After the midterm exams, points were added or subtracted based on the results of the sports festival.

However, no matter which class it was, they could handle the midterm and final exams with ease.

Class D also ended the class supervision period after two months, and they will probably rack their brains to improve their class points.

On this day, Mashima Tomoya walked up to the podium and cleared his throat calmly.

According to what the students in Class A knew about this teacher, there was probably some major event going on in the school, and the most likely event was a new class special exam.

"Next week, the school will set aside one day for classes, and you will need to take a test in eight subjects. The test will have a total of 100 questions, and will be graded on a 100-point scale."

"The difficulty is equivalent to the level of a third-year junior high school student. You can also choose how many points you want to give yourself, because the test itself has no effect on your regular grades."

"However, according to the results of the quiz, two people will be paired up, and each group will form a community of destiny to face the final exam."

After hearing about the new exam method, someone immediately asked:

"Teacher, a community of shared destiny, does that mean we should pass together and fail together?"

Mashima Tomoya nodded.:

"There are two conditions for failing this exam. One is that the score of each subject is less than 60 points. However, this 60 points refers to the total score of this subject for your group."

"The other thing is that the total score of both of you cannot be lower than the standard score. The full score for the final exam is 100 points for each subject, and the school's standard score in the past was around 700 points."

"The standard scores for this year are still uncertain. The final exam will be held over two days, four subjects per day. We will let you know the details later."

"Remember, you cannot miss the quizzes. If there are really special circumstances, we may consider using your previous scores.……"

The students in Class A are never afraid of such exams. No matter how they answer the questions casually, they will not fail.

Therefore, the so-called community of shared destiny is nothing to worry about for Class A. Even for most people, it doesn't matter if their classmates all get 0 points.

This is the strong confidence of Class A in their own academic ability. If even they can't do it, let alone the other three classes.

And Arisu and Yingyi have already figured out why the exam groups should be determined based on the scores of the quizzes.

It's just because it's easier to divide the students this way. Combined with the fact that the school is not essentially for dropouts, it is basically impossible to let the students with good grades form a team and the students with poor grades form a group.

Then the only solution is to let the good students and the poor students form a team, that is, the first place is paired with the last one, and the second place is paired with the second to last one.

Thinking of this, Yingyi raised his hand.:

"Teacher, our class is missing one person. So how should that student form a team?"

Class A dropped out of school because of an accidental injury to Totsuka Yahiko, and now there are only 39 people in the class.

"In that case, the scores of students without a partner will be doubled."

Ying nodded. In that case, it doesn't matter who doesn't have a partner.

The bell rang, and Ying walked towards Class C alone. At this moment, he was still one class short of the student union vote.

" no no no, no, something bad has happened, Brother Ryuuen!"

"Why are you so flustered? Did you see a monster?"

"No, that's not it. The guy in the mask is here!"

Ryuen narrowed his eyes. To be honest, since he met this guy, he has never done anything that went smoothly.

Ryuen even suspected that the strategist of Class D was a disguise! Maybe it was this masked guy who forged his identity.

But he couldn't think of any reason for the other party to do so, so he gradually ruled out this possibility.

The door of Class C was pushed open, and Yingyi walked in slowly.

"Your Majesty,"

"What are you doing here?"

Long Yuan asked cautiously.

"Nothing, I'm just going to make a deal with you."

Long Yuan thought about it and it seemed that no one had any evidence against him recently, so... heh. It's just for the votes of the student union... It's finally my turn to kill him!

"Trade? Ha, as the vice president of the student union, how can you look up to me?"

Yingyi knew that it was not difficult for Longyuan to guess his purpose, so he was not surprised.

"Yeah, yeah, to be precise, I'm still a vice president. If you want to be the president, you have to rely on the tyrant."

"Oh~ So you are here to canvass for votes! Considering our long friendship, we will cancel our monthly tribute and give one million per ticket. It should be a small amount of money for you!"

One million per ticket, forty people is 40 million. Yingyi's current net worth, 40 million is a full half of his wealth.

"Hahahaha. Your Majesty the Tyrant really likes to joke. How about this, abolishing the tribute doesn't matter, I don't care about your mere trifles anyway."

Long Yuan's eyes twitched fiercely... One million per month is a mere trifle, right! Then don't look like this when you ask for money every month!

"However, one million per person is still a bit too much. How about this, I will give you a total of five million. Actually, I have only received five million from you since June."

