As for Roadblock's suspicion that Yingyi was deliberately preserving his strength to defeat Ayanokouji last time? He really didn't have such an idea. Even though his successful work brought him countless surprises, his understanding of Dongfang Shouxin over the years also gave him a high level of understanding of the so-called Eight Leaves and Sword Saint.

At the very least, this is definitely not something that can be defeated by the medicine he has currently developed, or the things that Ayanokouji has learned.

Being able to deflect bullets with an iron sword without any damage to himself, and being able to move several meters or even dozens of meters in an instant, if he hadn't seen this kind of person with his own eyes, he would definitely think he was dreaming.

Roadblock just sat there silently, but he also knew that no matter whether Ayanokouji was hiding his strength or not, the current situation was that there was no way to take him away.

So is it really the only way to let those two people come to assist Yuecheng, this waste?!

Damn it.........

Road Bully's eyes suddenly stopped at Yingyi's face, and he laughed sinisterly a few times:"Haha, Dongfang kid. I remember that you once reached an agreement with Yuecheng that you would not interfere with his affairs and actions regarding Qinglong's withdrawal from school."

Ying nodded:"Although it is very interesting for me to destroy your plan. But I am a person who keeps my promises. As long as you don't cause any unnecessary harm to innocent people or my people in those so-called plans, what happens to Ayanokouji has nothing to do with me."

"your people?"

"It would be best if you go back and tell the assassins who will be sent out. Otherwise, they will get into trouble with me and ruin your plans......That's not my fault."

Roadmaster's eyes twitched fiercely. On the one hand, he had been a leader for many years, but today he was being insulted by this young boy, and he had no way to deal with him.

On the other hand, he was lucky that the two people he was going to send were the first and second place graduates of the fifth term of the White Room.

The second place was better. Although he was also a willful child, he could still keep his sanity.

But the first place.....Roadhog was furious when he thought of this. As the number one and a half-successful work, he possessed the arrogance that the real successful work did not have.

Compared with Ayanokouji, or the number one, he was more like the son of Ayanokouji Atsuomi. The same unruly, the same arrogant, the same mania and violence.

But this was also his biggest shortcoming. His blind arrogance and mania made him like a madman who escaped from a mental hospital. He, Ayanokouji Atsuomi, could do this because he had enough confidence. But facing those hedgehogs that could not be easily controlled, he had to be timid.

But he was different......If I really mess with this little brat from the Dongfang family, I'm afraid it will be a difficult situation......

"As long as your people and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka have no necessary contact, otherwise I am too lazy to do things that waste time.

Although it is a promise from myself, it sounds more like a so-called warning when it comes from Roadhog.

"The rest is up to you, Yuecheng. I don't care what method you use, but you must act quickly! Otherwise, I will have to send you to fill up the Sea of Japan."

"Yes! Lord Ayanokouji, please rest assured that I will do my best to complete the task!"

Lu Ba took the man in the suit and left the chairman's office. Only Ying Yi, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and Yue Cheng, who didn't dare to sit down, were left.


"Hahaha, what are you talking about? I am just here as a proxy for a few days because of work. I have said this before. So, you don't have to treat me as a so-called school staff. If you think highly of me, just tell me what to do......If I can offer my little bit of help, I will do it even if I die!"

Yuecheng is indeed the most loyal lackey of Roadhog. He can easily say these flattering words. These nice words are also deeply loved by Roadhog. Even if he pretends not to need these hypocritical praises on the surface, it can't change his heart that is still full of vanity.

"Forget about giving you orders. That's about all the tasks Roadhog has assigned to you. Who are my people?....I don't think it needs a separate explanation, right?"

"No, of course not. I know very well that your friends are in every class, but they don't seem to have any connection with Ayanokouji, so just leave this matter to me. For the sake of our cooperation, I will definitely pay attention to warn them."

Tsukishiro knew a little about the people that Yingyi called him, but it was basically impossible to say that he knew every one of them.

However, if you think about it from another perspective, he only needs to care about whether the people who are close to Ayanokouji have Yingyi's friends.

After so long of observing and investigating Ayanokouji, he didn't find anyone sandwiched between them. The only one, Kikyo Kushida, was just a spy on Yingyi's side, so this mission was at least half successful.

And.....Tsukishiro also found a bug in the agreement between the two. That is, if Yingyi found out that someone in the White Room had harmed an innocent person while carrying out a mission, he would be punished to an uncertain degree.

But what if the other party was not from the White Room? If you want to force someone like Ayanokouji to drop out of school, who is scheming and knows how to plan and raise a big banner to get protection, you must be prepared to hurt innocent people.

But this cannot be done by the assassin in the White Room.....As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. As long as a large amount of bounty is issued to the new students,....There should always be some fish that take the bait.

Yue Cheng's seemingly impeccable attitude also made Ying nod his head. Regardless of what he was planning to do, at least he looked harmless.

"That's all, Chairman Yuecheng, I have to go back to watch Class A's game, so I'll take my leave now."

"Please take care, Dongfang-kun."

Yuecheng trotted all the way to open the door of the room for Yingyi, bowing and nodding like a brainwashed slave.

It was not until Yingyi left that the entire chairman's office regained its tranquility.

Yuecheng came under the huge portrait of Chairman Sakayanagi and looked at the face in the painting:

"You are really an amazing person. You are able to find a towering tree to serve as a shelter in such a complex and dangerous environment......But I don’t have your luck and courage."

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