A girl with a sacrificial hat and two beige ponytails walked into the office of the Knights of Favonius with packed food.

Barbara heard that her sister had been in a bad mood recently, and she had lost a few laps, so she was very distressed, so she bought something delicious and treated her sister.

Qin stood in front of the window with a lonely face, looking out of the window with a blank look.

"Sister, I brought you your favorite pizza with stuffing, have you drunk?"

Barbara tidied up the table slightly, and was a little stunned when she saw the wine bottle. Although my sister is an adult, she often goes to the Mondstadt Tavern to drink, but this is the first time she has drunk in the office.

Seeing that there was no echo, Barbara frowned slightly and raised her voice.


" "Uh, please sit down, what's the matter, talk slowly."

Jean immediately turned around and replied mechanically, and when she found out that it was her sister, she suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"How can you just drink and not eat? You're going to be tired, quick, sit down and eat.

Baba put the piano on the stool, dragged her chin, and watched her sister eat pizza.

Jean eats pizza very much, although it is her favorite food, but when she thinks of Diluc, she has no appetite.

Barbara looked at the headband on the headband and frowned slightly.

"Sister, have there been any funerals lately?"

Barbara asked suspiciously, according to the funeral, as a priest, she should get the news sooner, most of the people in Mondstadt are buried in the church.

This is one of the aspects where the church has so much power.

"No, don't think about it.

Jean felt her nose sour, after all, Diluc had sacrificed at this moment, and she had to hide it, thinking that Diluc had died in a foreign land, it was very pitiful, and she had to hide it from Eula at the moment, and she didn't even have a mourning for him, which was really pitiful.

"Then why do you tie your hair with a black headband?"

Barbara was puzzled, just tie her hair with a blackhead rope, the key is this knotting technique.

"Black and simple, but also represents integrity, is there any problem?" Qin

immediately used his academic justification.

"Well, that's pretty much in line with my sister's style.

Barbara nodded, especially when it comes to integrity, who else can compare

to her sister?"By the way, sister, Diluc is coming back today, and he is about to go to Eagle Beach, why didn't you pick him up?"

Speaking of Diluc, Barbara remembered this, after all, Klee was overjoyed, and pestered Kaeya to take her to Dawn Winery, probably thinking about Diluc's gift.

"Don't be kidding, it's not funny.

Jean was stunned, and the pizza in her hand couldn't be put into her mouth anymore, could it be that my sister knew that something had happened to Diluc, and deliberately tried to test me with words.

"Why am I lying to you, this guy is still eating and drinking spicy food in Liyue after he came back, and if it weren't for Eula's scolding with the Dudok communicator, I guess he wouldn't have come back honestly.

"Doodoo communicator?"

"Yes, according to the itinerary, it's almost at Eagle Beach." With

a bang, Qin stood up, he, he didn't die, with half doubt, half ecstasy, Qin couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, sister, what are you doing?"

Barbara chased after her, why did she suddenly say that she would run.


- Twelve wind rings appeared in Mondstadt, and a pretty figure sped away -

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Rosaria looked at the twelve wind rings, frightened, this is an emergency, so that Mondstadt's combat power outside can quickly come to the rescue.

"I, I don't know. "

Barbara is also confused, what's

going on?" Wendy pushed open the door of the tavern with a drunken spirit, looking at the twelve wind rings in the sky, he was also a little frightened, he immediately closed his eyes, his whole body emitted a faint green light, and listened to the heart of the wind elf.

"Oh, it's Diluc's bastard.

Wendy, who was relieved, felt as if her whole body was deflated, and she fell to the ground softly, and at this moment, a dog came over and lifted one leg.

"Uh, what's wrong?" Wendy

was clever, wiped his face, and suddenly felt a wave of nausea, and instantly he remembered the matter of stealing Diluc's purple thunder red wine.

"Uh, uh-"

Wendy clutched her chest and vomited in disgust.

At Eagle Beach, Diluc jumped off the destroyer and stepped on the map of Mondstadt again, feeling that I was back.

"Noelle, take a boat to Mondstadt and distribute the gifts to everyone.

Diluc beckoned to Noelle, after all, there were still many friends in Mondstadt.

He wasn't going to go to Mondstadt, so he took the train to Dawn Winery, after all, his wife was in a frenzy, and if it dragged on for too long, he probably wouldn't be able to go to bed tonight.

"Leave it to me.

Noelle looked confident, and seemed to have turned back into Mondstadt's reassuring maid, leave it to me, you can leave anything to me!Diluc

walked a little tired to the side of the train, and Barton ordered the gifts to be loaded onto the train. It has to be said that the ships and trains connect Mondstadt, Eagle Beach, and Dawn Winery.

Diluc sat on the train, his chin dragging his hand in one hand, and watched Noelle carry his belongings onto the Mondstadt.


" "Well, here we are.

"If you let me see it again in the future, whoever asks Noelle to work, you know the consequences."

Barton looked over and instantly understood.

"Master Lu, Noelle, you know, if you don't let her help, she will be unhappy.

Barton said cautiously, after all, if he wants Noelle to be idle, this is impossible, so for the safety of his subordinates, he has to make it clear to Master Lu.

"She takes the initiative to do it, but she must not be called.

Diluc said solemnly.

"This, it's nature.

Barton immediately nodded, it's not stupid for Dawn Winery to have a guard, even if they don't find out about the relationship between Diluc and Noelle, just for the title of Diluc's apprentice, everyone doesn't dare to call it.

"Master Lu—"

Charles got into the car and immediately gave Diluc a big salute.

"No need to be polite, nothing happened to the tavern during my absence.

Diluc asked, although he made a lot of money outside, but he couldn't be careless, after all, there is no shortage of dream tears in any world, in case the crystal is stolen, the calf will be finished!"

"Everything is fine, by the way, at the end of last month, the head of the qin troupe could not pay his salary, and he cried in the tavern. Barton remembered poor Jean.

"How did you do it, I didn't tell you, she doesn't have any money, you just transfer it directly from the account, she loves face so much, you let her go to the tavern to cry?"

Charles felt a little cold behind him, and he regretted it very much, he was really too lazy these days to notice the economic crisis of Qinde.

"My subordinates know that they are wrong, and I will never dare to do it again in the future.

Charles immediately slapped himself in the face and apologized.

"How much did you transfer her?" Diluc

thought of Jean, and was also very sympathetic, thankless, and always worried about wages, and it was right to think about it, it was normal for a country that did not collect taxes to not pay wages.

"A million. "

Usually you are very smart, why are you so stupid at a critical moment, what can a million do?"

Diluc scolded.

"Well, I'll go back to it right away. "

Forget it, let's talk about it later, let's go back to Dawn Winery first."

Diluc waved his hand and told Charles and Barton to get off to the drive.

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