"Please ask the male horse-riding athletes to enter the arena immediately. The competition will start in five minutes!"

As early as a month ago, Class A of the first year had conducted special training for horse-riding battles and also confirmed the four participants.

"Horse riding? Has anyone of you played it before?"Hitōga asked Katsuragi, Hashimoto, and Kito.

"I used to be a horse rider."

"Me too."

Hashimoto also nodded, indicating that he had never been a rider before.

The so-called horseback fighting is also known as horseback fighting. Three students gather together to form a horse, and another student rides on the three people to form a team.

The winner of the game depends on which knight of the two teams takes off the red headscarf on the other knight's head first.

"Hmm... I've never ridden a horse before. Although I have ridden a horse before, it's still a different experience.……"

"In that case, let the Knight-sama serve as the Knight~ We have no objection."

Katsuragi and Kito also agreed

"But knights need to help horses save energy as much as possible, and they need to be flexible. Horses need strong bodies and sufficient physical strength."

Hashimoto also figured it out. If Dongfang is a knight, there is no problem. But this also means giving up the opponent's strong physical strength.

"But there is no better choice... Considering that I am indeed the weakest among the few people, but if I were to be a knight, to be honest, I am a little bit unconfident."

After repeated consideration, it was decided that Hashimoto would be the rider.

"So, what about our tactics?"

"Tactics? If I were the horse, I wouldn't need any tactics. I'd just knock them down."

"Huh? You can do that?"

"Ah... But having said that, it's not like no one can stop me. If you fail, you'll have to rely on your hand speed.……"

"Hand speed……"

The game begins, both sides enter the field

"We are facing each other again. But in the end, the battle on horseback is about the agility of the rider and the toughness of the horse. Even if I am not as strong as you, I am not a pushover."

"Senior Matsui...it's good to be confident, but how do you know you can stop us?"

"Hahahaha, I don't believe you can knock the four of us off by yourself."

Dongfang's physique is extremely strong. If he hits at high speed, it can indeed produce a strong impact.

But this is a horse-riding battle after all. Not only do you need to consider whether the rider above will be disconnected, but you also need to consider whether the other two horses can keep up. Otherwise, it is very easy for you to be disconnected first.

"It's unlikely to knock four people away. But... I don't need to do that.……"

After a few more trash-talks, the race officially began.

Higashikata was undoubtedly in the center, and above him was rider Hashimoto. On the left and right were Katsuragi and Kito, who also shared some of the weight pressure from Hashimoto.

"Come as planned……"

Immediately, Dongfang took the lead in launching an attack, and directly crashed into it at an average moving speed.

Matsui did not dare to be careless. Considering that his physical toughness could not match that of his opponent, he simply gathered the formation, intending to use the determination of four people gathered together to counter the opponent's impact.

Otherwise, if he also ran to meet him, the end result would be that he might be knocked down and dizzy, and the swaying would make the rider unable to sit steadily.

At this time, Dongfang also changed his strategy. This strategy was used before to deal with the opponent's counterattack, or to deal with Ayanokouji, where the two might be evenly matched in a collision.

(It should be pointed out here that this does not mean that Dongfang is not as strong as Ayanokouji, but that the two collided at an average speed, and their physical fitness themselves may be comparable.)

Therefore, Dongfang and his team executed——‘According to the rules of horse fighting, as long as the rider and the horse are not completely disconnected, they will not be judged as losing, so Dongfang-san separated himself from the other three and continued to charge.

Katsuragi and Kito suddenly felt a little uncomfortable without Dongfang-san to share the pressure.

The sequelae of this discomfort also gradually weakened in the previous training, so soon, the three of them followed behind Dongfang-san and launched an attack

"No, this is a feint!"

Unfortunately, it was too late to react. Dongfang collided with Matsui head-on, without caring about the other three people. He suddenly accelerated in a short distance, using the huge power brought by the explosive force.

Matsui was also hit and felt a little short of breath. Although he instinctively wanted to stabilize, before he could get ready, Hashimoto's backhand came to the opponent's headscarf.

In the few seconds of regaining consciousness, the headscarf was also stolen.


"We won again!"

The biggest difficulty of this tactic is changing horses. According to the rules of horse fighting, even if a horse loses its rider, it can only use its body to hit, and cannot use other parts to attack. The key to changing horses is that Hashimoto's center of gravity was originally directly below, and the warhorse that was bearing gravity directly below suddenly disappeared, and the left and right sides now completely borne the weight.

In order to quickly get the rider to adapt to this feeling of weightlessness, Katsuragi and Kito need to quickly move their bodies to the middle.

This time is extremely short, because Dongfang suddenly increased his speed and hit him, so they must follow closely so that Hashimoto can steal the opponent's headscarf in the few seconds of the gap.

"Huh~huh~huh. I lost to you again."

"Didn't you say it yourself? Victory and defeat are common in the military"

"Haha, that's right. Come on!"

"Ah, you girls’ group, come on too!"

"Tsk...you are really unlikable��"

After some jokes, Dongfang and the others left the competition venue.

On the other side, perhaps it was fate, Ryuen class faced off against Sudo class again.

"Eh... is it really such a coincidence?……"Dongfang is analyzing Longyuan's schedule for today.

Except for a few events, the rest of the competitions are almost all against Class D.

"It seems that Ryuen-san got something in advance."

Arisu obviously saw the reason for this result.

"Yes... If he really arranged it on purpose, then it can only mean that a traitor from Class D gave the entry form to Ryuen."

"This Sudo classmate is going to be unlucky again."

On the field, Sudo's class is led by him as the main horse, and Hirata Yosuke is the knight. Ryuen's class is led by Albert, and he is the knight. Even if Sudo is very strong, he is obviously nothing against Yamada Albert.

When Ryuen saw Hirata Yosuke's attack, he did not avoid it deliberately, until the opponent touched his headscarf, it was as if his hand slipped and he did not catch it.

"Asshole, what did you do?!"

"Who knows? Maybe it's the hair wax."

Hirata Yosuke tried again and again but failed, which made Sudo very anxious.

Seeing Sudo who was already confused, Ryuen took decisive action and took off Hirata Yosuke's headscarf.

And Yamada Albert rushed forward, and the four people from Class D were knocked out.

"Bastard! Is this all you know how to do?"

"What... You lost the game and you framed me. Sudo, don't push your luck."

"you this……"

""Sudo-san, calm down, calm down!"

The pole-turning competition was replicated, and Sudo was once again trembling with anger at Ryuen. But now Horikita Suzune was already in a state of panic.

The girls' horse-riding battle was conducted separately from the boys', and Horikita Suzune was also facing Class C of the first year. Because of her leg injury, her movements were very unnatural, and she was quickly defeated by Ibuki and the others.

Ryuen laughed and left the stage in Sudo's murderous eyes.

After Sudo heard what happened to Horikita Suzune, he once again looked up to the sky and howled.

"Damn it!! Damn Ryuuen!"

"Ryuen probably wouldn't do this just to win the sports festival, as the benefits to him are too small."

"Are you going to take action? Become a brave warrior who dispels the darkness and save Class D from being slaughtered?"

"Don't be ridiculous, how can I be a hero? Besides, that guy won't just sit there and wait for death."

Higashikata and Arisu were ready to watch the fun quietly. When Ryuuen was about to succeed, he was hit hard by a little guy who might have never cared about him.

As Higashikata and Akane won the championship of the boys' and girls' groups respectively, the horseback battle came to an end. The winner was still the red team.

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