"You! How is this possible? If you don't want to make a good deal, I can just sell the vote to that second-grade yellow-haired guy!"

"Don't get excited. I know you've been looking for that strategist X. As long as you agree, I'll tell you the identity of that person."

Long Yuan didn't want to agree to this deal. It was only a matter of time before he found the strategist, although he had no clue at the moment.

That was real personal points. In order to realize his ideal, he should obviously refuse.

However... that strategist had become a thorn in Long Yuan's heart. If he could take this opportunity to find him and remove him, perhaps it would be helpful.……


Yingyi came closer and whispered:

"I know you are saving 800 million yuan.

Long Yuan's pupils shrank.:

"You guy……"

"But your plan will never succeed... Think about it, I almost perfectly exploited the loophole in the preferential examination, and I only got a little over 60 million.……"

Ryuen resisted the urge to hit someone and patiently listened to Yingyi's reasoning.

"This kind of opportunity will become less and less, unless the school makes a loophole again, and then our four classes cooperate perfectly, it is possible to win a huge amount of points in one fell swoop.……"

"But have you ever thought about it? According to the rules of high-level organization, Class A can become the best of the best, and the other three classes are just burial objects."

"It doesn't matter if the students in class A get the points. It doesn't matter if only one person gets the points, because it is enough to prove your excellence. However, if you want to ascend with these people, then the so-called competition in this school will no longer exist."

"After all, the four classes have come up with a maximization strategy. Then they work together. It may not be certain to succeed, but it will at least help a large group of people ascend."

Ryuen pondered Yingyi's speculation carefully. Was his great ideal destined to be unattainable from the beginning?

"Listen, I want to change this school. People who are useful to society and capable should get more opportunities. Why should people who are completely useless to society be brought to achieve class leap?"

"You... what on earth are you going to do?"

Ying Yi patiently outlined his vision for the future to Long Yuan, who was slightly moved by the words.:

"Okay. Then let's do as you said, abolish the tribute, tell me the identity of the strategist, and then, five million is too little, at least seven million!"

"no problem"

"However, if your plan doesn't work,……"

"Then, as the heir of the Dongfang family, I will arrange a good place for you forty guys."

"Heh... Dongfang family, you are not...……"

The Higashiyama family in Kyoto is already a landmark, so even Ryuen must have heard of it.

"That's the Dongfang family."

"You really are a young master... But how could a young master like you be tamed by Sakayanagi?"

"Tamed? She is my girlfriend, and Sakayanagi... You don't think this surname is ordinary, do you?"

Ryuuen was surprised that the two of them had such a relationship, and then he was led to think... Sakayanagi... Sakayanagi……!!!

"she is……"

"Just know it yourself."

""Oh, I see. I see."

Long Yuan sighed for a while, then looked at Ying Yi with a strange look.:

"Hehe, although I heard that you young masters all have your own fetishes...but you actually like women with a figure like Sakayanagi?……"

"Hey, Ryuen-san. My love for Alice is pure... And even if we make a deal, it doesn't mean I won't be angry.……"

"Tsk...Okay, okay, even if I said something wrong just now, don't worry about it.……"

Would Ryuen apologize? Of course not, he just didn't want to cause trouble. This masked man was not a good person, and even if he wanted to deal with him, provoking him was not a good idea.

Moreover, considering his background... in order not to cause trouble for his family, he would show weakness to the enemy.

Even though he had no fear since childhood, he knew when to do what, otherwise he would have been beaten to death in the street.

"Hey, that strategist should tell me now.……"


"Ayanokouji? Who is that?"

"Huh? You don't even remember the names of the people in Class D now, do you?"


At this time, Ibuki came over.:

"Ayanokouji is the follower of Horikita Suzune."

Hearing Ibuki say this, Ryuen also remembered the flying fish head that he never paid attention to.

"He is a strategist? ? ? The one wearing a mask. If you dare to lie to me, I will vote for that yellow-haired guy!"

"Believe it or not, I'm just reminding you, don't underestimate that guy……"

Afterwards, he signed a contract with Ryuen, and Yingyi also left Class C.

"Since that Ayanokouji is some kind of strategist... don't rush to attack him. Wait until I come up with a complete plan to lure him out... and then……"

"The only person he associates with is Horikita Suzune. And the three idiots in Class D, I think it's going to be a struggle if you try to lure him out through people."

"Class D, I must defeat them completely!"

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