"Don't mess around, Xiaoyuan!"

Ayuan turned around and looked at his grandfather with gray hair and a worried face, and he was instantly discouraged.

"But grandpa..."

Ayuan's grandfather shook his head helplessly, walked to Gu Yihan and the others, and expressed his apologies.

"I'm very sorry, executive officer. The child is ignorant and disturbed you. Please don't take it to heart."

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, please find Xiaoyuan for me."

Gu Yihan shook his head and said in a casual tone.

"You are polite, old man. Ayuan is a good child. I like him very much and thank Ayuan for the gift."

Ayuan's grandfather nodded, looked at the glass lily in Gu Yihan's hand, and said in a sad tone.

"It seems that Xiaoyuan really likes you, executive officer. That glass lily is his mother's birthday gift to him."

"It is also the last thought his mother left for Xiaoyuan..."

"Where did Ayuan's mother go?" The young master frowned and asked?

"Forget it, it's all in the past. Those who stay must look forward..."

Ayuan's grandfather shook his head and took Ayuan's hand and left.

Ayuan was led by the old man and left the port, looking back every few steps.

But he was reluctant to say "big brother" in his mouth...

Looking at the two people who disappeared, Gu Yihan sighed lightly and put the glass lily in the notebook of the little camel.

If we have a chance in the future, I will consider whether to take him with me...

Seeing the two people silent, Zhongli coughed and spoke first.

"Mr. Shaoqing has come from afar, why don't I host everyone tonight and invite everyone to have a drink? Um... Let's set the location at the glass pavilion."

"Glass vegetables are very famous in Liyue, Mr. Shaoqing should like it."

"Is it really okay? Thank you, Mr. Zhongli." Gu Yihan was slightly surprised and agreed happily.

The corner of the young master's mouth twitched. Mr. Zhongli has Mora?

No way, no way...

Zhongli nodded, "It's okay, it's almost time, let's go now. There are many guests in Liuli Pavilion these days, I hope there are still seats."

Gu Yihan nodded, handed the notes to Lekana, said a few words casually, and followed Zhongli to bypass the crowd.

He went up the stone steps of the port and headed towards Liuli Pavilion.


At the port, after hiding the bandages wrapped around her arms, Jakarena prepared to disembark leisurely.

She didn't expect that she would be so seriously injured when she first met Gu Yihan.

But thinking about it carefully, she really couldn't blame him, after all, she was the one who touched him first.

After waiting for Liyue, if his attitude is sincere enough, it is not unforgivable.

The injury is easy to heal, but it's not worth it if her husband is lost.

On the deck, Jakarena took a few deep breaths before walking down the ship.

However, as soon as she got off the ship, her good mood suddenly became bad.

She asked the attendant behind her with a dark face, "Where did the people who came to greet us die?"

The attendant looked up at the crowded port and said tremblingly.

"My lady, I clearly saw the people who came to greet us just now..."


Jakalenyana raised her hand and slapped one of the attendants, but because she was too strong, she pulled the other hand, and it hurt so much that she broke out in a cold sweat.

"My lady, it's my subordinate who deserves death. Are you okay?"

The attendant suppressed his disgust and asked hypocritically.

In his heart, he wished that her other hand would be broken as well.

Jakalenyana rolled her eyes at the attendant, "Where is the young master, haven't you gotten off the boat yet?"

"I don't know... I was helping the young lady deal with the bandages just now, and I didn't have time to follow the young master..."

The attendant said respectfully, but in his heart he cursed all three generations of Jakalenyana's ancestors.

If she hadn't always been procrastinating, would it be like this?

Who knows where the Shaoqing has gone...

Jekalenyana rolled her eyes at the attendant and pointed in the direction of the port.

"I heard that the Shaoqing's residence is in Yujingtai. Let's go there first."

"If the plan goes well, the red plum tree should be here soon. Let's go and see it with me."

"I want to give him a big surprise."

Jekalenyana said, and walked into the port first.

The attendant nodded and followed her hurriedly.

He didn't want to get angry because Jekalenyana didn't know the way and couldn't find the Shaoqing, and suffer another misfortune.

An hour later...

Liuli Pavilion, in the compartment.

Gu Yihan took a bite of Tianshu meat and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, Liyue's dishes are really delicious and exciting."

"Yeah, I like Liyue's dishes too." The young master said, looking at Gu Yihan suspiciously.

He asked very puzzled: "But, I can'tUnderstand, why do you know how to use chopsticks? "

"Master, don't you know how to use chopsticks?" Gu Yihan frowned. Are chopsticks so difficult to use?

Don't you just need hands to use this thing?

"I know how to use it now." The master said, picking up a big mouthful of food and stuffing it into his mouth.

Although the movements were not very skillful, it did not affect his eating at all.

You know, in order to learn how to use chopsticks, he paid 700w Mora to Zhongli who taught him chopsticks!

Although the class has not ended yet...

Zhongli shook his head helplessly, grabbed the wine glass and took a sip of wine, and glanced at the thunder attribute God's Eye on Gu Yihan's waist.

Just when he was about to ask about the God's Eye, he was interrupted by a hurried knock on the door.

The Thunder Firefly Warlock of the Drinking Moon Drunk Shadow Tower said anxiously.

"Master Shaoqing, I have an urgent matter to report. "

Gu Yihan frowned, put down his chopsticks, picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped his mouth elegantly, then said lightly, "Come in."

The Thunder Firefly Warlock walked into the room quickly, bowed to the young master and Gu Yihan, and greeted Zhongli.

He bent down and reported the situation to Gu Yihan in a low voice.

After listening to what the Thunder Firefly Warlock said, Gu Yihan said goodbye to Zhongli and the young master with a dark face, and ran out of the Glazed Pavilion.

Rush all the way to Yujingtai.

"Hey... It seems that he has encountered a difficult situation again." The young master spread his hands helplessly and asked Zhongli.

"Mr. Zhongli, should we follow him and see? Maybe there will be a fight."

Zhongli shook his head, "Since it is Shaoqing's business, let him handle it. It's not too abrupt to meet for the first time."

"Look at the time, the hall master should be back from Wuwangpo, and I should go back too. We will meet again another day. "

Zhongli said, and stood up and left Liuli Pavilion.

The young master nodded and agreed happily.

"Okay, Mr. Zhongli, take care."

After Zhongli left, the young master suddenly reacted and smiled bitterly at the door.

"As expected of Mr. Zhongli, you fooled me again..."

The young master took a sip of wine and sighed helplessly, "Waiter, check out."

Li Cai, the waitress of Liuli Pavilion, handed the bill to the young master and said to him politely.

"Your total consumption here is 10w Mora, Mr. Young Master."

[It seems that it is the season for colds again, everyone must drink more hot water~]

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