Although I started to warm up last month, when the summer vacation in August came, I couldn't calm down no matter what.

"Yo hoo!"

"Cruise trip, start!"

A luxury cruise ship is sailing on the boundless ocean. For first-year students, this is a rare opportunity. After all, all food, clothing and daily expenses on this cruise ship are free.

And this is the first time that the school has gathered first-year students to hold a large-scale off-campus activity.

Enjoying the vacation to the fullest is the happiness of students.

The facilities on this cruise ship are very complete. KTV, coffee shop, buffet restaurant, cinema, gym, specialty restaurant, game room, swimming pool, bar and so on are all available.

However, since students cannot drink alcohol, the bar is only open to teachers and staff on the ship.

Dongfang also leisurely enjoyed the hard-earned pleasant time. Although the school organized a trip is fake and the special exam is real. But at least these entertainment facilities are provided.

It is said that if you come, you should make the best of it.

Jingxin brewed a cup of green tea for himself, and Dongfang calmed down and began to meditate.

‘It's been a long time since I felt this kind of inner peace. '

Although we are all from Sakurajima, many of my classmates have never seen the sea. Even if they have been to the seaside, riding a cruise ship is a completely different experience.

Therefore, most of the students went to the deck to enjoy the scenery, and the tea ceremony room seemed a little deserted.

"Hey? Isn't this Dongfang?"

"You are... Hashimoto-san."

The visitor had golden hair tied into a small braid at the back of her head. She wore a pair of round-framed glasses, which made her look very mellow.

"Well. I'm glad you still remember me."

Of course, Higashi-kun knew this guy in front of him. He was one of the core members of the Sakayanagi faction, and he always called Arisu"Princess" in an exaggerated tone.

But Higashi-kun always felt that this guy was a profit-seeking person. That is, he would not be loyal to anyone, although it was not difficult to control him with Arisu's means.

"Ah, you are interested in tea too?"

"Drinking tea sounds good. But I am still a coffee lover."

"Eh? Shouldn't it be the Sakayanagi faction?"

"……Ah, that's right. I do work for Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Not sure what this guy wants to do, Dongfang continued to joke. In fact, deep down, he didn't dislike this capable person.

"So, what do you, a member of the Sakayanagi faction, want to see me for?"

"Although I don't know what your relationship with the princess is, I was ordered to fully cooperate with you this time."

It turned out that Arisu arranged this Hashimoto as Higashikata's assistant to pull Katsuragi off the throne and prevent other classes from taking over.

"I understand. I will let you know if necessary."

"Okay, bye then, Dongfangjun"


After drinking the green tea he brewed himself, it was already dusk. Dongfang, who wanted to go out for some fresh air, came to the deck and felt refreshed after feeling the sea breeze.

"Over there are the three idiots from Class D, and Ayanokouji."

It seems that Ayanokouji really hides in the crowd wherever he goes. I wonder if he will take this exam a little more seriously.

Thinking of this, Higashiyama-san found that Katsuragi was walking towards Class D with his loyal dog, Totsuka Yahiko.

"Ah, this is really……"

"Stop making so much noise, you defective products!"

"Huh? You again?"

"So what? This is our Class A's territory, leave now!"

"Why? Where is the name of your class A on this ship?"

Seeing that the two sides were about to have a further conflict, Katsuragi was the first to call out to Totsuka Yahiko.

"Enough, Yahiko. Although what Yahiko said was very rude, I told you last time that you can be careful not to cause trouble to others in public.

Katsuragi stared at the stupid trio.

"Um, please don't quarrel, after all, we are all classmates. Quarreling is not good."

Ichinose also saw this scene and hurried over to persuade them to stop fighting. There was also a boy with long purple hair beside him, who seemed to be Ichinose's deputy mentioned in the intelligence - Kanzaki Ryuji

"Excuse me, what happened?"

As more and more people gathered, Hirata Yosuke, Kushida Kikyo, and Horikita Suzune from Class D also came to the scene. Apparently, the students from Class D present informed their class leader.

"It's nothing, I just hope you can pay attention to your identity as a student in public."

Before Katsuragi finished speaking, another sneer came from the distance

"Stop kidding, Katsuragi, are you such a naive guy?"

The newcomer has an aura of his own, a ruffian look, and with the bad boys and girls following behind him. Obviously, the leader of Class C, Ryuen, has also come to join in the fun.

"Hey, why are the representatives from the four classes suddenly gathered together?"

"Are we going to have a group fight?"

"You are so stupid, this is obviously similar to the negotiations between the princes."

The students of each class also stood behind their own class leaders.

The serious Katsuragi, the gentle Ichinose, the fierce Ryuen, the cold Horikita and the sunny Hirata Kushida

"Tsk, that's not right. There should be one person missing who should be here."

Long Yuan looked at the people gathered in a circle and curled his lips.

"If you mean Sakayanagi-san, she didn't get on board due to health reasons."

"Of course I know Sakayanagi isn't here. I'm talking about the other one... Hey! The one wearing the mask, why don't you come out?"

Ryuen was originally looking for Touhou-san, planning to use this exam to take revenge for the last time he was ambushed.

Since he couldn't find him, he might as well call him out. Anyway, there are so many people here, there's no reason for that guy not to be here.

"The masked one... you mean the East?"

"Indeed, that guy is the only one who wears a mask"


The representatives of the other three classes also confirmed his goal through Long Yuan's call.

"Logically speaking, I have no position to stand out when you class leaders gather together.

Dongfang responded to Long Yuan and explained calmly from the back of the crowd.

"Tsk. Finally came out? Wearing a mask"

"Ah - as long as you are happy"

"Tsk, Katsuragi, you probably don't know this yet. This guy is much more sinister than he looks, even more despicable."

"That's enough, Ryuen."

Katsuragi naturally couldn't allow Ryuen to wantonly slander the first friend he made when he came to this school.

"Oh, you better keep an eye on him. Otherwise, not only you, but even Sakayanagi will be bitten by him."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Katsuragi naturally knew that Higashi-san was a very capable person. He showed his outstanding judgment and thinking ability on the first day.

In his usual classes, whether it was cultural or physical education, he could easily get full marks.

The most important thing is that this classmate is friendly. Even if he is an old acquaintance of Sakayanagi, he did not join the Sakayanagi faction for this reason.

It must be to avoid making himself sad. How can someone like Higashi-san let you, Ryuuen, throw dirty water on him?

"Speaking of which, the one wearing the mask, you should know what we are here for this time, right?"



Seeing the two of them playing dumb, the rest of the crowd looked confused.:

"Hey? Aren't we on vacation?"

"Um, Dongfang-kun, Ryuuen-kun, do you know anything?"

"Is there something hidden, Dongfang?"

Long Yuan laughed wildly.

"So, you naive kids, you don't have the qualifications to climb into Class A."

Hōgao seriously suspected that Ryūen had a second-year syndrome. When faced with questions from other people on the field, he still gave a very standard official answer.

"Sorry, the student union got the news. I just can't tell you. What I can say is that this trip is more than just a trip."

"Hey? What's going on at school?"

"Didn't we agree to travel? What are you doing now?"

"Well, please don't quarrel."


The wind and waves on the deck were very loud, and the first-year students were talking to each other, which made it even noisier.

"The masked man, I guess it must be related to that island. Right?"

Long Yuan pointed to a small island not far away.



As the cruise ship continued to sail towards the island until it stopped at the shore, the first-year students who had been talking about it finally shut up and looked at the uninhabited island.

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