Judging from the fact that he was able to clearly capture this video without attracting anyone's attention, this person is undoubtedly an expert.

Moreover, if he really wanted to backstab Hashimoto, it also shows that this person has a strong mind and unknown purpose or ambition.

Katsuragi closed his eyes and thought slightly......Suddenly, he thought of a person......If it was that person, maybe he could do this? After all, he was recognized by Hashimoto and was a strong enough person to fight against Sakayanagi and Dongfang.....

That's right, it's the nemesis that Hashimoto mentioned before! Although I don't know his name, there is no doubt that this person really exists.

And he is among those present.

The second-year students can be ruled out first. Those guys almost regard Hashimoto as their own father, or they fear him like a god.

Since that mysterious man is Sakayanagi's nemesis, it is impossible for him to behave like that, not to mention that he has now backstabbed Hashimoto.

Unless, �� is really a natural acting master. He can even control his own mind by force. If this is really the case, then he can't do anything.

Then the only ones left are the guys in Class C?

This is obviously unlikely......The combined IQ of Ishizaki and Albert is not even as high as Totsuka.....

Ishizaki and Albert combined don't seem like the type to use their brains to do things.....They all looked the same as usual, either invisible people who were ignored by everyone, or bad guys whose emotions were fully expressed on their faces.

After thinking about it, Katsuragi couldn't come to any conclusion......

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang. Seeing that the caller was Yingyi, Katsuragi wanted to answer the phone quickly, but then he thought of something and pretended to be in a depressed mood after just coming out of the activity room:

"Ah, Dongfang. What's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see how Katsuragi-san was doing. I heard that Hashimoto played a trick on you."

The voice on the other end of the line was not a familiar male voice, but a playful and cute girl's voice. From this extremely official sentence structure and the almost constant mocking tone, the identity of the other party was also obvious.

"Is it Sakayanagi?...It seems that you already know what happened. Yes, how could such a thing be hidden from you?"

"Unfortunately, I just found out about it. However, Katsuragi-san is really a good person. He would sacrifice himself in exchange for the survival of an ordinary person."

Arisu expressed his respect for Katsuragi from the bottom of his heart. Because she herself has also suffered this kind of dilemma. Didn't she also choose to exchange herself for the other person's safety?

Looking at Yingyi who was cooking in the kitchen, the little princess smiled lightly.

Katsuragi on the opposite side didn't seem to care what Arisu wanted to express. The latter was too sarcastic at times. You thought she was praising you, but in fact she might be scolding you.

You thought she was scolding you, but in fact she might be teasing you.

You thought she was teasing you, but in fact she might really be teasing you.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Oh, I understand that you are in a bad mood.....However, you are not in a desperate situation, are you?"!!!!

Katsuragi subconsciously wanted to look around and behind him to see if there were any spies of Arisu, but what caught his eye was the yellow partition board and he realized that he was in the toilet.

Arisu also guessed what Katsuragi was thinking at this time and laughed softly twice:"Haha, please don't mind it, and don't be shocked. I know this because I know that person........"

‘That person? It must be her old enemy, right? Sure enough, that mysterious person is her mysterious old enemy! But....My doubts are still there, but even if I ask the question now, the other party probably won't say anything.......’

"that person?"

"This is not important. What is important is what you are going to do in the future? This game is about to end. I will announce the results in the class meeting before the class vote tomorrow."

"Yeah....I know what to do"

"Good night."

Then, the two of them pressed the hang-up button almost at the same time.

Katsuragi walked out of the bathroom and came to the small road outside to take a few deep breaths, calming down.

Since the opportunity was in front of him...Anyway, even if he fails, he won't have anything to lose tomorrow.

The meaning of Arisu's phone call is very clear. Tell Katsuragi that the result of the game will be announced tomorrow, and by then, Senkawa's safety will at least be protected in the open. Even if Hashimoto is desperate, there is nothing he can do.

After being relieved, Katsuragi feels that his spirit has been sublimated to a certain extent. In just this short day, he has experienced hope, disappointment, despair, and then hope again.

Now he just wants to take a hot bath, relax his body, and have a good sleep. To be fully prepared for tomorrow's reversal.

Not far behind Katsuragi, a ruthless man was staring at his back.......

The next day.

The students in Class A sat in their seats excitedly, their eyes burning as they stared at the queen who was about to give orders.

Although they didn't understand why they had to gather in the classroom so early when there were still two hours before the exam, no one dared to say a single extra word or complain at this critical juncture, for fear of causing public outrage or the queen's dissatisfaction.

No one wanted to be expelled, but it was only when Arisu spoke that they could put down the stone in their hearts.

However, Arisu didn't seem to have any intention of speaking, which made the students impatient.


At this time, a girl raised her hand tremblingly:"Sakayanagi-san...Today is the day to vote on resignation....But we should....."

Who should I vote for? These words may seem simple, but it takes a lot of courage to say them at this time.

It can be said that the person who is designated by Arisu to be expelled probably won't have the courage to be angry with Arisu. He will only take all his anger out on the classmate who asked the question at this time and caused him to be designated.

Arisu also understood everyone's thoughts, and his few light words carried great power:"Please be patient. I haven't forgotten what day it is today. The reason I'm still waiting is because there are some important things to announce before the exam."

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