Although he had never heard of the name Zhongli mentioned, the young master couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Mr. Zhongli, are you talking about a pet?"

Zhongli shook his head, put down the teacup in his hand, and said earnestly.

"She is a very cute little girl. Although she doesn't have the Eye of God and can't use elemental power, her power is like the law of nature, invincible..."

"More than a thousand years ago, I had the honor of talking to her about the wear and tear of the worlds, and I was even more fortunate to know that she was a person who traveled far across the sky and across the sea of ​​stars."

"She said that she would engrave the history of Teyvat in her memory and take it to other worlds."

"After the Demon God War, I made a contract with her to engrave history."

"Contract?" The young master frowned, puzzled, "Is this commission related to the contract?"

The girl that Mr. Zhongli mentioned is also in Guyun Pavilion?

Zhongli closed his eyes and sighed.

"Everything will experience various kinds of wear and tear as time passes. Time has great power, and history will be distorted over the years."

"The seemingly indestructible rock, the seemingly eternal time and me, may suddenly disappear one day..."

"Since then, I have been looking for a way to remember history for a long time."

"And she will have a way to preserve all of this."

Seeing Zhongli's serious face, the young master suddenly felt a little depressed.

Yes, time is like a long river that flows endlessly, broken, destroyed, and disappeared...

How can we resist these?

"Is she still in Guyun Pavilion now?" the young master asked.

Zhongli shook his head, "No, I haven't seen her for a long time. Maybe she has returned to her own country."

"Two hundred years ago, she came to Liyue Harbor and told me that she had lost two books that meant a lot to her in Guyun Pavilion - "Liyue System Guide" and "Little Camel Diary", and hoped that I could find them for her."

"Later, I went to look for them as promised, but found no trace..."

"Recently I heard that it was split, interpreted and combined by an executive of the Fatui named Rich."

"Alpaca System Record?" The young master spoke quickly, somewhat surprised.

"The author of that book seems to have the word 'camel' in his name... If I remember correctly, the contents of the book in the rich man's hand should be incomplete."

"He once said this at the Executive Council. He said: If the alpaca system record is not incomplete, it will bring a brand new country to Zhidong..."

"I guess the real book may not be with him."

"Yeah." Zhongli nodded, "But I still believe that the real notes may still be in a corner of Guyun Pavilion."

The young master smiled, got up from the chair, stepped down the steps with his long legs, turned his back to Zhongli, waved his hand and said to him.

"Leave the next thing to me, Mr. Zhongli."

Zhongli pursed his thin lips and stared at the direction where the young master left.

The complex and deep eyes disappeared in the thriving and prosperous Liyue Port in the warm light, accompanied by the voice of the storyteller.

On a tall cliff southwest of Lingju Pass, the lavender colored glass bag shone brightly in the blue-gray moonlight.

It added a bit of vibrant beauty to the noisy and prosperous wilderness.

Lekana stood on the cliff with more than a dozen soldiers of the Fatui.

Looking at the chaotic and desperate fight at the bottom of the mountain, they were ready to go.

“Everyone listen to the order. No matter what, we must kill all the monsters under the mountain. Prepare for battle! Attack!!”

Lekana gave an order and jumped off the cliff first.

With a dozen soldiers behind him, he promptly supported Fu Jie Luolin and others who were fighting hard.

Just below the cliff, a huge room of about 120 square meters had been destroyed and its original appearance could not be seen clearly.

Only the sign that fell to the ground by the wall revealed all the information.

On the broken wooden sign, the words "Shaoqing" and "Hill Cultivator's Office" came into Lekana's eyes.

With just one glance, the anger in her heart surged like the waves in the sea, surging beyond control.

These damn invaders!

On the boulder nearby, Fu Jie Luolin, who was aiming at the enemy, put away his musket and turned his head suddenly when he saw the sudden appearance of his companions.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lekana, the slim and charming lady in a blue dress.

The moment he saw Lekana, Fu Jie Luolin was still a little happy in his heart.

Fighting is not a big deal, so who would dislike having too many companions?

"Female liar, why are you here?Have you found your conscience and come to pay me back?" Fu Jie Luo Lin asked with a smile.

Lekana rolled her eyes at Fu Jie Luo Lin and did not answer his question.

Instead, she turned and looked at the Hill Cullin Laboratory behind her.

Looking at the shapeless laboratory destroyed by the Abyss Mage, Lekana shouted angrily and walked slowly towards the several Fire Abyss Mages in front.

"You all deserve to die for destroying Lord Shaoqing's things."

Lekana spoke slowly, and as she took a step, three dark blue water mirror flowers bloomed from her feet.

Flying quickly towards the enemy.

At the same time, a bright water ball flew out of her hand at a high speed, carrying the water mirror flower towards the Abyss Mage.

Although her attack was extremely fast, it was not too difficult for those Abyss Mages who had long lost their consciousness.

Her attack was not too difficult to deal with.

They just moved slightly and avoided Lekana's attack.

"Mirror Flower Prison! "Lekana snorted coldly, and the power of the water mirror burst out from her body.

The water mirror flower that had just disappeared under the feet of the Abyss Mage rose from the ground again.

It was just a blink of an eye.

More than a dozen Abyss Mages were trapped in the water mirror petal prison released by Lekana, unable to move at all.

"Star Power Fall, Water Mirror Scattering!"

Three huge water stars suddenly fell from the sky, causing huge ripples around the Abyss Mages.

As the ripples flowed, several water mirrors shuttled back and forth in the air like sharp swords in the reflection, breaking all their shields.

Then the Abyss Mages were surrounded by more than a dozen layers of water waves again.

Seeing that Lekana had controlled those Abyss Mages, Fu Jie Luolin jumped off the boulder swiftly.

He shouted loudly: "The Thunder Hammer Vanguard Army is ready to meet the enemy! "

Although the combat capabilities of those Abyss Mages were improved by several levels.

But because they were controlled, they were like tools without any thinking.

They did not know how to attack in unity, but just fought and fought again!

Until they were completely wiped out by the Fatui, they still did not understand the meaning of fighting.

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