As an ordinary person, Miki eventually chose to move to the daily world on Haruka's side.

Although the three sisters of the Chunxiang family are now extraordinary existences, the world is still that relaxed daily to the world.

I live next door to Haruka's house, hoping to quickly wash away the heavy pressure on my body with the atmosphere of a real everyday world.

Although everyone has always enlightened Miki, the billions of people who gave up are hopeless.

But Miki is obviously having a hard time coming out of her guilt in a short period of time, and it all happened too suddenly and too heavy for her.

Therefore, those who will be hurt, will have heavy pressure, will be depressed, and often are kind people.

Because of kindness, I will always think about others and put pressure on myself.

However, the big guys came to "five, four, three" to see Meishu every three to five, and there were so many people comforting and enlightening, and Meishu's psychological recovery was still very fast.

In a world like the three sisters of the Nan family, the sand sculptures are stacked high, and the healing power is still very strong.

And the happiest ones have to be Natsuna and Chiaki.

Their eldest sister found such a superb brother-in-law as Yatoks, and their two sisters reached the peak of their lives at once.

Anyway, the small snacks in the legendary shop can be bought casually, and when you go to the restaurant, you can also enjoy unlimited hamburger meat and high-end sushi.

Even Uncle Meng, who has always been bitter, followed the chicken dog to heaven, and the work and love were both fruitful, and he no longer had to be a bitter social animal to lick the dog, which is gratifying.

On the continent of Tivat, Yatox expanded the area dozens of times when he was idle.

Nasida is very speechless, human pregnancy has October, you have not expanded Tivat more than a hundred times in half a year, no matter how rapid the development of technology is, it cannot be developed.

The next generation wants to join the land reclamation construction, and it will take more than ten or twenty years.

Even if the little dolls want to work, it will take seven or eight years.

It can only be said that this generation is really happy, and there is a vast virgin land to develop for them, one by one, either the rich generation or the rich second generation.

Just the grass harvesting elemental dragon king Apep is still in that glass box, and the busy Nasida has not fed him for several days, a little mulberry heart, and can't come out.

Yatox also took the time to go back to Valoran's hometown to take a look, and then he was amused by the newly unearthed Darkspawn kindred, and his stomach hurt with laughter.

"Nayafili, ahahahaha, I didn't expect you to really become a dog."

"What do you think, why did you choose a dog as a host?"

That's right, it's the new hero, the Darkspawn Assassin Dog, Naya Phili.

Not a dog, to be exact, but a group of dogs.

Not only Attox was laughing, but the other Darkspawns were also laughing, and for a while the Darkspawn Temple was filled with cheerful laughter.

"You're enough!"

"This is a wolf, not a dog!"

"And even if it's a dog, it's just a temporary dormitory, what's so funny?"

Naya Phili grinned angrily, but could only be incompetent and furious.

As a newly unearthed Darkspawn, his strength is the weakest, and no one can beat him.

Although his mouth is quite hard, he still regrets choosing a dog as a host in his heart.

But at that time, there was no other choice, the human who carried him at the beginning did not touch him with his own hands, and the first flesh and blood creature he came into contact with was the group of dogs who besieged that man.

Therefore, hurry up and cultivate hard, and strive to recover your body as soon as possible.

It's just that this has become his black history, and it is estimated that it will accompany him for the rest of his life.

And Valoran is now in the current situation elsewhere, which is also interesting. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Over at Shadow Island, our King of Too Much Pain, Foyego, woke up some time ago to make the whole world feel his boundless pain.

Then, in Ionia, he was violently beaten.

In reality, there will be no such brain-dead plot in the game, Foyego can't even pass the level of Kalmar, and his curse of ruins can be done

Karma Gasindra, these two people beat up Buddha Yego and couldn't take care of himself and doubted life.

Your Shadow Island is an island, and I Ionia is not an island?

Noxus, which was fighting everywhere, seemed to have stopped and fully reduced its forces, but secretly sent many people to investigate the Dark Descent Temple, which was the territory of the original Giant God Peak.

The Darkspawns were all busy cultivating one by one, and they didn't have the heart to deal with these mortals at all....

A sister Levran also came over to discuss some conspiracy or something, and was directly kicked out by Rayast.

Addicted to cultivation, unable to extricate yourself, please do not disturb.

A sister is so angry, aren't these dark descendants the most fond of killing and destroying, why are they all addicted to cultivation one by one now?

So, is there any brave, not afraid of death, who dares to stir the tiger whiskers of the dark descendants?

The answer, of course, is Kyle, the angel of justice, who vows absolute justice and eradicates all evil.

How evil is the Darkspawn?

It's a big evil!

Kyle, who is already paranoid to the point of madness, does not care how big the gap between the enemy and us is, and has no hesitation to go up.

Then, half-dead, he was pushed home by his sister Morgana, and it is estimated that he will have to be served by his sister for the rest of his life.

On Shurema's side, the resurrected and ascending yellow chicken Azr wants the Darkspawn, the former Ascension, to return to his command.

But no one cares about him at all, who will go back to Forgiveness, there is no need to know no.

Now that they are Darkspawns, a supreme glory new race with more future potential, what kind of ascenders will they go back?

Yellow Rooster Azir was forced to think that his only royal family was resurrected, and the former Ascensions would come back to help him make Shurema great again.

As a result, only a 3.4 librarian ignored his love, which was uncomfortable.

The bald mage Reiz breathed a sigh of relief, originally thinking that Valoran might be cool, but now it seems that the existence of these darkspawns is a shock Valoran has become stable.

Group tip: Mithra has joined the chat group, so welcome new members.

Yatox saw the name Mithras and thought about it for a moment.

"Mithra, this word..... It can't be that guy's daughter. "

In Yatox's memory, there was only one person who could give the name Mithras.

Her father was a man who was extremely angry, truly destroyed the heavens and the earth, and even killed the creation gods!

(The last world, let's end with the grandest scene.) )。

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