As expected of Ichinose, she took control of the entire meeting.

"Then, can everyone please introduce themselves? This is also what the teacher asked.

Dongfang also spoke softly.:

"Ah, then let me introduce myself first. But before that, I want to tell you that Class A's strategy this time is to refuse to participate in the discussion."

""Huh? What did you say? Why are we taking the exam if you guys in Class A don't discuss it?"

The speaker was Yukimura from Class D. Higashi-san had no impression of this person.

So Higashi-san didn't explain anything. And how could the other two students in Class A from the Higashi-san faction look at each other and loudly question their leader?

"Hey, guys from Class D, you guys are too arrogant! Do we need your approval for what we do?"

"That's right, what Higashi-san said is what we want to say! If you have any objections, go and complain to the school!"

The two people in Class A opened fire. Not only Yukimura, but even Higashi-san didn't expect that these two neutral people who usually seldom spoke would suddenly rebel so strongly.���


""Okay, quarreling is wrong. I just told you the tactics of our class. As for what to do next, it's up to you."

After hearing Dongfang's advice, the two students in Class A stopped talking and just looked at Yukimura angrily.

""What Higashi-san said is not wrong. This is your class's freedom. But can I doubt that the one who is being treated preferentially is in Class A?"

Ichinose also raised his own question to Higashi-san.

"I've said before, you are free to interpret it in any way you want. Didn't we say we should introduce ourselves? Who should start?"

"Well, let's start from the order of ABCD, shall we?"

Everyone in the Rabbit Group had no objection, so Dongfang looked around and decided to introduce himself first.

"My name is Dongfang Yingyi, from Class A, Grade 1. Many of you should know me. So I won't say anything more."

"……What a brief self-introduction.……"

Soon, everyone in the Rabbit Group finished introducing themselves, and the three students from Higashikata closed their eyes and said nothing more.

Although Ichinose had a headache, he still decided to launch an offensive.:

"What do you think is the best outcome of this exam?"

"Of course it’s result one!"


Yukimura seemed to care about the outcome of the exam, so he actively participated in the discussion.

Karuizawa and Manabe from Class C also agreed.

Afterwards, all the students, including Class B, Class C, and Class D, decided to team up and participate in the cooperation to achieve Result 1.

Ichinose also tried to use this method to force the real preferential treatment to lie, and to confirm whether everyone was participating in the exam with a positive attitude.

However, with Class A's attitude of refusing to cooperate, no matter how much Ichinose mobilized, it would be in vain.

Even if Ichinose was inducing the questioning, hoping to find the real preferential treatment at this stage

"No matter how hard you try, Ichinose, it's useless. It's better to just achieve Result 2 so that everyone can save time."

At this time, Dongfang suddenly spoke up.

"There are only four possible outcomes for this exam. I think you all still remember it clearly. So I would like to ask everyone to think about it. What outcome do you think you would most like to avoid in this exam?"

"Uh... did someone in the group discover the identity of the favored person and betray everyone?"

Karuizawa was the first to answer this question.

"Therefore, as long as the identity of the preferential treatment is exposed, there will definitely be a traitor. Result 1 is only an ideal state after all, and it is impossible in my opinion."

"Is this Katsuragi-san's tactic?"

Ichinose also sensed Katsuragi's shadow from this steady style.


"So, is that what Higashi-kun thinks? Higashi-kun, do you think this is okay?"

Ichinose asked a seemingly redundant question, but Higashi-kun understood that the other party was asking whether he agreed with Katsuragi's defensive tactics.

"My opinion is not important now. After all, Katsuragi-san is the leader now, I am just completing the task."

"I see"

"Hey? What are you talking about?"

Karuizawa, Yukimura and others obviously don't understand the riddle the two are talking about.

"You can test each other as much as you want. But in the end, if I am the one who favors you, I will never tell you because I will not trust you."


Ayanokouji was also thinking about something, but because of the lack of information, no one had a good idea.

Ichinose also rubbed his forehead, and the whole room was silent.

Because as Dongfang said, the result was too ideal. After all, no one could guarantee that there would be no traitors who answered in advance.

"Well, let's play cards, right? It's boring to sit there anyway.……"

Ichinose took out a deck of cards and decided to change his strategy.

In response to Ichinose's invitation, students from Class B and several Class D also joined in. It would be better to play something instead of sitting there in a daze.

Karuizawa had been playing with his phone since he entered the room. Seeing this, Manabe from Class C also walked over with the girls except Ibuki.

"Hey, you must be Karuizawa!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I'm Manabe from Class C. Earlier at school, did you bump into Rika from our class and why don't you apologize?"

"Huh? Who is Rika? Stop bothering me."

Karuizawa looked very impatient.

"Lihua is a girl who wears glasses and looks very weak. She told us in person that she was knocked away by you while queuing in the cafeteria."

"I don't know her at all"

"You! Come with us to see Lihua. If you hit her, go and apologize to her!"

"I've already said, I don't know her!"

Manabe saw that he couldn't communicate, so he reached out to pull Karuizawa's hair, and Karuizawa also showed weakness that didn't match her appearance.

"What are you doing? It hurts."

"Go and apologize to her, otherwise we won't forgive you!"

"You didn't intend to forgive me.……"

"This guy is really annoying, Manabe!"

As they said this, several girls were about to take photos of Karuizawa with their cell phones.

"Take your photo and let us ask Lihua if it is you."

"Don't take pictures of me!"

Karuizawa said as he slapped Manabe's phone away.

"What are you doing? What if it breaks?"

"Who told you to take pictures of me?……"

Karuizawa's words should have been arrogant, but at this moment they sounded weak.

Dongfang glanced at Ibuki, and Ibuki saw the other's look and remembered that he was appointed as a discipline committee member.

He stood up and walked over to separate the few people.

"Ibuki, what are you doing?"

"We didn't offend you.……"

The girls in Class C were very afraid of Ibuki, who was agile and had a hot temper, because they really couldn't beat him. And in Ryuen's eyes, Ibuki was much more useful than them.

"What are you going to do? As a member of the Discipline Committee, I will stop your behavior. If there is any conflict, go to the Student Union to deal with it at the beginning of the school term!"

"Discipline...discipline member?"

Everyone didn't expect Ibuki to be the discipline member of the student union. So they were all surprised.

"Yes, Discipline Committee Member! They are the ones who want to bully me, teach them a lesson!"

At this time, Karuizawa perfectly demonstrated the power of the tiger, standing behind Ibuki and pointing fingers at Manabe and the other two.


Ibuki looked at Karuizawa and thought of how he had stolen her underwear to frame a boy from Class D. Although the boy was unaware of it, the Karuizawa she had met during her time on the uninhabited island was not as timid as she is now.

"Ibuki... If you were the discipline committee member, you would enforce justice, right? She bullied the girls in our class, and you helped her?"

"Then she should have reported it herself, what does it have to do with you?"


It seemed that they felt that they couldn't do anything to Karuizawa now, so Manabe and the other two sat back angrily.

Karuizawa also returned to his initial arrogant look and turned his head to the side.

Ibuki was not affected by Karuizawa's attitude. After watching the incident being resolved, he also sat back in his seat.

"Hahaha, it was a close call just now, all thanks to Ibuki-san."

Ichinose saw that the conflict had stopped escalating and thanked Ibuki.

The incident came to an end, and the discussion had no results. As the bell rang, the meeting time was over.

However, Karuizawa's strange behavior just now was seen by the two people.

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