Seeing Gu Yihan's expression stiff, the rooster immediately guessed what he was thinking.

So he explained, "These boxes are the exchange for the spoils in the secret realm. I hope you can accept them."

Gu Yihan: "..."

If he remembered correctly, the items dropped from the monsters in the secret realm could be filled with at least five or six boxes.

He was a bit too dark...

Besides, his backyard was full of radishes and vegetables. Does he need cabbage sent by others?

Let's just have a fight.

Seeing Gu Yihan's expression becoming more and more subtle, the rooster nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that he is very satisfied with the things I sent.

The rooster thought, and the corners of his lips unconsciously raised a barely perceptible smile.

"It seems that your injuries have recovered well, and your body should be fine. Rest well first, and I will pick you up in two days."

After that, the rooster took his men and left Gu Yihan's yard.

Looking at the Fatui going away, Gu Yihan was a little confused, "Pick me up?"

[Hey! Black-hearted capitalists!] The voice of the little camel sounded at the door of the room.

It yawned and flew towards Gu Yihan leisurely.

"Didn't you go to sleep for beauty sleep? Why did you wake up so early?"

The little camel waved his hand and glared at Gu Yihan, [That's right, who made the host fail to complete the task? ! ]

"Uh..." Gu Yihan was speechless. It's not that he didn't want to complete the task, it's clearly that others didn't give him a chance, okay?

[No point in saying more, accept the punishment! God, be struck by lightning - Hey!]

The little camel gave an order, and the blue lightning struck Gu Yihan's body with the force of thunder.

His freshly washed white clothes were electrocuted and turned black again.

Gu Yihan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, saying, "You'd better not fall into my hands."

[Ah! The host attempted to threaten this system, and I will punish him...]

"You dare!" Gu Yihan's eyes were red, and his cold eyes were directed at the little camel.

It was so scared that it subconsciously stepped back halfway.

[Uh...then then then...then deduct...deduct points!]

[Ding! The first set meal: capture the fifth executive officer of the Fatui, the rooster, and gain his recognition. 5000 points of mission failed!]

[Specially deduct 5000 from the host's charm value, and the total charm value is -5000!]

"What is charm value?" Gu Yihan was puzzled. Could it be some kind of mysterious temperament that attracts the opposite sex in the legend?

Seeing Gu Yihan's puzzled face, the little camel was already proud.

After two dry coughs, he explained to Gu Yihan.

[System science, charm value = favorability = social ability = strength = progress in becoming a god. The higher the charm value, the more pleasant the process of dealing with strangers will be.]

[The more pleasant the process, the more favorability the host will gain, and the greater the charm value.]

[In order to become a god as soon as possible, the host should rush!]

Hearing the series of explanations from the little camel, Gu Yihan was quite indifferent.

He just wanted to return to Inazuma and see her again.

"Hey~ I finally found you, are you interested in a fight?"

A clear and obsessed male voice came from the door, breaking Gu Yihan's delusion.

Gu Yihan looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man with short orange hair and childishness.

He was slender, wearing a gray suit with rolled up cuffs and a shirt that slightly exposed his abdomen.

The water-attributed God's Eye buckled on the belt, echoing the blue eyes, always gives people a feeling of confidence and sunshine.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar young man, Gu Yihan fell silent. He seemed to have seen this boy somewhere.

But where exactly he had seen him... he couldn't remember.

[Ding! Package Mission 2 is triggered: Attack the 11th Fatui executive, the Young Master, Tartaglia! ]

[And get his favorability of 5000+, the attack method: absolute violence. ]

After the little camel whispered to Gu Yihan, it flew behind him.

"Who are you?" Gu Yihan asked.

"The 11th Fatui executive, the Young Master, Tartaglia, please teach me."

As the Young Master said, a blue bow and arrow appeared out of thin air in his hand, ready to go.

The 11th executive, the boy who loves fighting in the rumors?

Gu Yihan frowned, "If I defeat you, you won't hold a grudge, right?"

"Hahaha, then why don't you try?" The Young Master smiled and jumped onto the wooden stake in the yard to launch an attack.

Gu Yihan hurriedly summoned his two swords to block the young master's sword rain one by one.

Then he used elemental combat skills, and rushed forward with a blade made of ice elements, stabbing the young master.

The moment he approached the young master, Gu Yihan quickly switched to the fire element and used the elemental burst "Nadie" to resist the damage.

""Na Die" is Gu Yihan's fire element burst skill, and it is also one of his most proud skills.

When using this skill, twelve blood butterflies carrying the soul-enchanting powder will attack around the designated target.

While confusing the enemy, the powder is injected into the target's senses, wounds, etc.

Thereby completely paralyzing it, paving the way for the second kill.

The paralysis lasts for 30 seconds, and the cooling time is 2 minutes.

In just less than 10 seconds, the twelve devil-like blood butterflies injured the young master.

With a sizzling sound, the young master's cuffs were torn open by the blood butterflies, and blood slowly flowed out of the five or six centimeters wide wound.

"Heh~ Interesting. "The young master smiled, put away his bow and arrow, and directly used the Demon King Armor to deal with Gu Yihan.

The moment the Demon King Armor was activated, the young master's whole body was wrapped in black armor mixed with purple.

Purple air rolled around his body, and his momentum was overwhelming.

The mask covered his entire face, and his originally orange hair turned white.

There was also a circle of lavender scarf around his neck, and two horns of unknown material extended from his back armor.

The star-like cloak spread out backwards, automatically without wind.

Just standing there quietly, it can make people afraid.

In the young master's opinion, there are not many people in the entire Teyvat continent who can defeat him. It's just so-so.

Few people dare to face his fighting power.

And the man in front of him seems very special...

He not only has four God's Eyes, but also makes full use of the four elements.

The strong desire to win reminds the young man all the time that he must make the young man in front of him lose to him no matter what.

Although the Demon King's Armor will cause irreversible damage to the body, as long as he can win.

What does a little backlash count for?

[Hey! The young master is going to use a big move, host be careful! ] The little camel exclaimed and hid directly in the house.

"Is this the unique skill that the young master is proud of? I wonder which one is more powerful compared to my four elemental burst skills?"

Gu Yihan said, holding the short knife in his hand tightly, and rushed towards the young master impatiently.

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