【One hundred and twenty years of the emperor】

[Your guess and idea are right]

[A few years after the end of the Precious Gold God and the Vortex Demon God, some guests took the initiative to visit]

[It is the immortals who come to the door, and it is also the immortals they are familiar with, the two true monarchs of Lishui and Cutting the Moon~]

[Liuyun and Ah Ping are responsible for receiving them]

[When they found that Liuyun and other immortal friends were also here, they were not surprised, but they were more unexpected when they saw the salt demon god Heuria]

[This makes them know you a little deeper]

[Subsequently, the two immortals hope to meet the human emperor and talk about something very important]

[You met them]


Get out of town!

Human Emperor Palace!

Luo Chen was at the top and met the two immortals who came to visit.

Unlike later generations, the two true monarchs of Lishui and Moon at this time actually used human form.

The two were dressed in flowing clothes similar to Taoist robes, with black and white colors on them.

Xianfeng Dao bone, Feng Shen handsome.

I have to say that the immortals sell their appearance, and they are good.

“I’ve seen the Emperor of People.”

Lishui and Cutting Moon did not put up the shelves of immortals, and first greeted them politely.

Of course, even if you want to put up a shelf, take a little look at the gods in the hall, it is estimated that you will not dare.

On the left side, are friends Liuyun, Ah Ping, and Shui Huo Yasha.

Above is the human emperor who can kill the demon god alone.

But if you have a little brain, you will not be arrogant.

Luo Chen bowed at the two immortals, :

“I wonder if the two immortals came here, what did they learn?”

His attitude is very friendly.

After all, the two immortals also shed their blood for the Terrans.

If they don’t want to, they can live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, and it’s a big deal to change the nest often.?

Li Shui bowed his head slightly, “It’s not a matter of teaching, it’s just that I waited for the order of King Yan to come and ask the Human Emperor for an answer.” ”

“Ask? Lishui, why do you dare to say so? ”

Without waiting for Luo Chen to answer, on the contrary, Liuyun exploded first, and asked in a cold voice.

For decades, Luo Chen’s actions have made her admire immensely.

It was a true true Saint King template, without a single black dot.

It completely belongs to the plug-in given to the Terrans from heaven.?

Because of this, seeing her friend speak inappropriately, she first expressed her dissatisfaction.

“Liuyun, don’t care, after all, he is the one who made a contract with the Rock King.”

Luo Chen did not feel offended, and the etiquette of Lishui was good, and he insisted that he was a foreign minister at the moment, of course, he could not be too flattering.

Stopped by the fully recognized human emperor, Liuyun just glared viciously at Lishui and stopped making a sound.

After stopping the high-ponytailed glasses lady with a straight personality, Luo Chen looked at Lishui again.

“Immortal family, please say, what answer do you want.”

Lishui took a warning that he couldn’t see Liuyun, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Why haven’t I seen it for so long, the other party’s aggression has become stronger again.

With doubts, he said squarely, “King Yan wants to meet with you in person and wants to know if you agree.” ”


Luo Chen still thought that it was something, but it was just a meeting.

In just a moment, why they met, the content of the conversation can be vaguely guessed.

Still, he asked, “But is there a reason?” ”

Li Shui shook his head and said, “King Yan didn’t explain the reason, only said that if you want, you can decide the place, and I will choose the time.” ”

“Okay, then it’s east of Tianheng Mountain.”

Without hesitation to determine the location, Luo Chen did not even intend to reserve a gap to think.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so crisp, Li Shui was stunned for a moment before reacting, and quickly said:

“If that’s the case, it’s seven days from now.”

After the formal negotiations ended, Luo Chen’s expression slowed down.

Unspeakably, this opportunity for the unification of the Terrans is in the midst of meeting.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile when he found that Liuyun was still staring at Li Shui.

“Two immortals, since they are finished talking, it is better to stay for a moment and reminisce with old friends.”

As soon as the words fell, Li Shui glanced at Liuyun and refused one after another.

“I won’t bother when I have something important, and I will definitely have a chance in the future.”

Leaving a word, the two immortals left in a hurry.

Luo Chen listened strangely, how can this be the same as “next time”.


[You agreed to the meeting request brought by Rishui]

[And, when the time comes, you decide to go alone]

[Although the subordinates have all discouraged it, thinking that the other party is called a Martial God among the demon gods, it is very dangerous to go alone]

[But you can try your best to exclude the public and firmly reserve your opinion]

[In the end, the arm could not reach the thigh, and the subordinates reluctantly agreed]

[Interestingly, not only the subordinates think so, but even Gui Yi and Heulia feel that it is dangerous to go alone]

[You spend a certain amount of time convincing the two]

[Until seven days later]


Human Emperor Palace!

