You are the devil!

Go to hell, human!

In this way, it is the most appropriate description of human beings in the demon world world.

To briefly summarize the story of what happened in this world, the gods are a test for humans, a test that makes real demons feel uncomfortable with human existence.

Only young people with a good heart and no evil thoughts can successfully merge with the demon and retain reason and become a demon person. "

This characteristic makes the existence of demon people originally supposed to stand from the standpoint of humans and become the last line of defense against the invasion of demons.

Ironically, however, they became the first targets of human slaughter.

What kind of despair made the naturally friendly demons finally give up human beings and watch the gradual extinction of human beings coldly.

Humans, demons, demons.

If the boundary between the three cannot be distinguished by the physicality of living things, by what should be judged?

When the protagonist Fudo Ming was desperate, he once questioned himself, isn't the original face of the human beings he sacrificed his life to protect the same demon that turned the world into hell?

This kind of soul-wrenching questioning and hesitation is also the most shocking and fascinating part of the whole work.

Humans who fear demons become more terrifying than demons, and through violence31 kill their imaginary aliens, that is, weaker than themselves.

Disgusted with the arrogant judgment of the gods and demons, Satan, who rose up against life and death, is also lost, and arrogantly judges the life and death of the human race.

All the races involved in this story are lost in the vortex called human nature, and there is an eternal discussion around the theme of "whether the power of the strong has the right to dominate and determine the fate of the weak".

To what extent human beings will reveal the evil of human nature in the shadow called fear, and to what extent they will cruelly persecute creatures that are also human beings.

Under the high level of panic, it is not only the bottom mob who have lost their minds.

From ordinary people, from scientists with advanced education to wanderers at the bottom of society, they are all involved in this terrible force called "fear".

After scientists conducted extremely cruel human experiments on demons, the riot caused by a wrong conclusion only provided a sufficient and seemingly righteous reason for the strong to swing knives at the weak and vent their fears.

Human lust and dissatisfaction with society can turn man into a creature called a demon.

Where is this standard set?

Of course, hey people, Judahs, gangsters, people who have sinned, even people who have participated in social marches, strikers, and so on.

Weak people who are already discriminated against or who disagree with their views are targeted.

Whether it is the flash of human nature or the ugliness of human nature, it is necessary to put it in a desperate and absolutely chaotic environment.

The more you are in the dark soil of sin, the more you can maximize the sin of the wicked and the good of the good.

And Makimura Miki, in this story, plays the role of the Virgin.

She touched the protagonist Fudo Akira with her kindness and love, and has always believed that demons like Fudo Akira are also kind and stand on the side of humans.

She did her best to publicize, expose her true identity in such an extremely dangerous era, tell love and peace to the public, and hope that human beings can coexist peacefully with demons.

And her kindness was rewarded with more brutal cruelty than the devil.

The people who divided her body like a fanatical cultist were human beings and fellow citizens.

Yes, real "devils"!

The whole plot of the demon man was not long, and soon everyone in the group finished watching it.

Then, there was extreme discomfort.

Although I have experienced a lot of sisters, I have also seen all kinds of despicable human nature.

But the demon man, definitely by far the meanest, is not one of them.

The degree of discomfort, the strongest, is not one.

Despair for humanity, the most desperate, none of them.

In contrast to the dark bullet world, cursed children are discriminated against and abused because of their relationship with enterovirus.

And the human beings in the demon world are simply releasing the evil of human nature, killing the same kind with "fear" as the reason, and releasing the bestiality that is pressed on the bottom of the heart.

This is a group of beasts, a group of demons, which cannot be called human beings. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Orochimaru: After reading it, I didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

Gu Yina: Why show me this, people are numb...

Hell Blowing Snow: Hey, hey, I don't know what to say except sigh.

Sindra: My understanding of human beings still seems too shallow.

Tendo Mugen: It's really a more desperate world.

Esders: Even I feel uncomfortable, a world that sucks to the extreme.

Wanda: All of a sudden, I was born to be human, I'm sorry?

Akuya: Miki, you died so miserably (▽)

Miki Makimura: .......

At this time, Makimura Miki had not yet slowed down.

In the end, just an ordinary schoolgirl who sees the future of her world become hell and dies tragically herself, without insanity, it is considered good willpower.

The truth, goodness and beauty that she has always insisted on are so fragile in the face of human inferiority.

Artox: Miki Makimura, hey, okay, calm yourself down as much as possible.

Makimura: I, I don't know, right now, my brain is very messy, very messy.

The future is dark, and Makimura feels so weak that she doesn't even have the strength to cry.

877 This is the powerlessness of human despair, the powerlessness to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness of despair.

She didn't want to accept that reality, she wanted to convince herself that the future she knew was fake.

But now the changing atmosphere in society makes it difficult for her to deceive herself.

All indications are that the future is galloping in a mad dark direction.

Warfarin: Hey, poor baby, an ordinary person in that kind of world, some only despair.

Yakumo Zi: Sister Miki, it may be difficult to accept with your personality, but the humans in your world over there, to tell the truth, are better to be destroyed.

Artoria: The source of evil in this world is human beings, understand Angolan Manue.

Kelsey: Miki Makimura, I'm afraid that time will run out on your side, soon the world will fall into hellish chaos, you have now joined the chat group, and the fate of the world is in your hands.

Tokisaki: You have to calm down quickly, although it is cruel, it seems that you only have two choices: the complete collapse of the human world and the preservation of a small number of people.

The fate of the world weighed on an ordinary schoolgirl like Miki Makimura.

And when she hesitated, the entire human world was rapidly transforming towards hell on earth under the invasion of demons.

The so-called collapse of civilization and the awakening of the beast only take a few days.

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