The Higashikata family is one of the most prestigious families in Japan. Higashikata Yingyi is known as the unicorn of the Higashikata family. A young swordsman with a heroic spirit.

How could such a Yingyi be afraid of a mere high school chairman?

"So, are you shaking?"

"Why are you shaking? I'm just affected by the earthquake."


Yingyi also knew that this excuse was stupid. Although it was not the first time he went to see Chairman Sakayanagi, he felt a little nervous at the moment.

It was as if he had done something that would never be forgiven and was about to be discovered by the police.

"Boom boom boom"

"Come in"

"Excuse me."

Yingyi pushed open the door of the chairman's office and found that in addition to the friendly chairman, there was also a big man with slicked back hair who looked very majestic.

"Ah, Yingyi, Arisu, you are here. Please follow me."

"Sorry, Mr. Ayanokouji, I have to leave you for a while."

Then, Chairman Sakayanagi took the two of them to the other side of the small room and asked them to sit down.

"���First, I have been busy with work. I haven't had time to see you, please don't blame me, uncle."

"No, in fact, I, as a junior, was afraid of disturbing your work, so I never disturbed you. It was my fault."

Yusu just sat there quietly with a cup of water in his hand.

"In fact, I asked you to come here this time to meet this person."

"Oh? I heard you called him Ayanokouji-sensei just now... He is……"

Chairman Sakayanagi nodded.:

"After all, I worked under Mr. Ayanokouji before. You are here to prevent him from messing around, and on the other hand, Kiyotaka is that kid."

At this time, there was another knock on the door, and Chairman Sakayanagi left a sentence"He's here" and walked out.

Yingyi and Arisu were in this small room listening to the sound outside.

"Come in"

"Excuse me."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who had just walked in, looked at the figure sitting on the sofa.

"Haha. Kiyotaka, is it okay to call you that? Although it is time to go home from school, your parent, Mr. Ayanokouji, wants to see you, so I called you over."

Ayanokouji still looked like he had no fighting spirit, and even when he saw his biological father, he did not show any unusual emotions.

"Chairman, I remember that High School has been under closed management for three years. In theory, parents are not allowed to visit the school."

Before Chairman Sakayanagi said anything, Ayanokouji Atsuomi, who was sitting on the sofa, snorted first.

The majesty from the superior quickly spread out, but there were no ordinary people present, so there was no scene that was welcome.

"Rules have always been used to restrain the weak! The strong will only break the rules and create new ones! Have you become stupid from studying here?"

Ayanokouji seemed not to hear anything, and no matter how much his father vented his emotions, he just ignored it.

He only heard Ayanokouji Atsuomi ask again:

"Are you afraid to speak even to your own father?"

"I don't think there's anything to say. If you don't have anything else to say, I'll leave. I have an appointment with a friend next."

Ayanokouji really didn't want to stay here. Facing a stranger who never treated him as a son and he didn't treat him as a father.

Ayanokouji Atsuomi seemed to have heard something funny.:

"Friends? Oh, you have friends?"

"Of course, I am a human being after all. I have friends and stuff, too."

"Stop kidding! You can't have friends! And you don't need so-called friends!"

The communication between Ayanokouji and his son can be described as a true father's love and son's filial piety. If the two were not related by blood, one would really think that they were a pair of bitter enemies.

Ayanokouji Atsuomi also stated the purpose of his visit.:

"You sign this voluntary withdrawal application form right now. Then come back with me!"

Ayanokouji Atsuomi never thought of asking his son's opinion. He was just giving a simple instruction to a puppet, and everything seemed natural to him.

However, this puppet itself had its own thoughts. In order to avoid the endless instructions from his father, he had to resist and escape, so Ayanokouji chose to run away from home.

And now, he would also choose to refuse to drop out of school!

"Are you kidding? I have no reason at all, so I'll voluntarily drop out of school."

When he said this, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had no expression or spirit, and it seemed that he was refusing mechanically.

"Do you mean to say that you have such a thing as self-will?"

"Self-will. As a human being, I certainly have it too."

But this sentence just ignited Ayanokouji Atsuomi's anger. He never thought that the most perfect work in this white room would actually rebel!

"Are you kidding?! You are my son, you are my personal property! I have the power to dispose of you, you just need to be a tool! The unnecessary concept of self-awareness must be eradicated!"

These words from the heart made Yingyi feel that this man was terrible and pathetic.

Treating his own child as a personal property, as a tool, giving birth to a child but not raising it, is really the biggest scum in the society.

In Yingyi's opinion, irresponsible parents are not qualified to ask their own children. This is the so-called tit-for-tat.

No wonder Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has become a robot without emotions. Living under such a father, it is already very good to be alive until now.

Ayanokouji has also seen his father's hysteria. Shaking his head:

"Anyway, I refuse to drop out. If you have nothing else to do, I will leave."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi was angry for a long time, but it was useless. Since the command line didn't work, let's try another way.

"Do you still remember the butler Song Xiong who helped you escape? Do you know how he is doing now?"

"He has taken care of you for so many years. He is also an old man who has followed me. But, he dared to betray me? He let you escape from the white room and told you about the existence of this school. Haha, he is looking for death!"

"And you should know that he has a son. His son is about the same age as you. Although he is far inferior to you, he is also an excellent talent."

"What a pity. He was expelled from school. And no school would accept him! Butler Song Xiong died to apologize and begged me to let his son go."

"Oh, how is that possible? Not only did the butler Matsuo commit suicide to apologize, but even his son hanged himself to accompany him!"

Hearing this, even Arisu couldn't control himself, and the hand holding the cane clenched into white.

Yingyi didn't expect that this Ayanokouji Atsuomi actually lived in such a worldview? What does he think he is? An emperor?

The future of this society needs young people to change, but before that, pests like Ayanokouji Atsuomi and the villains who kidnapped Arisu must be completely crushed to death.

But Ayanokouji Atsuomi is still outputting:

"Kiyotaka, they all died because of you." You actually threw the responsibility to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka? This damn old thing.

Ayanokouji was still the same, and replied lightly:"Oh"

"Hehe, I took care of you, raised you, betrayed me for you, and even sacrificed my life and my son's life. If Song Xiong knew that he did this and the result was just an"oh" from you, I wonder what he would think?"

Ayanokouji Atsuomi said with a smile

"What are you talking about? You are the one who killed them, right? In other words, even if they become evil spirits, they should seek revenge on you. What does it have to do with me?"

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