When Katsuragi carried Totsuka Yahiko on his back to the beach where the class teacher was, it was almost dark.

"Eh? Mr. Mashima, aren't those Katsuragi and Totsuka from your class?"

"Come on, teacher, save Yahiko!"

"Hurry and put him on the bed next to you."

When the four class teachers saw the other person's deformed right leg


"Who did this? This kind of violence must be dealt with seriously!"

Mashima Tomoya saw that his students were so seriously injured, and he could no longer remain calm.

Katsuragi couldn't speak. It wasn't that he was protecting Higashikata-san. First, he had no evidence. Second, even if he said it, it was Yahiko who was wrong first, although the other party did hit him a little harder. Third, Class A couldn't bear the cost of losing two companions at the same time.

"I... I don't know. We were originally going to pick corn, and when I found Yahiko, he was already like this."

Katsuragi answered with half-truths.

"No, his injury can't be cured on the ship. And there is no such medical facilities on campus. I can only look for a professional orthopedic hospital in Tokyo, maybe there is a way to save his leg.……"

Hoshinomiya's words basically sentenced Totsuka Yahiko to death. After all, no matter what, Totsuka Yahiko had to drop out of school.

Katsuragi was even more distressed. On the one hand, he was angry at what his best friend had done, on the other hand, he felt sorry for Totsuka Yahiko, and on the other hand, he felt guilty for his poor discipline.

"……Contact the school and send Totsuka back home. Contact his family and seek medical attention immediately. Reason... Let's just say it was an accident."

"An accident? But will his family accept it?"

"Until the matter is settled, there is nothing we can do. However, the school may consider giving some compensation to Totsuka-san."


The four class teachers and Katsuragi were silent.

"Katsuragi, leave Totsuka to us. You go back and take the exam first. The special exam will continue anyway."

"I... I know."

Katsuragi walked away listlessly.

He kept thinking on the way: Am I really suitable to be a leader? If it weren't for my poor discipline, Yahiko wouldn't be so outspoken all day long. If he didn't insult Sakayanagi, would Higashikata be so angry?

Perhaps, I shouldn't have competed for the leader position from the beginning, and I wouldn't have let Yahiko become so arrogant.

But, Higashikata... are you really that cruel? Sakayanagi is your friend, but am I not?

Obviously, everything can be explained properly, and I was going to let Yahiko go back and apologize to Sakayanagi. But it's too late, everything is too late.

Yahiko, who followed me around like a younger brother all day, not only had to drop out of school, but he might never be able to stand up again.

But all this, all this, is... it's all my fault!

When Katsuragi returned to the A-class camp, he found Higashikata sitting outside the cave.

He glanced at him, and he also looked over.

"Yahiko dropped out of school"


"He may never stand up again."



Katsuragi exhaled deeply and stared at Higashikata-san's face.

"If Yahiko hadn't insulted Sakayanagi-san, would you have been so harsh with your classmate?"

"You know what? Katsuragi. I don't mind if he insults anyone except Alice."

"Alice? So you two are so close? No wonder.

Katsuragi smiled bitterly.

"I remember you said you had a younger sister. If Totsuka's target of verbal abuse today was her, what would you do?"

"……I'll probably get mad."

"That's it."

"……I understand."

Then, Katsuragi figured something out, glanced in the direction of Totsuka, threw the blank key card in his hand next to Higashikata, and walked into the cave.

"Is eavesdropping fun?"

Dongfang threw the stone in his hand into the bushes on the side.

"Well...it's just a coincidence"

"So, the goal is achieved. Next, you just need to use the key card to swipe once by mistake and tell the hiding Longyuan the identity of the leader."

"Hmm...should the mission continue? To be honest, I feel like it's hard for Katsuragi to cheer up."

"My mission is to make Katsuragi get the lowest score. Your mission is to cooperate with me."

"……Ah, I see. You really have a heart of stone."

"……He is not easily defeated. The loss of Totsuka may be a blow, but he will stand up tomorrow."

"You trust him quite a bit... Sir Knight"

"Ah... after all, he is my best friend."

"Oh, best friend.……"

Hashimoto didn't believe that this close friend was worth anything. If compared with Her Royal Highness the Princess, he was nothing.

But this knight did have a very close relationship with the Princess, no wonder Her Royal Highness the Princess trusted him so much.

Come to think of it, he really underestimated the other party's cruelty. He actually disabled a living person in an instant, and forced the other party to drop out of school and seek medical treatment.

Hashimoto held the damaged key card, and his loyalty to the Sakayanagi faction increased a little.

The next day

"I'm sorry, everyone. Because of an accident, Yahiko had to drop out of school to seek medical treatment. Now the key card is in the care of Kito-san."

During breakfast, Katsuragi explained to the whole class about Totsuka Yahiko and the transfer of the key card to Kito.

The transfer of the key card was also kept strictly confidential. Katsuragi also thought that changing the leader might make Class A safer. Yahiko

, we will inherit your remaining will and win!

But the others in Class A were not so calm. In particular, the Katsuragi faction exclaimed the loudest:

"Drop out...drop out of school?"

"You must be kidding! Was Totsuka-san's injury really an accident?"

"Then he���are you back?"

"Everyone, be quiet! I am also very sad about what happened to Yahiko, but we can't let him down, and we have to work hard to win the exam!"

Faced with Katsuragi's encouragement, the Katsuragi faction cheered up a little, but when they thought about how they had dinner and chatted together yesterday, they dropped out today. The

Sakayanagi faction didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, Totsuka Yahiko was usually annoying and would always find fault every now and then. Yesterday, he not only insulted Sakayanagi, but also insulted them.

Therefore, dropping out of school was entirely their own fault.

The neutral faction in Class A didn't say anything. After all, it was common knowledge that Arisu had physical problems, and it was wrong to deliberately make fun of such things.

However, that classmate Higashikata was active again. Although the other party did not admit it, the words in the cornfield revealed that it was him who did it.

Thinking of the other party's methods, some people expressed fear, while others became supporters of Higashikata. They called themselves the Higashikata faction in private.

It was just that the leaders of this Higashikata faction did not know the existence of this organization, so they had never come to the fore.

Katsuragi continued to direct the work of Class A as if he had forgotten what happened yesterday.

And the special exam has also come to the last day.

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