It was getting close to dawn, and no one knew how long they had been searching, but the shogunate soldiers still found nothing.

Kujo Sara crossed her arms, thought for a long time, and decided to search for herself.

"Everyone search separately, be sure to pay attention to safety, report to me immediately if there is any situation, and you guys follow me."

Kujo Sara pointed to the three soldiers in front of her and said.

"Yes, sir." The three soldiers answered respectfully, and followed Kujo Sara to the center of the Guarding Forest.

The reason why Kujo Sara led the shogunate army to chase here was not only for herself, but also for the safety of the people of Inazuma.

And to check all harmful factors that are not good for Inazuma.

She didn't know what the black shadow was?

But she could clearly feel that the black shadow was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Logically speaking, Inazuma Castle had the general in charge, and thieves and monsters basically didn't dare to appear in the city.

But today, those monsters actually ran into the city for the first time.

Damn it!

Soon, Kujo Sara found some suspicious clues in the wilderness.

Following the clues, Kujo Sara came to the mutant slime killed by Gu Yihan.

"Be careful, sir!" One of the shogunate soldiers said, holding a gun to block Kujo Sara.

Kujo Sara glanced at the black, round thing lying on the ground through the gap in the man's arm.

With a frown, he said seriously, "Get out of the way."

The soldier nodded in agreement, put away his spear, and stood aside obediently.

Kujo Sara took a long step and kicked the mutant slime that had long been cold, thinking.


"It seems that someone is faster than me. Who is that person?"

Kujo Sara said, squinting his eyes and looking around.

Although this is the camp of the Hill Climbers, it is obvious that this place has experienced an unprecedented catastrophe.

"Not only can we not catch the murderer, we can't even pick up a treasure chest..." Kujo Sara smiled bitterly.

When did she start to become so crazy...

Just as she was thinking, the shouts of the shogunate soldiers came from the Hill Climbers' camp.

"Master Kujo, there is a hole here!"

Upon hearing the news, Kujo Sara did not dare to delay for a second and hurried to the camp.

In the camp, Kujo Sara bent down and looked down at the bottomless hole under his feet without thinking too much.

He jumped in directly.

"Master Kujo!" Although the soldiers outside the cave were very anxious, they could only wait outside helplessly.

After all, they were ordinary people without the Eye of God.

Even if they were more powerful, they would never dare to jump directly from the hole in front of them without any support.

After jumping into the cave, Gu Yihan fell into an extremely dim, bridge-shaped corridor made of blue bricks.

The corridor was very long, so long that there was no end in sight.

The blue bricks on the ground had long lost their original luster after being polished by the years.

There were many uneven pits on the road.

In the pits grew a kind of dark red three-leaf plant that people could not name.

The originally deep and dark corridor was a bit creepy.

Gu Yihan did not find Shenli Linghua, nor could he sense her existence. He had no choice but to continue forward and try to find her.

Although Shenli Linghua also had an ice-attributed God's Eye on her body, her combat power was extraordinary.

But Gu Yihan was still worried, because when he first stepped into here, he felt a strong sense of danger.

It might be the kind of danger that required him to be six points alert.

Gu Yihan raised his hand and left a mark of the element of thunder on the wall covered with blue moss next to him.

He knocked on the wall again and asked: "Linghua, are you there?"

"Linghua, are you there?"

"Linghua, are you there?"

"..." In the corridor, Gu Yihan's echo floated back and forth three or four times before it completely disappeared.

Gu Yihan sighed in disappointment and began to walk out of the corridor.

About ten minutes later, Gu Yihan returned to the starting point again.

Looking at the two-finger-wide mark of the element of thunder on the wall, Gu Yihan stopped and began to sort out his thoughts calmly.

Although this place looks like the same place where he just stopped.

But Gu Yihan knew clearly that this corridor was not the one he marked just now.

The reason why there is a mark of the element of thunder left by him on the wall here is because there is a nine-link corridor hidden in it.

The Nine-Link Tunnel contains a mineral substance called "Echo Induction".

This mineral substance can activate the Nine-Link Tunnel by identifying the echo in the bridge-shaped tunnel.Ring corridor.

As the name suggests, the nine-ring corridor is composed of nine identical passages, staggered and orderly.

In the entire corridor, except for the slight difference in the intersection between the corridors, every other node is exactly the same.

It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them. In most cases, they will think that they have encountered a ghost wall.

Gu Yihan encountered such a situation once in winter.

That time, if it weren't for the little camel to open the hook for him in time, he would have died long ago.

Of course, that experience gave Gu Yihan a great help.

He just couldn't figure out that there would be such a dangerous place in the Guardian Forest.

However, Gu Yihan didn't have extra time to think about those unnecessary questions.

What he had to do now was to get out of the corridor quickly and find Shenli Linghua as soon as possible.

If he was more patient, Gu Yihan could have gotten out of the corridor.

But he didn't want to waste too much time here.

Before dawn, we must find the little camel's notebook and set off for Liyue.

"Raging waves!" Gu Yihan shouted, and a blue light suddenly lit up from the dark and deep corridor.

Then, blue lightning spread around behind Gu Yihan like a heavy rain.

Accompanied by the earth-shaking thunder, Gu Yihan, who was tightly wrapped in armor in the air and in the evil eye state, looked mysterious and terrifying.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, the blue sword in Gu Yihan's hand was swung down.

In the direction of the sword, the power of the water element burst out, and a huge blue shark flew out from the blade.

It slammed heavily towards the wall of the corridor with the sweeping waves.


After the gray corridor hit Gu Yihan's power.

It was as fragile as a piece of glass, and cracked into countless dense black cracks.

Then, with a loud bang, the tunnel collapsed instantly, spreading around like a puddle of water splashed on the ground.

"Rock Rain Omen Star!" The evil eye dissipated, Gu Yihan tapped the ground with his toes, and under the protection of the shield of rock elemental power, he flew away from the broken tunnel.

In the dim environment, he hurriedly searched for the traces of Kamisato Ayaka.

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