March 14th is White Valentine's Day.

White Valentine's Day is probably the day when boys return gifts for the gifts they received on Valentine's Day. Since Yingyi had received favors from many people before, he prepared gifts several days in advance......

"Go and send those things away quickly.....It might be a bit of a hindrance to stay in the room."

Arisu sat on the sofa and kicked her feet. It seemed that she was not satisfied with the cookies and puddings that were to be given away.

"Miss, this is just a favor.....Will it really get in the way?"

"I'm sorry, maybe my words have given you some bad misunderstanding. I don't think these gifts are in the way."

How much space can cookies take up no matter how many? What Arisu really thinks is in the way are those girls who give out favors of chocolate!

It's impossible to be jealous. Arisu has enough confidence in herself and is absolutely confident in Yingyi. She just feels a little depressed that her boyfriend has to spend some time to return gifts to those guys on such a romantic day as White Valentine's Day.

Yingyi also felt that the little princess was not very happy, but since she had accepted the favors of chocolate, she couldn't not return them, right? He walked gently to Arisu's side and kissed the little princess hard on the left cheek:"Okay, I'm just going out for a while, it's not like I won't be back. And after all, with the current situation of the two of us, Valentine's Day is just an ordinary day with a name."

The little princess seemed to be in a better mood, and she was no longer sarcastic:"That's what I said. But on such a beautiful day, even if we live like usual, we can't really treat it as an ordinary day. Form is also very important"

"OK, OK, let's discuss this format together after I come back.....I'm going out now!"

It's a waste of energy and useless to argue with Arisu about these things. So Yingyi quickly hid out. As for what will happen next, let the future self think about it.

"ah...Ichinose, good morning!"

"Ahaha, good morning, Dongfang-kun."

Yingyi sent messages to those girls in advance, but he also automatically skipped the girls who were unlikely to reply to him. For example: Horikita Suzune

"This is the return gift I prepared for White Valentine's Day...Remember you said before that Lou Brown's cookies are delicious, so this is yours"

"ah....You still remember. Actually, I just said it casually at that time, but thank you very much, Dongfangjun!"

Ichinose took the package handed over by Yingyi.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, please take care of me in the future, Ichinose!"

"Yes! President!"

After chatting for a few more words, the two waved and left.

The text messages were basically quickly replied by those girls, so Yingyi also completed a large part of the return gifts in the girls' dormitory.

Afterwards, he ran into the sneaky Ibuki at the door of Lubron. This scene is really a classic re-enactment.....

Yingyi tiptoed to Ibuki's back. With the sword master's superb skills, Ibuki couldn't sense the presence of anyone approaching.

"Disciplinary Committee Chairman....What are you doing?"

Ibuki was trying to find out what was going on around her. In fact, ever since she entered the cafe, she had fallen in love with that sacred and elegant place.....It would be fine if I was forced to go in, but it is still a bit embarrassing to take the initiative to enter such a place with little girls.,,,,

I was thinking about whether I should use my position as the head of the Discipline Committee to check if any students were doing anything inappropriate in the cafe, but suddenly a faint voice sounded beside me.


Even Ibuki was startled. He turned around and took a big step back. After calming down, he realized that it was the unscrupulous swordsman!

"Hey! I'm telling you! Even if you're the student council president, you can't openly carry out terrorist attacks on female classmates!"

"Who wants to attack you? Oh, come to think of it, it was the sneaky look of the Discipline Committee Chairman at the entrance of the cafe that made me a little suspicious."

For some reason, when Yingyi and Ibuki were chatting and joking together, there was no generation gap between the opposite sexes. Although this is very rude,....

"Who's sneaking around?!"

"I said, you were like this when you were on the cruise ship. Have you never been to the cafe since then? Is it necessary to care about those things? If you want to go in, just go."


Ibuki's loud voice attracted a lot of attention. Fortunately, she reacted in time and stopped talking.

Seeing that nothing happened, everyone immersed themselves in their own affairs again. Ibuki said in a lowered tone:"How can it be so simple? If I could just go in casually, I wouldn't be caught by you, a bad swordsman, to be a coolie!"

Yingyi scratched his face awkwardly. His previous behavior was indeed a bit like trafficking. Moreover, the work of the discipline committee member is generally a very heavy and thankless job.

But even so, Ibuki still performs the duties of the discipline committee member well with her fair and strict character and powerful fighting skills.

Ibuki couldn't stop at all as if she had eaten gunpowder:"What's the use of promoting me to the head of the discipline committee? Look at what kind of people my discipline committee members are! They are either timid, or bullies at home, or lazy people who don't work hard. All the work is done by me alone!"

"And, because of you, you bastard! You insisted that violence was allowed! Do you know how I spent the past few days?! Do you know how much more work I have to do!!! You are just being affectionate with your girlfriend like nothing happened!"

"I just wanted to have a cup of coffee in my free time, but I ended up meeting you, a bad swordsman! The most important thing is that as a senior in martial arts and a master of the realm of reason, you actually played a prank on a student like me!"

Ibuki was firing on all cylinders, and even Yingyi had to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Because what Ibuki said was indeed the truth that he could not refute or deny, and her work was indeed a bit hard....."I already told you, it's not a prank!!"

Looking at Ibuki's face that said I don't believe you, Yingyi sighed helplessly:"How about this?...I'll buy you coffee, just for what I just said....Let's apologize for the prank."

Drink coffee? Haha, do you think I will forgive you if you drink a cup of coffee? Dream on!

"I want two drinks"

Yingyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded with amusement and helplessness:"Okay, then I'll treat you to two drinks, please, Discipline Committee Chairman."

Only then did Ibuki push open the door of Lubrown with satisfaction, and Yingyi followed closely behind.

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