"Shipwreck?" Lei Dianying's purple eyes sank, and the teacup in his hand shattered.

The woman was shocked and lowered her head and stopped talking.

At that moment, even the air solidified a lot.

Since the day Gu Yihan disappeared, Lei Dianying had been prepared to never meet again in this life.

But unexpectedly, when she learned of his whereabouts, she got a piece of news that made her a little difficult to accept.

She even began to blame herself for not treating Gu Yihan like that.

The grace of a hundred years of companionship was finally cut off by her own hands...

While thinking, Lei Dianying felt a slight stinging sensation on her hand.

She looked down and found that the ceramic residue had already pierced deeply into her palm.

"General?!" Looking at the blood dripping from Lei Dianying on the ground, the woman couldn't help but get nervous.

"I'm fine, Jiujo, you go down." Lei Dianying said, and entered the Pure Land of One Heart again.

In the Pure Land of One Heart, Lei Dianying smiled bitterly with his forehead.

"I actually... still hope to see him again."

"Why do I have such a wish?"

Lei Dianying questioned himself, and then suddenly came to his senses.

"Wishes... are eternal enemies, and should not exist at all!"


Inazuma, the island.

The warm sunset is behind the mountain, making the world, which was originally covered with red maple leaves, even more bright red and beautiful.

There are clouds in the sky, and in the near distance are fiery red maple trees spreading across the entire island.

In the distance are lavender mountains and pink cherry blossoms hidden in the mist.

The sea breeze blows across every inch of land.

Gu Yihan stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the port of the island, and suddenly remembered the scene when he escaped from Inazuma that year.

That day, he followed a stranger in the thunder and rain and set foot on the country ruled by the Queen of Ice...

And found a place to stay there.

To his surprise, setting foot on the land of Inazuma again made him feel very depressed.

"We're here."

Beidou's voice interrupted Gu Yihan's thoughts.

After coming to his senses, Gu Yihan followed Beidou and got off the boat with Ying and the others.

As soon as they arrived at the port, a tall man with green eyes and golden medium-length hair appeared at the other end of the port.

The man was wearing a black close-fitting lining and a red and black contrasting leather jacket with a stand-up collar.

The belt was hung with a real red blazing armor, and the blue-gray trousers were matched with lace-up boots, giving people a very rigorous feeling.

"Hey! Big sister of Liyue, I finally waited for you." The man said enthusiastically.

Seeing the man happily greeted him, Beidou smiled and responded, "Long time no see, Thomas."

After that, he began to complain again.

"However, I really admire the weather in your Inazuma. The thunderstorms on the sea are getting stronger day by day."

"I don't know what's going on with your general..."

"This..." Thomas scratched his head awkwardly, indicating that he was powerless.

"That's okay, after all, the most seriously injured are you Inazuma people."

"Yes..." Thomas nodded in agreement.

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, Thomas turned his eyes to Gu Yihan and Ying.

The moment he saw Gu Yihan clearly, Thomas' eyes flashed with a barely perceptible curiosity.

He said happily, "I guess this lady with a gentle demeanor and a moon-like brightness should be the foreign traveler who has made a name for herself."

"Who is this masked guy?"

"He is our friend, his name is Gu..." Ying explained.

"Gu Fuchen." Gu Yihan said lightly and said his name.

Paimeng looked at Gu Yihan in confusion, "Huh????"

"Nickname." Gu Yihan explained.

He didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble here because of his name.

Although he had been in the Pure Land of One Heart for nearly a hundred years, he had sneaked out countless times without Ying's knowledge.

There were still many people in the Shogunate Army and the Magistrates who knew him.

"Okay~" Paimeng put his hands on his hips helplessly and continued to chat with Beidou and the others.

Seeing them talking back and forth, Gu Yihan didn't say much, just stood quietly by the side, waiting quietly.

After a while, Beidou smiled and said to Ying and Gu Yihan.

"Thomas is my partner and the "local snake" of Inazuma. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can ask him for help."

"No matter what "storms" you encounter in Inazuma, I hope you can get through it."

After speaking, Beidou set his eyes on Gu Yihan.

"Especially you, you must be vigilant. The Eye Hunting Order is not a joke. Be careful."

"I will, thank you for your concern." Gu Yihan replied.

Paimeng also hurriedly interrupted, "Captain Beidou, don't worry, we will all be safe." "Okay, then I'll go first. I can't let them find out that there are wanted criminals hiding on my ship. See you later." Gu Yihan nodded, "I'll trouble you to take care of the little camel first." "Leave it to me with confidence. It's a great contributor to the Death Star." Beidou said, and then he commanded the Death Star to leave. Seeing Beidou's ship sailing away, Paimeng said worriedly. "Although it was quite unpleasant when we met, I still hope it can wake up soon." "Friends, follow me to go through the procedures for landing on the island." Thomas said, and walked towards the island first. Gu Yihan and others followed Thomas to go through the procedures for entering the island with the Supervisor and Mengshan. After going through the procedures for settling in with Lilyhua, they said goodbye to Ying and others on the grounds of looking for business opportunities. Looking at Gu Yihan's back as he left, Paimeng looked confused, "Traveler, I have something to say to you. "

Thomas smiled awkwardly and walked aside consciously.

"What's wrong?" Ying turned around and asked.

"Why did Gu Yihan suddenly change his name? Is it to protect the Eye of God?"

Ying shook her head in denial, "Changing the name doesn't seem to protect the Eye of God..."

"He must have his own intentions when he did that."

"Call him Gu Fuchen in front of outsiders in the future."

"Okay~ I hope he will be fine. "Paimon waved his hands helplessly and simply stopped thinking about Gu Yihan.

There was no moon or stars on the night of the island, and thick dark clouds covered the originally clear sky.

In the thick night, outside the cabin under the island.

Gu Yihan stood at the door, looking at the iron lock that had long been rusted hanging on the door frame, and took a deep breath.

Countless bad results played out in his mind.

He didn't even dare to think about how much pain Shen Enlang had suffered from the shogunate army after secretly sending him away.

He didn't dare to think about how many hot eyes of God were built into the statue of the rumored God's Eye?

How many people's wishes were buried!

Did she turn a blind eye to so many wails and painful cries?!

"Shadow~Is this kind of Inazuma really what you want?"

"Vogelolin has met the executive officer. "A gentle male voice sounded behind Gu Yihan.

Gu Yihan turned around and saw that the man was a soldier of the Fatui.

And it was the soldier who took him to see the lady when he first set foot on Liyue Harbor.

If I remember correctly, he seemed to be the lady's personal soldier.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yihan frowned and asked.

"The lady has something important to discuss, so she specially sent a subordinate to invite the lady to come over."

Gu Yihan was stunned, and then asked: "Is this matter serious?"

Although Gu Yihan is a serious person, he doesn't trust the lady, who is a thief who will annoy people.

Fu Jie Luolin was ashamed and secretly complained in his heart.

Lady, I told you to be serious a long time ago, but you just didn't listen.

See, the young master is wary of you.

"Ahem——" Fu Jie Luolin coughed dryly and said seriously: "It's urgent. I will explain it to you slowly on the way. Please, sir. "

"Lead the way." Gu Yihan put away his amusement and followed Fu Jie Luolin to the White Fox Wilderness.

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