The soldier behind the lady paused for a few seconds, and then followed the lady's footsteps and quickened his pace.

"My lord, according to my investigation, General Lei Dian appeared alone in Liyue Harbor not long ago."

"According to the informant's report, General Lei Dian went to Liyue for the purpose of Lord Shaoqing."

The lady stopped and turned to look at the soldier who had been left by her in the Inazuma Envoy Office.

The soldier who was monitoring Inazuma's every move for her asked him coldly.

"You have found out clearly, but why didn't you notice that Sanbing was no longer in Inazuma?"

The soldier replied with shame, "I'm very sorry, my lord. Sanbing has many elites under his command, and the guards are too strict. The subordinates really have no way to start..."

The lady smiled coldly, "If you can easily detect the movement, he will not be called Sanbing."

"Let the little guy investigate the actions of the executive officer. He specializes in this."

"Let's go, set off immediately."

Seeing that the lady did not mean to blame him, the soldier quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still plucked up the courage to tell the lady his idea again.

"My lord, in my opinion, we don't need to rush to the castle tower."

"Although Inazuma has suffered a lot in recent months, after the unremitting efforts of those followers, Inazuma has been brought back to her original state."

"Now, the castle tower must be heavily guarded, and that Kujo Sara and Yae Godson must also serve General Raiden."

"So, in my opinion, it is better to wait for her to take the initiative. At that time, it will be much easier to obtain the Heart of God..."

"Do you mean to let her come out of the castle tower by herself?" The lady stopped and thought carefully.

She forgot about the followers of the Thunder God.

Although Inazuma has no travelers now, the official power is still not to be underestimated.

That woman is not as easy to talk to as Morax.

If you want to get her Heart of God, you have to fight a fierce battle.

Her current physical condition is not optimistic. She must complete the task assigned by Her Majesty the Queen as soon as possible, and then meet with Zhidong to find a way to heal her wounds.

"But how can she get out by herself?"

The lady couldn't think of it, and couldn't figure out where to confront that hateful woman again.

This time, she would not be threatened by her again.

"My lord, why don't we do this..."

The soldier moved slowly towards the lady and told her the new plan planned in the organization.

After listening, the lady raised the corner of her lips happily and told the soldier with satisfaction, "Strictly follow the plan."

"Also, notify everyone not to leak a word about this matter, especially the Shaoqing Lord, who must not let him know the inside story anyway."

"If anyone violates it, there will be no mercy!"

The soldier nodded quickly, "I will follow the lady's order."

"Go and do it, the sooner the better." The lady waved her hand and continued to add.

"Remember not to let the Three Envoys discover our whereabouts."


Three months later...

On a sand dune under the cliff of Xumi's fertile oasis.

The yellow sand in the sky was flying wildly in the wind, and the scorching sun was ruthlessly and wildly burning the scorching earth.

A handful of birds flew across the deep blue sky and flew into the distance.

The golden sand dunes were filled with corpses of the treasure-stealing group, the gilded brigade, and the hillock slime.

The dry air was filled with an unbearable smell of blood.

Only two figures, one tall and one short, one white and one black, stood on the dunes of Norda.

The scorching sun rose into the sky, Gu Yihan stepped on a withered grass mushroom with one foot, turned his head and looked at Xiao, who was standing behind him with a somewhat ugly expression.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, strode to Xiao's front, raised his hand and pulled up the white cloak draped on Xiao's body.

Gu Yihan smiled and said to Xiao only after his whole body was wrapped in the cloak.

"The climate in the desert is too bad, so put on your cloak."

"Don't let your tan damage your image as a Yaksha."

Xiao was stunned for a few seconds, slapped Gu Yihan's hand away, and said coldly: "It's not like I don't have hands."

Gu Yihan was stunned for a few seconds, then pinched his waist and laughed.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, little fairy, what are you thinking about all day long?"

"I'm thinking about when you'll die of poison." Xiao replied expressionlessly.

Gu Yihan: "..."

The two were silent for a moment, and Gu Yihan spoke again, "I've done everything I need to do, I... I'm going back."

"Your injuries haven't healed yet, and the poison hasn't been cured..."

"I know." Gu Yihan shrugged, "Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by God. If I, Gu Yihan, really have a short life, then I'll accept it."

"But now is not a good time to be sentimental."

"In recent months of observation, I found that the behavior of Sanbing and the doctor is very abnormal. I must go back to Dongshi."

After listening to Gu Yihan's farewell, Xiao felt very unhappy, but as to why he was unhappy...

It was probably because he had been with Gu Yihan for so long, following him to travel day and night.

Following him into the jungle, killing monsters, destroying organizations...

He believed that he and Gu Yihan had been inseparable for more than eleven months, and they should be very good friends.

As a friend, he had the right to know Gu Yihan's plan...

But in the end... Gu Yihan still didn't tell him, didn't tell him anything!

Xiao glanced at Gu Yihan, tore off the cloak that Gu Yihan gave him and threw it to him.

"If you want to leave, just leave. What nonsense are you talking about? "

After throwing away the cloak, Xiao walked down the dune without looking back.

Gu Yihan held the white cloak in his hand, which was mixed with the power of ice elements and exuded a hint of coolness, and gritted his teeth helplessly.

He knew that Xiao was angry...

But those secrets were related to the plans of Her Majesty the Queen, the interests of the previous executives, and the direction of the fate of Zhidong...

As the twelfth executive of Zhidong Country, he couldn't say it.

Even the best friends couldn't.

Dancing on the edge of a knife, hovering on the edge of life and death, this is the task of the power check and balance team...

However, Gu Yihan didn't intend to let Xiao leave with a grudge. Even if he had to say goodbye, he had to say goodbye with some meaning.

He kicked the corpse under his feet away, and hurriedly caught up with Xiao not far ahead, with a playful smile as usual when he lost his memory.

"Are you hot, little fairy? Do you want to wear a cloak? "

Xiao looked up and glanced at Gu Yihan, "Since you spent a lot of money to buy it, it's natural for you to wear it."

Gu Yihan smiled awkwardly, "I'm a single, rough man who's not afraid of getting tanned, why should I wear this thing."

As he said that, Gu Yihan put on the pure white cloak for Xiao again.

Through the cloak, Gu Yihan saw Xiao's dry lips.

He pursed his lips and pointed to the sand dunes in the distance.

"If I remember correctly, there is a temporary camp of the Gilded Journey ahead."

"Let's go over and take a look."

"When you find it, you wait by the side, and I'll go over and get you some water."

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