Looking at the collapsed houses behind him, Lei Dianying's mouth twitched wildly. Liyue's houses were too fragile.

Why could their Inazuma houses withstand her knife?

"You!" Gu Yihan pointed at Lei Dianying, so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Lei Dianying raised his hand to his chest and bowed his head to apologize devoutly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just don't want you to be in danger..."

"Humph~" Gu Yihan snorted coldly and turned to sit on the stone table under the red plum tree.

He raised his slender fingers to rub his sore temples and yawned again at an inappropriate time.

He has always had a regular schedule, going to bed at nine o'clock and getting up at six o'clock.

So tonight's delayed sleep made Gu Yihan feel uncomfortable all over.

There were always bursts of ringing in his mind from time to time.

His vision began to become a little blurry, and he even felt like vomiting.

Gu Yihan didn't know why he became like this after crossing over, you know, before crossing over.

He is a true champion of staying up late.

Even if he spends another night talking about Watt Continent, there is nothing wrong with his body.

After checking the situation, the Leiying magician just returned to the courtyard and saw Gu Yihan with a very sleepy expression.

She glanced at Lei Dianying calmly, walked to Gu Yihan and reported respectfully.

"Sir, all the houses in the West Courtyard have collapsed."

"Among them, three flower art teachers, five maids, and two chefs have all died..."

"In addition to the West Courtyard, the account office and storage room in the South Courtyard have also suffered varying degrees of damage."


The Leiying magician looked up at Gu Yihan and did not dare to continue reporting.

"What else?" Gu Yihan forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart and asked impatiently.

The Leiying magician nodded and hurriedly reported again.

"And this Miss Ying's room has also collapsed..."

Seeing that Gu Yihan did not speak, the Leiying magician hurriedly spoke respectfully.

"Please rest assured, sir. I will do my best to rebuild the mansion as soon as possible."

"Well, if the funds are insufficient, ask the young master first."

Gu Yihan said, and then asked the Leiying magician, "Have you dealt with the things I arranged for you before?"

The Leiying magician nodded and handed the invitation in his pocket to Gu Yihan with both hands.

"Well, it's already been arranged. Lord Ningguang said that at 6:30 tomorrow afternoon, please gather in the Qunyu Pavilion."

"At that time, she will send Miss Ganyu to greet you in advance."

"Okay." Gu Yihan got up from the chair and raised his hand to Lei Dianying, "Come with me."

Lei Dianying responded and followed Gu Yihan to his room.

In the bedroom, Gu Yihan sat on the bed and said to Lei Dianying expressionlessly.

"After the accounts come out tomorrow, you should write a letter to Inazuma Bugyo and ask them to send Mora over."

"This..." Lei Dianying frowned. She had come to Liyue secretly, and everyone thought she was in seclusion...

If he rashly asked for Mora now, it would definitely cause unnecessary uproar again.

Moreover, if the Son of God knew her current situation, he would probably laugh at her.

When she thought of the scornful smile of the Son of God Yae and the serious doubts of Kamisato Ayato.

Lei Dianying felt creepy.

Moreover, if all the accounts were paid off, wouldn't she not be able to see Gu Yihan again?

This was what Lei Dianying was most reluctant to see.

"I will work hard to make money to compensate you, please believe me." Lei Dianying said, his purple eyes full of determination.

Gu Yihan nodded, "Give me your money-making plan at 8 o'clock tomorrow."

Lei Dianying was stunned. Money-making plan, what the hell is that? ?

She had never heard of it...

"Why? Don't want to?" Gu Yihan smiled playfully, his dark eyes full of irony.

Although he had a lot of things to do, the days ahead seemed to be more interesting.

"Okay, I'll give you the plan on time at 8 o'clock." Lei Dianying sighed.

It seems that she has to learn to go deep into this world.

Gu Yihan smiled, leaned against the head of the bed, and spoke lazily.

"The Rock King of Liyue said that those who break their promises must be punished by eating rocks."

"Now that you and I are in Liyue, we can naturally act according to the contract of Liyue."

"I'll give you a month first. Please earn 30w Mora in this month. If you don't earn enough~"

Gu Yihan got up and walked to Lei Dianying, whispering in her ear with a wicked tone.

"Don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people."

"Okay, I promise you." Lei Dianying said, having no idea about 30w Mora at all.

Maybe for GuFor someone like Yi Han, earning 3 million Mora a month is not a big deal.

Let alone the account flow of Yinyue Zuiyinglou.

The daily flow of the slime condensate processing plant in Zhidong alone is at least between several million or even tens of millions of Mora.

And the flow of those accounts will be verified and proofread by Gu Yi Han himself in the end.

So, although Gu Yi Han is very wasteful in terms of money, he is not unable to make money.

However, compared to a otaku like Lei Dianying, 300,000 Mora is definitely a goal that she cannot reach in a short time.

Lei Dianying's answer made Gu Yi Han very satisfied.

He raised his eyelids and glanced at Lei Dianying, who had fair skin, exquisite figure, charming posture, and plump and slender figure.

He said lightly, "Go and get some water for washing feet."

"Ah?" Lei Dianying's purple eyes shrank, and he looked at Gu Yi Han, who was leaning on the edge of his clothes, in disbelief.

Did he really want me to do the work that only maids would do?

"I don't like repeating myself." Gu Yihan glanced at Lei Dianying with disdain.

He turned his head and stopped looking at her.

Sensing Gu Yihan's displeasure, Lei Dianying raised his hand to support his forehead, feeling extremely bitter.

"I know, I'll go get some water..."


The next day, on the high mountain of Lingju Pass.

After the lady picked up the pen and marked the mysterious passage in the ruins on the map.

She stood on the boulder, looked at the sky that was gradually brightening in the distance, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

After a night of hard work, she finally figured out the map of Lingju Pass.

She also captured all the hillocks here and threw them into the newly built hillock laboratory.

Contribute to the newly built hillock laboratory.

"Hmph, I hope this plan can be completed smoothly, so that we can live up to the expectations and trust of Her Majesty the Queen."

The lady said, turning to the Fatui soldiers behind at night, "Has Fu Jie Luo Lin come back? Any news about Shao Qing?"

"How is he doing in Inazuma? Is Mora enough?"

"Replying to the lady, Senior Fu Jie Luo Lin has not come back yet." The soldier replied respectfully.

"Well, go remind everyone to start preparing immediately and enter the ruins on time at 9 o'clock."


[How much gold did everyone draw? The Emperor is indeed the most handsome man, hahahaha, he is not crooked! It came out in 25 draws! Hahahaha, this is the first time I received the luck! Yeah yeah yeah! ]

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