Near departure.

“Do you really want to go alone? How about taking me with you? ”

In the end, he still did not die, and he was still making the final struggle, hoping to shake Luo Chen’s faith.

Pinching the girl’s nose, Luo Chen said dumbly:

“If I take you there, it will be a burden to encounter danger, and it is better for me and Lin to go.”

Puffed out the cheeks, and in the end, I really can’t refute it for a while.

She has almost no combat power, and she is considered to be a relatively weak rank among the demon gods.

In case of an accident at that time, Luo Chen instead scored his mind to protect her.

“Okay then, you must come back safely!”

Those who gave up ruefully gave up again and again.

“Don’t worry, I still have a lot of things to do, how can I be willing to leave you before I unlock the lock of the world.”

A hint of shame flashed on her face, and the girl stretched out her hand and cocked her little finger for him to pull the hook.

Sighing that it was really childish behavior, Luo Chen had to follow suit.

It was not until the ceremony was completed that he was finally let go.

“Gone, Lin.”

Outside the hall, the Lin that had turned into the body of the unicorn had long been waiting here.

Since he made it clear to the end, Luo Chen did not delay and stepped on his back.

A cloud was born under his hoof, and Lin immediately hissed, stepped into the sky and headed in the direction of Tianheng Mountain.

To be honest, it was the first time in his life that Luo Chen was about to meet Morax.

Now the rock king is not the guest colleague of the later life, the old man who wanders in the world.

He is cold and ruthless, obeys the rules, and regards the law of contract as the most important.

It’s a little bit of a little expectation.

Walking in the sky, it didn’t take long for Luo Chen to reach the east of Tianheng Mountain.

Once upon a time, this was the place controlled by the Vortex Demon God.

His gods and dependents often carried the tide inland to harass Tianheng Mountain.

There are so many rivers inland today, most of them are blessed by this.

A moment later.

When Luo Chen came to the place he had decided, he found that there was already a figure waiting there.

The dark yellow figure faces the clouds and the sea, carrying one hand along the sea breeze.

Hearing the sound of the unicorn stepping on the sky, he slowly turned around.

“There is only one person?”

Luo Chen glanced around, surprised, but felt very reasonable.

Indeed, just as his dashing man came to the appointment, how could Morax bring a group of people.

Both are probably on the same page. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Wait until you land, roll over and jump.

Luo Chen touched the horn on Lin’s head and said, “Go, come back when I call.” ”

Taking a deep look at the noble deity not far away, Lin groaned softly and stepped away again.

So in this empty place, only one man and one god remained.

Looking closely at Morax, Luo Chen slowly approached him.

The two sides can be described as the masters of this continent, dominating the future direction of civilization.

At this moment, even the breeze became weak, as if afraid to disturb the two most noble bodies in the world.

“Congratulations to King Yan for gaining the authority of God in the Demon God War.”

It wasn’t until he got close to the gods that Luo Chen opened his mouth to congratulate him.

Now in the entire ancient Liyue land, the demon god dies and escapes, and there is no one who can compare with Morax.

Originally, Luo Chen could be compared, but he was a human being, and he was born unable to interfere with the authority of God, and he was not a threat.

Shaking his head slightly, Morax, whose eyes radiated with divine brilliance, said quietly:

“I have no intention of chasing the deer, and I have no intention of getting today’s fruit, which is really not what I want.”

After a pause, he continued.

However, Luo Chen did not agree with this view.

If it weren’t for Morax protecting the side, even if he appeared in the unified Terrans, he would not know how many innocent people would have died tragically.

“The merits of the Rock King are indelible, such merits.”

Today, Luo Chen’s identity can be said to be the spokesperson of the Terran race.

It can be called the luck of heaven and earth.

It is not surprising to say this.

Morax looked at him, his cold and indifferent expression unmoved.

“But it’s just the right time, if it’s decided today, I don’t need to make much effort.”

Thousands of years ago, the rock king, that is really not human, only divine.

Luo Chen did not intend to argue with him about this question, and directly asked the most direct topic.

“Whether it is meritorious or not, I have the judgment of others, I came this time, I just want to know that the invitation of the Rock King is for the unification of the Terran race?”

