The snow flakes fell lightly, and the golden light gradually faded from the little camel's body, leaving it in the space.

The little camel looked at his hands in disbelief, and was ecstatic for a moment.

"It really worked." Gu Yihan stopped in front of the little camel and poked the little camel's round belly with his fingers.

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

The little camel was tickled by Gu Yihan, flew back a little, and then threw himself into Gu Yihan's arms with tears in his eyes and cried loudly.

[Host, it's really you, I'm really alive again! ! ! ]

[I thought I would never have the chance to see you again, I can't bear it, woo woo woo...]

The little camel choked so hard, and the hot tears wet the clothes on Gu Yihan's chest.

"I can't bear it either." Gu Yihan smiled and raised his hand to pat the little camel's back.

The little camel wiped away his tears and came out of Gu Yihan's arms, flapping his wings and looking at him.

[Host, you have lost weight and become darker...] The little camel pouted, feeling uncomfortable as if a cat was scratching him.

"Really? I don't believe it." Gu Yihan raised his eyebrows. Because he laughed too hard, the wound on his face that had just healed for a while opened again, oozing black blood.

[You are questioning me. So angry!] The little camel stamped his feet, looked at Gu Yihan and laughed, and then cried again.

Gu Yihan also cried, tears rolled out of his eyes, across the wound on his face, and he gasped in pain.

Considering that there were others who were eating melons, Gu Yihan sorted out his emotions, raised his hand and gave the little camel a big slap.

"Listen carefully, next time you are not allowed to take risks, and you are not allowed to block the knife for me."

[Got it...] The little camel felt very aggrieved, but he was happier than ever in his heart.

[Where is the general? I clearly saw her here too? ] The little camel frowned and looked around randomly.

Gu Yihan turned around and found that Lei Yingying and Nashida had disappeared.

Although he didn't know where they went and was a little worried about Lei Yingying's health, Gu Yihan still pretended to be dissatisfied and asked the little camel.

"She praised you, but I didn't expect you to miss her so much?"

The little camel scratched his head and smiled, and said embarrassedly, [That's what I said, but I can be resurrected, and the general has a lot of credit. ]

"Hmm?" Gu Yihan sighed lightly, with a smile on his lips, but a look of regret on his face.

The little camel explained patiently.

[If she hadn't been nourishing me with her divine power and looking for materials for me to reshape my body, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to be resurrected so early...]

[In order to find a body suitable for me, the general spent a lot of money (almost made the three officials run away), and even went to many places. ]

[She has been to the secret realm of Lingju Pass, to the Layered Rock Abyss, to the Shaoqing Mansion of Zhidong, to Mingzhui Beach, Yueshi Village...]

[Host, I know that you have always hated the general. At first, I hated her too. ]

"Then why don't you hate her anymore?"

Gu Yihan sat on the ground, recalling every little thing Lei Dianying had done for him.

[Because she loves the host, in order to get your forgiveness, she did everything she could. God is not omnipotent, and gods can make mistakes. Host, forgive her. ]

[I know you love her too. Whether she becomes a god or not, whether she completes the mission or not, it doesn't matter. It's enough to have the person you love by your side. ]

[The two swords had already hurt her foundation. In addition to the loss of divine power and pregnancy, her strength is disappearing rapidly. Now I'm afraid she can't beat Jiutiao Sara. ]

Gu Yihan didn't answer, and his dark eyes were dim.

The two stayed in the space in silence for a long time.

The little camel handed the blue pill and the two repaired God's Eyes to Gu Yihan and said happily.

[During the time when I was raised by the general, I have been researching the antidote. Fortunately, I succeeded. Host, you try it? ]

"Isn't the God's Eye broken?" Gu Yihan took the pill and took back the God's Eye with mixed emotions.

[It's a piece of cake to repair it. ] The little camel raised his head proudly, and the notebook spun quickly on his fingers.

Gu Yihan's eyes tightened, "Why is the notebook in your hand?"

The little camel was stunned, and then answered lightly, [I have a lot of notebooks? What's the problem? ]

"The contents are the same?"

[Yes, I always like to back up, host, do you want it? I'll give you another one. ]

Gu Yihan: "Fuck!!!"


After taking the pill, Gu Yihan quickly recovered.

All the toxins in his body were eliminated completely, and even the old illnesses that had lasted for many years were cured.

Gu Yihan was very grateful for the help of the little camel, so he did not pursue the matter of the notebook and took it back to Nashida's space.

Under the space-time tree with flowers on the branches, the small room made of grass seeds was stiff and cold.

Lei Dianying was lying in the room sweating profusely, her face changing several times.

She dug her hands into the grass and groaned in pain.

She was in so much pain, her stomach felt like it was being hit by a hot hammer, and her intestines felt like they were thrown into a meat grinder.

"Oh no, you're going to give birth! But I don't know how to deliver a baby." Nashida was about to cry, and she was panicking about the knowledge of delivering a baby in her mind.

"Help me, help..."

Lei Dianying bit her silver teeth and made a creaking sound. Helplessness and pain devoured her self-esteem, leaving her shame nowhere to hide at this moment.

Nashida quickly picked up the fallen flowers on the ground, used elemental power to string a small quilt to cover Lei Dianying, and comforted him in a panic.

"Take a deep breath, don't be afraid, I'll help you..."

Golden lightning flashed across the sky, and heavy rain fell in the space where flowers were blooming.

