The results of the test came out, and according to everyone's initial guess, the first and last place were paired up, and so on.

However, this final exam was obviously a little different. According to Mashima Tomoya's explanation:

"Each class sets its own exam questions, which are eight subjects and 400 questions. Then choose an opponent to attack. The attacked party will become the defender. The winner can take 50 class points from the loser."

"For example, if Class A attacks Class B, and Class C attacks Class A, and Class A's final score is higher than both Class B and Class C, then it will gain 100 class points. The other two classes will each lose 50 points."

"Also, if two classes attack each other, the looting points will become 100 points."

"If the questions are not answered within the specified time, you will be asked to choose a test paper provided by the school. But the difficulty will be lower."

"The teacher will also judge whether the questions you come up with are supermodels. If they are supermodels, you must come up with new questions.

The rules are relatively simple and crude. In simple terms, you come up with your own questions and find an opponent to defeat them. The side that wins can plunder the opponent's class points.

This exam is also called"shuffle".’

"So who are we going to attack?"

"Hmm... If we go by class points, Class B is closer to us, so of course we should beat Class B.……"

"But isn't it good to pick on the weak?"

The students in Class A all have different opinions on which opponent to attack. But in the end, it's up to Arisu to choose.

"This time, we will attack the Ichinose class. And I will be responsible for the questions."

Arisu issued her king's order.

Arisu will come up with the questions. The students in Class A have no objections. If you talk about who has the highest academic ability in this class, everyone will think of this petite queen.

"But, is it really okay to leave it all to Sakayanagi-san?"

It was Katsuragi who asked the question. He didn't distrust Arisu's ability, but he felt that it was not a good idea to leave such a hard job to one person.

"Please don't mind it. Katsuragi-san. If possible, I hope you can organize a study session. Even if everyone's grades are good, there will inevitably be accidents."

"OK, I understand.

Katsuragi accepted the job. For him now, it was enough to continue to shine for the class.

At this time, Yingyi also invited Katsuragi:

"Katsuragi, would you like to work for the student union? I remember you had this idea at first. Although I can only give you an accounting job, I think it is suitable for you."

"As for accounting... I got it. I will work hard, President."

Katsuragi's strength lies in his solid and steady work. So Yingyi is relieved to give him this job, although the position is not high, but it is of vital importance.

As for Shiina Hiyori, Yingyi also knows her. After all, she is one of the few brains in Class C, a quiet literary girl. She is conscientious and careful in her work, and has a flexible mind. Being a secretary is a perfect fit for her.

As for the vice president... Yingyi considered Ichinose, but he didn't have time to ask. After all, it was with the help of Class B that he became the president.

And Ichinose is extremely capable and has a high affinity. Although his methods of dealing with some problems are too gentle, But this might be exactly what the vice president needs.

As for Ibuki, he can be promoted to the position of head of the discipline committee, while the other discipline committee members and chores will have to wait for their own interviews. After roughly arranging the personnel issues within the student union, Yingyi also began to think about the related matters of this special exam.

Ryuuen is very likely to attack Class D, and Class D will also choose Class C, which has relatively weaker academic ability.

Ichinose's alliance with Class D seems to be still maintained, so he will not attack Class D. As for Class C... Ichinose will hardly choose a weak opponent (only in terms of academic ability), so this time a closed loop will be formed.

AB attack each other, CD attack each other

"Dongfang, what you said before about being expelled from Class A if the joint score after graduation is lower than 40... is that true?"

At this time, a girl with the lowest score in Class A patted Yingyi on the shoulder.

"Yes, it's true."

"Is... is that so?……"

My mood suddenly dropped.

"Relax. In fact, it is more difficult to get a score below 40. Even if the score is not high, as long as your teamwork ability, your personal expertise, or your contribution to society, that is, your love and sense of social responsibility are sufficient,"

"Yes...Is that so? I have mastered the photography skills, but I have always wanted to be a professional photojournalist."

"Isn't that great? And there are still more than two years left. As long as you study hard, your grades can change!"

"Well! Thank you, Dongfang! Just like what the B class said, you are a gentle and kind person!"

"……The evil Asasi……"


"Ah, it's okay, I was just talking to myself."

Yingyi didn't know why he was seen like this in the eyes of the people in Class B. In fact, he never thought that he was a gentle and good person.

