In the monitoring room, Arisu is zooming in on a window to observe the action on the screen, while Kushida Kikyo is cutting fruit nearby.

"Is there anything fun?"

Yingyi walked in from the door and saw Arisu staring at the screen intently.

"Well, I didn't expect that he would be interested in this kind of activity."

He?" Of course, he was referring to Ayanokouji. Arisu is very clear about how she addresses other people. If that person really has a nickname that she likes, then she will use that nickname to address that person.

If that person is her pet, or someone she doesn't like very much, then the address will become the very respected classmate XX.

If Arisu doesn't care about that person at all, she will attribute that person to someone or something.

If she just calls him 'him', then it's basically Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

As for the address for Kageichi... it has to be confirmed based on the context, because this princess changes her position at any time, from the girl next door, to the princess in the fairy tale, to the self-proclaimed pitiful Cinderella

"Who is he assigned to a group with?"

In this kind of activity, if the members of his group were wooden people, it would be a lot of fun.

Because Ayanokouji was not afraid at all. Although it was a courage test, he had no concept of courage at all.

"Ibuki from Class C, Shiina, and someone I don't know."

Kageichi walked closer and saw that this girl with glasses was the one who was knocked away by Karuizawa. Her name seemed to be... Rika, or something.

"This is really an interesting combination. Whether it's Ayanokouji, Ibuki, or Shiina... they all look like people without friends."It took a long time for Rika to be knocked away, and only Manabe and the others thought of bringing up the matter with Karuizawa, which should also indicate that they don't have many friends.

Four lone rangers forming a group to participate in such a social event, I guess there will be no good results in the end.

"Haha, he must really want to meet someone... After all, the only thing you can't learn in that place is things like human nature."

Listening to the conversation between Yingyi and Arisu, although Kushida Kikyo said that she didn't understand most of it, she couldn't ask casually, otherwise she would be disliked.

She knew a long time ago that Ayanokouji was not simple. If he wasn't there, wouldn't it be easy to defeat Horikita with Kushida's green tea skills?

Therefore, she also thought about expelling Ayanokouji from school after expelling Horikita, and even made a harsh statement.

However, listening to the conversation between the two people, Ayanokouji seemed to have some mysterious identity."Can't learn human nature", it sounded like a demon crawling out of hell. To be honest, Kushida Kikyo was not wrong. The white room was definitely a living hell for children.

Forced to learn all-encompassing knowledge, forced to grow up in battles.

Then use various drugs to strengthen their perception, etc. Until one after another was eliminated, the last one left that met the expected results was called a"successful work".

But this successful work obviously encountered some troubles.

Inside the test of courage conference venue

"……So, we are in the same group, right?"

Shiina played to his advantage of being the most sociable of the four people, and felt that if he didn't say something, it would be weird.

"That's it."

Ibuki was still the same. Experts don't talk much, so she had to develop the temperament of an expert first.

Rika didn't say anything, just nodded. In fact, it was because Rika didn't have a group, Shiina felt very sorry for her, so he pulled Ibuki, who was still organizing the order, to form a team together.

"Then everyone, let's introduce ourselves first... Although I met you last time, I didn't formally introduce my name to Ayanokouji-san."

Last time was referring to the Shuffle Battle, when Ryuen and his men went to pick a fight during the D class study session. It just so happened that Shiina was there at the time.

"Then I'll go first. My name is Shiina Hiyori, I'm currently the secretary of the student union, and I like reading."

No one spoke then. In fact, Ayanokouji wanted to make a very ordinary self-introduction. Since meeting his father, he has been thinking more and more about becoming an ordinary person.

But it's not so easy to overcome the habit he has developed. He thought about it and decided to wait and see. I heard that it is very polite to let the girl introduce herself first.

"Tsk… Ibuki Mio, the head of the Discipline Committee. Hobbies, I don’t like little girls’ hobbies, I prefer martial arts."

Ibuki really likes martial arts, but she also longs for little girls’ hobbies.

Whether it’s trying to sneak into a coffee shop on a cruise ship, or sneaking to fortune-telling during the summer vacation, or even learning to make chocolate, it can only be said that tsundere is the key factor that ruins her ability to make friends with other girls.

"My name is Lihua... Please take care of me……"

Rika didn't say much. She was very afraid of Ibuki, just like she was afraid of Ryuuen. So in this test of courage, she felt that the most terrifying thing was already around her.