After an unknown amount of time, two clear cries of babies sounded under the tree.

Nashida put the two children into the grass seeds, and began to arrange the Lei Yingying in a hurry.

"Ying!" Gu Yihan rushed into the room, and was shocked by the scene in front of him and froze.

There was blood all over the floor, on the children, on Nashida's hands, on Lei Yingying's body...

Before this, Gu Yihan had imagined many scenes in his mind, but he never thought that this scene would shock him so much.

The shock made him a little scared.

"Don't look..." The pain numbed Lei Yingying's nerves, making her eyes look more dull.

[Oh! It's twins! ] The little camel was shocked, put a bathtub mixed with the power of the fire element on the ground, and quickly threw the small blanket to Nashida.

[Hurry up and put on the babies after bathing! ]

"Oh, okay!" Nashida nodded, and got busy with the little camel.

Gu Yihan rushed to Lei Dianying and hurriedly took out the syringe with anesthetic from the storage space.

He carefully lifted her body with elemental power and injected anesthetic into her spine.

He fed her the medicine prepared in advance and covered her with a quilt.

He kissed Lei Dianying's cheek and comforted her with tears, "Be good, it won't hurt soon."

"I'm sorry... I'm late, sorry..."

"Yihan..." Lei Dianying spoke with difficulty, his consciousness trembling on the edge of blur.

But he was awakened countless times by the sticky heat of his lower body.

Gu Yihan stood up, took out the prepared medicine and needles from the space, carefully lifted Lei Dianying's legs, and began to sew with agile movements...

After the two children were settled, Xiao Tuotuo breathed a sigh of relief.

[Fortunately, the host had previewed the tips for giving birth in advance and prepared the supplies, otherwise it would be troublesome. ]

Nashida also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to his timely arrival, the general has been bleeding, I really don't know how to deal with it."


A week later, Jingshan Palace.

Lei Dianying recovered a lot under Gu Yihan's careful care, and her complexion became much better.

After Gu Yihan fed Lei Dianying nutritious porridge, he sat down on the bed and pulled her hand to his face.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Lei Dianying shook her head and answered obediently.

The two were silent for a moment, and Lei Dianying asked Gu Yihan, "I'm like that... Aren't you afraid?"

"No." Gu Yihan answered frankly. To this day, he dared not recall the scene of Lei Dianying dying in the space that day.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that it turned out that gods were also fragile and helpless, and their lives were not controlled by themselves.

At that moment, he clearly realized the desire in his heart.

He loved Lei Dianying, and he didn't want to lose her.

"You gave birth to Shuo'er and Chen'er for me. I can't thank you enough. How can I be afraid?"

Lei Dianying smiled gently and pointed at the sleeping child in the crib and said, "Show me the children."

Gu Yihan picked up Lei Dianying, padded her backrest, and then picked up the baby girl and put her in Lei Dianying's arms.

"Lei Dian Shuo." Lei Dianying lowered his head and kissed his daughter.

He took the boy and Gu Yingchen sent by Gu Yihan and kissed them.

The two children were white and chubby, which touched Lei Dianying's heart.

"Thank you Yihan." Lei Dianying said, and kissed each of the children.

"What are you thanking me for?" Gu Yihan shrugged and put the hair scattered on Lei Dianying's cheeks behind his ears.

"It's her blessing to have your surname, isn't it?"

Lei Dianying narrowed his eyes and suddenly felt a little happy. "After so much, our family of four is finally reunited~"

Gu Yihan nodded, but a layer of shadow was stained between his eyebrows.

That night, Gu Yihan coaxed the three of them to sleep before leaving Jingshan Palace.

"My lord, Her Majesty has agreed to yourAt the request of the executive officer, you are ordered to put down your work and rush to the Winter Palace within seven days to fight the executive officer who challenged you. "

"Master Rooster and Master Young Master have also sent several letters of urging, and the situation is urgent."

Feng stood outside the door and reported the news respectfully, with worry on his face like wind and frost.

"I know." Gu Yihan asked in a low voice, "What's the movement over there?"

"I have no way to investigate, please punish me..." Feng said, and knelt down with a plop.

"What about the abyss? Has it been cleaned up?"

Gu Yihan's cold breath made Feng panic.

Feng replied in a trembling voice, "It has been cleaned up, only the prince escaped with the help of the traveler."

Gu Yihan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, looking at the moon rising in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "Pack up your things and set off for Winter Palace tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes. "

Back in the room, Gu Yihan stared at the sleeping Lei Dianying for a long time.

He kissed her forehead with deep affection.

He walked to the table and wrote.

My wife, Ying. I am glad to see you. I have been the executive officer of Zhidong for more than six years. Thanks to the kindness of Her Majesty the Queen, I have been carrying out important duties and running around inside and outside.

In the past six years, the team has worked tirelessly and hard to eliminate 327 bad forces and complete 755 important tasks.

Her Majesty the Queen has left me a total of 4.7 billion Mora in my account. She built a mansion and expanded the courtyard for me and trained the team. I also returned the double amount to express my gratitude.

I originally wanted to wait for my wife to recover and return to my hometown with my children, but Zhidong called me urgently again and again, and I really couldn't refuse.

This trip to Zhidong to handle important matters may take a long time. I am grateful for my wife's physical inconvenience and my young son's helplessness.

I hope my wife will take good care of me and wait for my return. Don't worry.

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