Would Wenrou drop out of school and beat a classmate to a disability? Would Wenrou repeatedly frame his best friend? Would Wenrou constantly play tricks? Would Wenrou launch an"E Class"?

Therefore, Yingyi's evaluation of himself is that he is just an ordinary high school student with normal thinking and some sense of social responsibility.

As the bell rang, the class meeting ended.

Yingyi slowly walked to Arisu's side.:

"Alice, how about I help you with the 400 questions?"

"No. This time I will set the questions by myself. Let Class B feel the fear of being dominated by us."

Arisu's eyes flashed with disdain.

"Hey? When did they ever mess with you?"

"No. How could the little sheep in Class B mess with me? I just think some people overestimate their abilities, so I can only let her see the reality."


Arisu didn't explain, this time she had to do it herself. In other words, this is a war between women!

"Let's go. Master, I allow you to treat me to dinner."

"Thank you so much, young lady."

Just like that, under Yingyi's strong invitation, Arisu reluctantly accompanied the latter to the western restaurant.

Yingyi's outstanding performance in the sports festival and his appointment as the student council president made him the most popular person in the school.

This also led to many seniors and girls from other classes frequently sending him letters.

There were girls who wanted to come up and ask for contact information, but after being stared at by Arisu, who was more than two meters tall, they gave up the idea.

"Ah~ The young master is really a magnet for attention"

"Actually, I don't want to either.……"

"Yes. So now someone doesn't even know that he is being stared at by a beautiful blue whale."

"Blue whale...what is that?"

"If you don't know, forget it."

(Blue whale, very developed chest.)

Yingyi kept asking what the blue whale was. He just clearly heard a hint of hostility when Arisu said this.

Logically, with Arisu's absolute confidence in herself, she certainly wouldn't care about a girl who liked Yingyi, but that girl neither pursued nor gave up, but just watched her boyfriend silently. For Arisu

, it's better to be afraid of thieves than to be afraid of thieves thinking about it. So, she also planned to let Ichinose see the gap between the two of them first, and then tell her in person.:

"The boy you like is already my boyfriend.

Seeing Ichinose panicking and at a loss,:

"I've always wanted to see your expression, the expression of jealousy towards me."

In Arisu's opinion, no one is absolutely good. Ichinose's previous theft just proved that she is a selfish human being, not a pure and flawless angel.

Even if this human being is gentle and kind, she must have her own pursuits and obsessions.

Arisu became happier and happier as he thought about it, until a faint smile appeared on his face. Yingyi also noticed it, but his intuition told him that it was right not to speak at this time.

After arriving at the restaurant, the two also chose a seat by the window.

"Ah. Isn't this Touhou-kun and Sakayanagi-san?"

Arisu's good mood was ruined. He looked at the newcomers and said nothing.

"Eh? Ichinose... What a coincidence"

"Yes, Dongfang Jun………Are Sakayanagi-san?"

Ichinose was a little nervous when he asked this question.

"Ichinose-san, no, we just happened to meet."

Arisu said this before Yingyi nodded. Yingyi had already completed half of the nod, but after listening to Arisu's words, he didn't say anything.

It's just... Arisu, you really are a real master! You can easily break the defense of a sword saint with your soft little hands. And your reaction speed is even faster than that of the sword saint by half a nod!

"Ah, so that's how it is. Sorry, I misunderstood."

It can be heard that Ichinose's mood suddenly improved.

"Sorry, Ichinose-san, we have decided to attack your class this time."

"Eh? It's okay, Sakayanagi-san. Actually... we have also decided to attack Class A."

"That would be great. Then we can compare them."

"That's right, Sakayanagi-san, I won't admit defeat!"

"That would be the best. After all, if you admit defeat, you can only hide away in disgrace and have no right to fight for anything anymore."

"That's right."

Ichinose originally wanted to have a few words with Yingyi, but since there were outsiders present, he decided to find another opportunity next time.

Then, Ichinose left the sight of the two.

"Um, Alice... I can choose not to ask, but I still want to ask, why did you deny that we were dating and let Ichinose think that we were just ordinary classmates?"

"Ah~ Because... I think this is very interesting"

"Interesting... Really... Interesting."

Arisu did not hide his hostility just now. And this feeling is exactly the same as when he mentioned the blue whale just now.

In other words, maybe Ichinose is the blue whale that Arisu mentioned.

However, blue whale... what does it mean?

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