Hearing this, Morax unexpectedly hooked the corner of his mouth.

0 ask for flowers

“What the human emperor thinks is the same as mine.”

Both men possess considerable wisdom and share the same great aspirations.

It’s not surprising to think of a place to go.

As soon as these words came out, the two of them almost had a bottom in their hearts.

Looking up slightly, Morax leisurely looked into the distance.

“Man is to this world as both a swimming fish in the rapids and vegetation under pressure, fragile and tenacious, ephemeral and timeless, incredible.”

This is my recent insight.

Originally, he was ready to lead his people to a peaceful future.

Unexpectedly, a human emperor appeared halfway.

At first, Morax paid only a little attention.

Until the news came that the other party had killed the Demon God.

Since then, he has always paid attention to the movements of this human emperor.

After that, the other party used unstoppable power to sweep away the universe, rectify the situation, and calm the world.

Many demon gods bowed their heads one by one.

It wasn’t until the time of the three continents that Morax was ready to retire.

“At the beginning of this new era, I want to see how far people can go in the future and what amazing things they can do.”

With that, Morax turned to look at him again.

“So, can you let me witness it?”

Luo Chen couldn’t help but laugh and responded without hesitation.

“At least while I am still alive, you will see a splendid Terrans, a splendid civilization.”

“This is a contract between you and me.”

Morax bowed his head: “Even if the heavens fall, the contract must be completed.” ”

Luo Chen echoed, “The contract is complete, and those who eat their words should be punished by eating rocks.” ”

Here, the contract between the human emperor and the rock god.

That’s it.


[You met Morax, you got his approval, he recognized your status as a human emperor]

[You make a pact with him, and for the rest of your life, you will surely let him witness what a beautiful creature the so-called man is]

[When you return to the city, the news of the contract with the Rock King will be announced to the world]

[Terrans, usher in unification]

[People first couldn’t believe it, then there was a rushing hustle and bustle]

[The whole city, the entire continent, is calling your name, praising your merits, and worshipping your great deeds]

[You have achieved the most magnificent achievement in the world]

[You conquer heaven and earth as a human being, making the demon god bow down and place above the gods]

[You are the Holy King of Heaven, the emperor of the Terran race, and the beginning of civilization]

[Under the whole world, it is not the royal land, the shore of the land, the king’s courtier]

[When your prestige and prestige reach its peak, no one can match it]


[Your simulation of the role has increased dramatically]

【Emperor 127】

[You have ruled more than two million people]

[However, due to the chaos of the demon god, most of the cultivated land has been destroyed, and it is no longer possible to carry out slash and burn, so another method needs to be found]

[Under your leadership, it took seven years for you to build a city south of Tianheng Mountain, in the clouds and the sea]

[On the day of the establishment of the city, you announced the establishment of the country here]


Liyue Port!

This newly built city is full of vitality and vitality.

At this moment, it was later called the land of Yujingtai.

A large number of fanatical and excited people gathered, all of them cast their reverence at the majestic figure above.

On the huge altar, it was their beloved and longed for the emperor.

It was the pride of the Terrans, the holy king who had freed them from their humble and miserable status.

Standing on the altar high above, Luo Chen slowly swept over the people below whose eyes were full of hope and hope.

How long have they been waiting for this moment.

Take a deep breath, and when it was mid-day, Luo Chen immediately announced.

“Since ancient times, the demon god has sought the throne, great chaos has arisen, the Terrans have fallen, and the mulberry fields have been destroyed.”

“However, today I will leave the people, pacify the gods, sweep away the six combinations, and unify the eight wastes.”

“At this time, as the emperor of man, I will tell the heavens and the earth, and the gods and demons will listen to it!”

“When Jiuding, Jiuzhou!”

“Nation-building! Liyue! ”

“Establish the foundation of the Terran race!”

Luo Chen was like a declaration to heaven and earth.

The grand voice is extremely blue, reaching Jiuyu.

In an instant, nine behemoths appeared out of thin air.

But I saw dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, mountains, rivers, stars, grass, wood, insects and fish, jumping on it.

Without anyone commanding, the sacred nine giant statues appeared and separated in an instant.

Eight of them turned into a brilliant brilliance and flew towards the land of Liyue today.

And the giant dome in the center fell straight down, settled on the altar, and made a solemn and solemn loud noise.

At this moment, the bells of heaven and earth echoed, and the reverberations were endless.

Purple qi came from the east, spanning 30,000 li.

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