The bright moonlight slowly fell, passing through the blooming cherry trees and covering Gu Yihan.

Through the thick night, the tense expression on Gu Yihan's face could be clearly seen.

He glanced at the room where Lei Dianying was, and then quickly returned to the Envoy Office with his soldiers.

In less than ten minutes, all the members of the power check and balance team had assembled.

They lined up in a neat team in the courtyard and waited for Gu Yihan.

Gu Yihan quickly walked to the front of the team, gave a brief speech to the team, and then began to assign tasks.

"The eight people who are monitoring the three magistrates and the six people stationed at the castle tower will continue to stay in Inazuma to perform their duties."

"The 22 people who are looking for clues in Nashii Beach, Kaigi Island, and the Guarding Forest will retreat and follow me to Xumi."

"The remaining 30 people will keep in close contact with Liyue, Zhidong, and the teams that are about to set off for Xumi according to the original division of labor, and closely monitor all major and minor movements on the continent."

"The matters that need to be handled will be sent to me in the original way, waiting for the final review results."

"Remember, no one is allowed to reveal my whereabouts to the outside world."

"In addition, order the remaining soldiers of the Envoy Department to assist the team members..."

Five minutes later, the team disbanded on the spot, leaving only 22 team members waiting for orders and setting off in full force.

Looking at the orderly team in front of him, Gu Yihan suddenly felt that several huge mountains were pressing on his shoulders.

The letter said that the three God's Hearts that had long been placed in the Zhidong Palace were stolen and returned to Xumi.

There were traces of wind elements and small items left by Duo Tore at the scene.

However, the clues provided by the Queen to Gu Yihan were very few, and there was no sufficient conditions for him to investigate.

He could only guess based on the hints in the letter.

After that incident, everyone forgot the existence of the Sixth Executive of the Fatui.

But as a time traveler, his memory could not be tampered with.

At the same time, he also remembered many things that people had long forgotten.

According to his guess, the thief seemed to be about to become a god, and according to the time calculation, there might be more than one false god.

What awaits him will be an unprecedented bloody storm.

He never doubted his strength, but facing an uncertain number of gods, he was indeed a little unsteady.

After a long while, Gu Yihan spoke seriously to the soldiers below.

"The risks of this mission are unpredictable. Do you have anything important to do?"

Everyone shook their heads and looked at Gu Yihan with determination.

The only person they were loyal to from the beginning to the end was Gu Yihan.

The power check and balance team came and went like the wind, fearless of life and death.

Seeing their resolute attitude, Gu Yihan was naturally comforted, and he walked to the center of the team and spoke in a low voice.

"The goal this time is to recapture the three stolen God's Hearts at all costs, and expose the planners - death."

Everyone expressed their opinions in a low voice.

"I obey your orders!"

"I will follow your will!!!"

"I am willing to follow you, even if I die!"

Gu Yihan nodded and left the team, then raised his hand and pointed at the wind on his left, and gave orders in a deep voice.

"Choose two elites to follow me, and the others will be divided into three teams to sneak into Xumi."

"The first team will lead the way to spy on the current situation in Xumi and wait in secret."

"The second team will find a way to provide me with clues about Dotole, Pantarone and a wanderer."

"The third team will follow in secret, keep in touch with the teams in various places, dispatch troops and reinforcements in time, and prepare to seize the three hearts of God."

Feng nodded respectfully, and seemed to understand something after a moment.

He saluted Gu Yihan and asked, "Sir, what about me?"

"You stay in Inazuma to monitor Lei Movie, and let her take care of the angry head of the family."

"Ah???" Feng's mouth twitched, and he resisted with his head held high, "I won't stay in Inazuma, right?"

"I don't really want to separate from you, sir. Besides, how can they be as strong as me?"

"How to protect you?"

Gu Yihan raised his eyebrows, took the executive officer's gorgeous clothes from the Cangjing Lady and threw them to Feng.

"I know you are capable, I don't feel comfortable leaving others in Inazuma."

"When Zhou Yi comes back, just let him come to Xumi."

Feng took the heavy clothes and nodded obediently, "I understand."

"But Zhou Yi was trapped by the abyss..."

"His situation is safer than yours, why are you worrying about it?"

"There is a golden box on my desk, please give it to A Yuan for me, and ask someone to make him a few new clothes to take to Zhidong."

"Tell Mr. Zhongli that the wedding banquet at Mingshen Taisha is cancelled."

Gu Yihan said coldly, and after saying a word, he left the Envoy Office quickly with his team.

Feng held the cold clothes stiffly for a few minutes before he suddenly came to his senses.

He hid the clothes under his clothesLady Jing said coldly.

"Put away the adults' clothes, and then send someone to the castle tower to watch, don't give Kujo Sara and the others a chance to make trouble."

"I'll go inform Mr. Zhongli to cancel the remaining wedding process, and by the way, go to the main club and the restaurant."


Gu Yihan left Inazuma and took a boat all the way. It took him two full days to reach the seaport of Xumi, Omos Port.

He stayed in Omos Port for less than half an hour and then set off in the direction of Xumi City.

Along the way, Gu Yihan heard a lot of legendary stories about travelers.

And the praise of the little auspicious grass king.

But he didn't hear any rumors about the Heart of God, the Order Institute, the Wanderers and the Faint People.

It was as if the Faint People had never set foot in Xumi, and the strange phenomenon made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Gu Yihan hurried all the way until the morning of the fifth day when he arrived at Xumi City with two men.

He had been to Xumi several times before, but he left in a hurry because of time constraints.

So he was not very familiar with the complicated Xumi City.

The only thing he was familiar with might be the desert and Zhou Yi's home in Aru Village.

"Sir, the hotel is ready. Do you want to go now?" The soldier behind Gu Yihan asked respectfully.

The two people following Gu Yihan had performed missions in Xumi before. Compared with Gu Yihan, they were more familiar with the customs and habits of Xumi.

So before Gu Yihan arrived in Xumi City, they had already prepared everything for him.

Gu Yihan shook his head, "It's still early, let's go around the city first."

"You go and ask for information, and gather here at ten o'clock."

As he said that, Gu Yihan grabbed the fox mask hanging on his waist and put it on, heading towards Baoshang Street.

He had just taken a few steps when a vague figure suddenly appeared in the direction not far ahead and bumped into him.

Gu Yihan's eyebrows moved, and his body flashed, avoiding the collision.

And a soft scream came from his feet.

"Ouch~ It hurts so much, what experiment is this, I'm dying..."

"It's better to dance in the Grand Bazaar. I don't want to help the travelers continue the experiment."

Looking at the woman who was terribly beaten under his feet, Gu Yihan was cold and ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, the woman stood up, rubbed her arm and called him.

"Hello, please stay, did I bump into you? Are you okay, are you injured?"

Gu Yihan: "Hmm?"

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