons."

"Hey? Karate?....Do you think I'm easy to fool? And how do you explain his attack on Ayanokouji?"

"But, it can be explained. Ayanokouji, he just"

Horikita Suzune, who was already worried, was unable to defend herself in the face of the irrefutable video. After all, Horikita Manabu did commit violence. Ayanokouji chose to continue watching without interrupting. He was also trying to look at this student, Touhou, who he had not noticed last time.

"You can't tell me. If you can't tell me, I will report you to the school tomorrow."

After taking a few deep breaths, Horikita Suzune regained her spirits and began to negotiate with Dongfang.

"That's enough. Since you have stepped forward, you want some personal points, right? We can discuss it."

Seeing that the sister in front of him not only recovered, but also thought of the purpose of the visitor, Horikita Manabu's eyes also flashed with a trace of appreciation and joy.

And this scene did not escape the eyes of Dongfang classmate, 'Tsk, so he is a sister complex?.....;’

"One million. I'll let him go."

"This is impossible. I don't have a million."

"Oh, you are begging me now. What else can we talk about without one million?"

Looking at Dongfang's exorbitant price, Horikita knew that he couldn't play dumb anymore, otherwise this stupid sister would be blackmailed into taking out a 'campus loan'.

"Dongfang, I can give you the one million. Let's stop here."

""Hehe, Senior Horikita really likes to joke. I'm only offering one million because your sister is helping your bad brother to beg for mercy. If it were you, you wouldn't pay less than five million."

Even Horikita Manabu couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw the other party acting like a rogue again.

"No, one million is one million. I just don't have that much. I'll transfer it to you every month in the future."

Horikita Suzune was also shocked by the so-called five million. After all, from the beginning of school to now, she couldn't even imagine how huge the number of five million was.

"Ah, she is such a good sister. President, you are such a cruel person."

"……"Horikita Manabu continues to act cool

"That's all, please delete that video."

"After thinking about it, I don't really want personal points anymore."


"Sure enough, why don't you drop out of school by yourself? Do you want to drop out by yourself, or do you want your brother to drop out?"

"You bastard!"


"Of course I am……"

Horikita Suzune looked unwilling, but as long as she could protect her brother, what did it matter if she dropped out of school?

"That's enough, Higashiga."

Horikita Gakuya saw his sister's decision and took the initiative to stop Higashiga.

"It's so boring."

""Ah? You?"

Horikita Suzune was bewildered. Looking at the situation, did her brother know this masked bastard?

"I just happened to pass by, but I saw this situation."

Finally realizing that the other party had been playing tricks on her from beginning to end, Horikita Suzune wanted to get angry, but she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her brother. Her face was also very unstable.

"I'm tired, you guys can chat slowly. Remember not to fight anymore. If someone really takes a picture of you, it will be terrible."

After saying that, he turned and left. Horikita Manabu glanced at his sister:

"I take back my words, Lingyin, you have indeed grown. But you see, he is a student in Class A this year. If you want to climb into Class A, you have to move this mountain first."

"Struggle with all your strength."

After that, Horikita Manabu didn't care what Horikita Suzune wanted to say, and followed the direction of Higashikata-san.

"My brother said that I have grown up."

Horikitsu Suzune heard her brother admit that she smiled like a flash in the pan, short and beautiful.

"My brother said, I have grown up"

"......Ah, that's what I said."

""Come to think of it, how come you are here?"

Horikita Suzune recovered. Thinking of the bastard who just threatened her, she would definitely defeat him next time.

Ayanokouji also slowly explained that his appearance was also just a coincidence.

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