Manabu Horikita knew that the call was from Yingyi from the way Akane Tachibana addressed the person on the other end of the phone. Although the surname Higashikata is a common surname, Yingyi should be the only one who has achieved high level of development in Akane Tachibana's social circle.

But, now it sounds like that guy seemed to be watching everything that happened here? However, he was able to muster the courage to accept Akane Tachibana thanks to that guy's support, so let's not worry about his peeping this time.

But before his mental activity was over, it was immediately reversed because of Akane Tachibana's words.

"You are such a jerk! You are the student council president and you actually peeked at other students! You are simply the worst student council president I have ever seen!!!"

Ju Qian was a little angry. Since he saw everything, it was very likely that she blushed and her hesitant speech after being confessed to was also seen by him.

"You sound like you've met a few student council presidents.....Besides, apart from that guy, you probably wouldn't take any other student council president seriously, right?"

"You are still so confident! And what does the 'devil glasses' mean!!!"

Horikita Manabu's eyes twitched violently. He never thought that his wise and brave image would look like this in the East?!

Yingyi seemed to have not given up teasing Horikita Manabu:"The 'devil glasses' means exactly what it says. It's really devilish that he can think of such a way to tease people. If it were any other girl, she would have run away in tears......"

Eh? Is that so?!

Not only Akane Tachibana was shocked, but also Horikita Manabu.

The former had never thought that he might do such a thing, but if you think about it carefully, if a girl's confession is rejected, she will probably find a quiet place to cry and make a scene, right?

The latter did not realize that there might be such a consequence. In his opinion, this reversal would make his feelings look more sincere, and macarons are indeed a kind of cookie.....

"You are not allowed to say bad things about Horikita-san! After all, we are your seniors, and as a junior, you should remember to have the minimum respect for us!"

"Who made you look like a senior at all? And that ghost....That senior Horikita is obviously a sister-con and tsundere, but he has to pretend to be a cool and handsome man, making people really think that he is an emotionless cold-blooded killer."

‘Sister complex? Am I a sister complex? I just have the most basic concern for Suzune as a brother would for his sister. And this concern is hidden so well that even Suzune herself doesn't notice it. '

Horikita Manabu thought secretly.

In fact, this is also his biggest problem. Everyone can see his feelings for his sister, except his sister.

Although Tachibana Akane felt very angry, she actually felt a little bit of recognition in her heart. Thinking of this, she quickly threw those sinful thoughts out of her mind:

"I'm telling you! Enough is enough!!!"

""Okay, okay, I just wanted to give you the gift in return. Now that you know, go back to your outdoor shoe cabinet in the teaching building and get it yourself."

Yingyi said and wanted to hang up the phone......


"Hey? Anything else?"

"You dare to just say....Waste everyone's time....What does it mean?"

As Tachibana Akane's voice was very loud when she said this, and she was originally speaking to the students hiding in the dark, Fujimaki and the others felt that something was wrong and had already tensed their muscles. As long as Tachibana Akane made any movement, they would definitely run away immediately!

"Ah, that's the literal meaning. I wish you and Horikita-senpai a happy Valentine's Day.~"

"What a pleasant.....You're quite knowledgeable, aren't you?...No, what nonsense are you talking about!!! Hello? Hello? Dongfang Yingyi!!!"

The busy tone from the other end of the phone indicated that the call was hung up. Tachibana Akane was just roaring at the air.

After about half a minute, Tachibana Akane had almost vented her negative emotions, and then she remembered that Horikita Manabu was waiting for her reply on the other side.

Doesn't that mean? My appearance as a shrew is completely!!! Damn Dongfang Yingyi! Damn big devil! You ruined my good thing again!


Unexpectedly, a gentle smile appeared on Horikita Manabu's face. He slowly walked forward and placed his sinful big hand on Tachibana Akane's head......So the act of patting the head really has obscene connotations, right?)

Feeling the warmth on her head and the breath of her beloved close at hand, Tachibana Akane finally turned into a human being.’

"Ju, there is no need to be so stressed. It is normal for you to feel so suddenly, so I will not force you to give me an answer right now. We can take it slowly, okay?"

Ju Qian, who had lost the ability to think, nodded dully.....Then, she didn't even know how she got back to the dormitory. She buried herself in the quilt, put her palm on her head and repeatedly felt the place where Horikita Manabu had touched. Although she was very nervous, this feeling.....It's really great......

The girl fell asleep sweetly in a happy dream.....

When I woke up, I found a good morning message from Horikita Manabu on my phone, apologizing for my impulsive and rude behavior yesterday, and I smiled sweetly.....That's not a dream......

I just seem to have forgotten something? Never mind, since I forgot it, it means it's not important. I should think about whether I should go with Horikita later.....Or would it be better to make some snacks by myself?

Cookies forgotten in the shoe cabinet: What about me?

That’s a story for later. After hanging up the call with Akane Tachibana, Yingyi quietly waited for the last target on the bench in the park to complete his return.

Slowly, an hour passed.

Ying yawned in boredom, wondering whether he should call her again or something, and the other party finally came late.

"right...sorry....I.....I.....I accidentally overslept."

Looking at the girl's delicate makeup and soft honey-colored long hair, as well as the short skirt and shirt that perfectly highlight her cute temperament, Yingyi knew that this was a lie.

Karuizawa didn't oversleep, but she had been dressing up during this time.

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