"Oh? I don't think there is any kind of cooperation that can allow you to come up with such a huge sum of money. After all, even for you, this is definitely not a small amount."

Gaoyuan Temple had never thought about getting promoted to A from the beginning. Anyway, in his eyes, Class D was a group of worse than dog shit. Their ugliness was not worthy of being in the same room with the beautiful me.

And the people in Class D had no possibility of being promoted. Why? Although Hirata and Kushida had some abilities, they were just bigger ants in Gaoyuan Temple's eyes.

Horikita Suzune could be regarded as a potential stock, but she still had a long period of growth. Perhaps such a person would become a useful person after being trained by him in the future, but it was obviously not enough now.

Ayanokouji....He knew how powerful Ayanokouji was, and he also knew that he was just pretending now. But this person was obviously not controllable, and Ayanokouji didn't seem to have much motivation to get promoted to A.

Besides, even if these few people could be used, how could he climb up with a bunch of trash on his back? The innate qualities of the students in Class D were the lowest, and even if they climbed up, they would fall down because of some problems.

The stupid trio secretly photographed the swimming pool was the best example.

He was the only son of the Gaoyuan Temple family, which meant that he would definitely inherit the family business. Moreover, he showed a strong talent since he was a child, and his physical ability and intelligence were both top genius level, and his family had high hopes for him.

The reason why he had to graduate from Class A was just to avoid adding any so-called black spots to the Gaoyuan Temple family. How could a man named Gaoyuan Temple not even get into a small Class A?

20 million personal points were actually just a matter of time for him. But Gaoyuan Temple himself also had his preferences. The people in Class A might not be considered extremely smart, but they were definitely some of the most capable people in Sakuraji's future.

If he could attract them to the Gaoyuan Temple family and make them his own team, why would he worry about having no one to use? As for Class D, let's just treat it as a joke.

"Of course not. I spent a lot of money to buy someone who doesn't obey orders, but I will be very distressed."

Gaoyuan Temple understood what the other party meant. The other party could buy him into Class A, but the premise was that he had to obey management in the future.

And this involved another problem. If the two sides cooperated or exchanged, no one would lose, and he could even get a favor from the Dongfang family.

But if he obeyed the other party's orders, it would mean that the heir of the Gaoyuan Temple family obeyed the heir of the Dongfang family. If this matter got out, it would be more ridiculous than him not being able to be promoted to Class A.

"Dongfang boy, I think you know it very well. The relationship between you and me is not just between the two of us."

"Of course I know this, and I don't intend to make you obey me. It's just that when it comes to the class's contribution in the future, you can shoulder your part."

This sentence sounds like it means something else. If you just contribute what you should contribute, it doesn't matter.

"If that's the case, it sounds like there's nothing wrong with it. However, I will refuse when I feel I should."

"Of course, but you must give a clear reason. You can't just answer that you don't want to do it."

Gaoyuan Temple nodded. It would be the best for him if he could be promoted to Class A directly. He wouldn't have to promise those seniors to convert it into real money or a job in exchange for personal points.

"As for buying you over, I will do so next semester. And this semester, you should stay in Class D."

After making an OK gesture, the other party suddenly jumped off the bed and stretched out his right hand:"Happy cooperation!~"

"Ah, it's a pleasure to work with you."

The two clasped their hands, then released them after a moment. Unknowingly, it was lunch time. Both of them had their own destinations. After waving their hands, they each walked towards the restaurant.

Since all the students came to the Forest School together, there were still a lot of people at lunch time. And there was a girl with short silver hair who sat obediently in a good position by the window, waiting for someone leisurely.

Perhaps the girl's aura was too strong, or perhaps because of the recognition of the girl's identity, no one went over to share the table.

Kamuro Masumi was not here, and all she could do was to get food. Two servings at a time, but she didn't have her own, so after delivering Arisu and Yingyi's lunch, she had to queue up again.

"You're really slow."