Next was Ayanokouji's turn. What would he say?:

""Ah. My name is Ayanokouji... well, I don't have any special identity. My hobbies are... piano and tea ceremony."

Although it is still a not very qualified self-introduction, compared to the time when school started, he can now talk about his hobbies. It's just that it is unknown whether this hobby is really a hobby or just two of the many skills he has learned.

Piano and tea ceremony are both hobbies that girls like very much. It's just that among the three in front of her, Ibuki may be very interested in tea ceremony, but she can't show it in front of everyone.

Rika just wants to end the test of courage as soon as possible. She doesn't understand why she has to participate in this���In fact, many lonely people will think about finding a group to accept themselves, and because they are excluded and isolated, they will especially cherish the friends and relationships around them.

But the problem is that this idea may only be at the beginning. When it comes to joining a group, any uneasy factor will be infinitely magnified.

For example, fear, nervousness, feeling unworthy, etc.

As for Shiina... She does like these hobbies, but literary girls will only become extremely fanatical when it comes to reading. Shiina's life only needs an ocean of books.


"Ah, I didn't expect Ayanokouji-san's hobbies are classical. Boys who like piano and tea ceremony should be very popular.……"

"How should I put it? Actually, I like these things because I want to be popular."


Seeing that there was no more talk, I decided not to say anything. The Test of Courage was the main attraction today!

"Then... shall we go in? Although we are setting up personnel, even I don't know what's inside?"

The other three nodded, and Shiina was speechless for a moment... Is it really necessary for this group to participate in the courage test?

Several people walked in slowly. It must be mentioned that under the careful planning of Class A, the originally silent and dark corridor seemed even more terrifying.

Rika ran to Shiina's side without knowing when, and the latter also saw her embarrassment and uneasiness:

"It's okay. I'm a little scared, too. Can you hold my arm, Rika?"

"Thank you... Shiina-san."

Two girls huddled together for warmth, while a boy went forward bravely.

Ibuki's attitude towards divination was to believe in it or not. In her opinion, these ghosts and the like, if they could hurt her, then she shouldn't believe them.

Ayanokouji didn't find anything different. The Test of Courage was nothing more than the sudden appearance of some ghostly guys.

In fact, it was just a psychological state that creatures would feel afraid of anything that suddenly appeared in an environment.

But since he wanted to act like an ordinary person, he might as well pretend to be afraid.

So Ayanokouji also curled up his body and made himself look scared. But his expression was no different.

Ibuki also flashed a trace of disdain when he saw this scene:

"Does this kind of coward really have the guts to plot against Long Yuan? How is that guy not scarier than these ghosts?"

As the few people were walking, they suddenly felt something dripping.……

"Hey, Shiina-san, do you... feel it?"

" seems like there's something on top……"

He reached out and touched his head, and found a bright red color all over his palm. The two girls screamed, and this also attracted the attention of Ibuki who was walking in front.:

"What happened?"

The two girls didn't say anything, but pointed to the top of their heads. Looking up, they saw a headless corpse hanging above them.


Ayanokouji looked at this and couldn't help but���He has to show fear too?


The voice of reading came out…………

This made the students in Class A who were hanging above feel insulted.……‘you……’

Taking a step back, the more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He simply controlled his hanging body to shake, because his head was hidden and could not be seen.

This strange scene made the two Shiina girls terrified.:

"Ah!!! Let’s go!!"

"Woo woo woo……"

Then he ran forward without looking back. Ibuki could only follow him.

But Ayanokouji didn't pretend to be scared... He looked at the shaking body and ran forward to chase after it.

"……This guy! Tell the students behind him to teach him a lesson!"

""Got it."

When Ayanokouji caught up with them, the two women no longer had the strength to go on, because they didn't see any monsters at all...

What they encountered were either terrifying and hideous human bodies, or limbs that suddenly stretched out from the walls and the ground.

Even Ibuki's face turned pale. No matter how strong a woman is, she would feel uncomfortable seeing these things that reduce her sanity.

"You can actually... catch up?"

"Ah... Actually, I was so scared that I couldn't move.……"

But the calmness in his tone was not like what he said.

Looking at the scene on the screen, Arisu had an idea... He picked up the intercom beside him and issued an order.……

"Do you think he will be scared?"

Arisu suddenly asked Yingyi

"Hmm... I don't know... but it's obvious that ordinary things are useless to him.……"

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