"Sorry, I changed my job and became a trainer.......Arisu's big eyes turned around and thought of what it was. There may be many things that can be called beasts. But the only one that Yingyi needs to tame is the mythical beast.

"So, did you reach any agreement with him?"

"Ah. I plan to buy him next semester. He will also contribute his share in the future, so I feel that at least it is not a loss."

Arisu nodded in agreement


Life is not easy," the princess sighed.

"What happened? Who made the princess unhappy again?"

"It's nothing. I just can't get used to living here alone for seven nights."

After that day, Arisu rarely went back to her room to rest. What's the use of having a boyfriend if he's not used as a pillow?

Yingyi shook his head helplessly. He should take at least half of the responsibility for Arisu's current situation. But the special exam is a special exam, and he can only abide by the rules.

Afterwards, in the sour atmosphere between the two, Kamuro Masumi silently finished his lunch and retreated to a hidden place aside.

Ichinose was holding his���I was looking for an empty seat with my plate and drink, and when I saw two people occupying the seats for four people, I hurried over.

"Ah! It's Dongfang-kun and Sakayanagi-san"

"Hello, Ichinose-san. Please sit over here."

Arisu pointed to the empty seat next to him and invited Ichinose to sit down.

"this...Won't it disturb you?"

"It's okay, we were just talking about the special exam."

Ichinose sat down with peace of mind. Because of her kind personality, it was not easy to find an empty seat in such a crowded place.

"Speaking of special exams, Sakayanagi is indeed a master, she was able to form a perfect group so easily. But I can't do that."

Yingyi also became curious:"Hey? Is your group not ideal?"

"Actually, it is like this. After I helped other students to form groups, I found that there was only one group left, where everyone disliked each other but had to be together. So I had to join this group. Everyone was a girl with ideas, so it was quite tiring."

Girls with ideas." Ichinose's statement can basically be understood as a group of very willful people, none of them would suffer losses, and they just happened to meet a good person like Ichinose who was a mediator, so this group was even more difficult to lead.

"You really work hard."

"Ah haha, actually I think it’s good for everyone to speak out their opinions in this way, in a way......"

But anyone can see the helplessness and reluctance in Ichinose's words.

Unlike Class A, the girls in Class A are of very high quality. Coupled with the daily deterrence of Arisu, they dare not cause any trouble outside, and there is no need to cause trouble.

The girls in Class C and Class D don't care about these. When they were still in charge of Ryuuen, they still had to worry about whether they would be punished. After all, the tyrant's methods were still terrifying.

But now it's different. There is no tiger in the mountain, and they have become more and more arrogant. Maybe this is their nature.

Not to mention Class D, the hot girls group is a huge part of the class. Although there are fake hot girls like Karuizawa who take advantage of the situation, there are also many real ones who are willful and capricious.

"Well...Let's talk about Dongfang-kun. I heard that Nanyun-senpai challenged you and Horikita-senpai?"

"Yes. But I'm probably just a by-product, the one Nanyun really wants to challenge is Horikita-senpai."

When Ichinose joined the student council, Nanyun Masayuki had apparently come into contact with her. In fact, this cute and gentle girl immediately caught Nanyun Masayuki's attention. What he likes most is to collect such pure and flawless girls, then destroy their hopes and make himself the savior of their dreams.

So at the beginning, he took good care of Ichinose, because with his own experience, he knew very well that this outstanding girl would not be assigned to Class B for no reason.

So if he could grasp her secret....Maybe....

But before he could investigate anything, he was expelled from the student union by Horikita Student Union and Kageichi, leaving him with nowhere to display his ambitions.

Later, it was heard that Arisu had directly exposed Ichinose's secret during the reshuffle. As a result, Nanyun got nothing in the end.

Ichinose had only asked casually. In fact, although Nanyun was caring and licking dogs during that period, Ichinose only had Kageichi in his heart at that time.

So he didn't care what Nanyun wanted to do at all, and just thought he was a good person who was very careful to his juniors.

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