The game flow is very long, and the female sand sculptures are all about to press the controller.

Fortunately, there is also an easy difficulty, otherwise some people will have problems clearing the level.

Warfarin: It's so explosive, although the game is not very fun, but the plot, the scenes, are too explosive! (Warfarin Tumbling GF)

Tokisaki Madzo: Woo-woo, burning and tearful, this game should actually be made into a CG movie. (Crying JPG)

Shiroori: Asuras! Yasha!

Gu Yina: Which way to drag! What a give!

Kelsey: Well, don't get mad, no, it's a serious business now.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Yes, it's a business, and there is no way to drag and what to give (.)

Mithra: King of reincarnation, he is the creation god, why did he treat his children so cruelly?

Mithra's inability to understand that the reincarnation king, the creator god, had killed so many people for a so-called trial.

Her mother, the God Emperor, countless humans, and the original One Yagami General.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: This kind of question, let Artox, the creation god, answer.

Artox: There is nothing complicated, just like human parents, the Creator God is divided into bottom line and no bottom line, conscience and no conscience.

Artox: Think about parents who give birth to their children just for fun, retirement, investment, and you can understand what the king of reincarnation thinks.

Artox: For the king of reincarnation, his creation is a toy, a toy that can be played with casually, and then, playing with fire, he sets himself on fire and is killed by his own creation.

Sindra: The King of Reincarnation and the Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian Sol are completely two extremes, but the Star Casting Dragon King was imprisoned by the Star Spirit in order not to destroy Valoran.

Artox: That's why the King of Reincarnation will be destroyed, he will destroy again and again to restart his own world, and the boundless karma contaminated with him will pull his supreme position of Creator God into the death rules of his own world.

Artox: The wrath of Asura is the wrath of the dead creatures in the countless destruction restarts of the world, and the determination to pull the cruel creation god into death.

Kafka: That's really ironic, just like in the three-body problem, ignorance is not the original sin of destruction, arrogance is, the king of reincarnation is too arrogant.

Amy Pan: We can't take this job this time, so we can only go to the giant guy alone (.)

Wanda: The Creator God can only deal with the Creator God, and we can't hold a finger together.

Esders: Don't finger, it's too much, it should be inferior to a strand.

Yakumo: There are more strands of hair, and even the breath is not as good.

Orochimaru: Yes, this issue can be argued. (Speechless JPG)

Tiantong Mugen: Talk about business, talk about business, Mitra is still waiting for us to rescue.

Yatoks: Then act as soon as possible and solve the problem early.

Mitra: Thank you very much, thank you, Lord Yatox, thank you.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: Little things, a fallen creation god is not the opponent of the Eight Classics Creation God.

Mitra: Well, then I'll open the door for Mr. Yatox to come over, and there's a mess outside.

The door of space opens, and Atox steps into it, entering the world of Mithra.

This is inside the Fortress of Cause and Effect, where Mithras is suspended from the ceiling by a pile of pipes that transform mantras.

Yatox removed the tube at a glance and caught the falling Mithras.

The poor girl was hung on it for more than ten thousand years and suffered a lot of sins.

Fortunately, his physique was particularly strong and he recovered quickly after breaking free.

There was a constant movement of concussion outside, and Atox looked out through the Causal Fortress and found that it was Asura and Yasha who were chasing Deus.

After more than 10,000 years of construction, the Causal Fortress has changed from a small half of its head to a complete half-body Buddha statue, and its volume is not much smaller than that of Titan Earth.

The mantra stored above, in order to deliver a fatal blow to Blidara, now Deus needs the power of mantra and Mithras to deal with Asura and Yasha.

Fighting alone Deus can defeat Asura and Yasha, and he can even pick two at once.

But today's Asura is much stronger than before, and one against two can't beat it.

It's just that when Deus enters the Causal Fortress, he finds that his hole card Mitra has been saved by someone he has never seen before.

"What are you?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Deus immediately took out his nunchucks and made a vigilant posture, and his intuition told him that the other party was a strong enemy.

Atox looked at Deus, the hero who gave up his moral bottom line for the sake of "righteousness".

One, a poor bug whose fate is manipulated by the king of reincarnation.

Asura and Yasha were behind him, and Deus didn't have time to think about it, flicked his nunchuck, turned into white thunder, and rushed towards Attoks.

Then he was glared back by Atoks, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and then stuck to the wall.

The gate behind Deus exploded, and Asura and Yasha also rushed in, also looking at Mitra and people who didn't know each other at all.

And, pasted to the wall, half-dead Deus.



After more than 10,000 years of reunion, the father and daughter were finally reunited.

Just as Mithras ran towards Asuras's arms, several golden silk threads wrapped towards Mithras.

"You don't take me seriously either."

With a wave of his hand, Artox cut off the spider silk, forcing the golden spider to appear.

Asura quickly protected Mithras behind him, and Yasha hurried over to protect his niece.

He was already sorry for his sister for stupidity, and he couldn't let his niece have an accident anymore.

"I really didn't expect that other Creator Gods would come to my world."

In a burst of golden light, the golden spider transformed into the appearance of a six-armed golden Buddha sitting on a lotus platform.

The creator of this universe (Zhao) the god of the world, the king of reincarnation.

He was surprised by Yatox's arrival.

Generally speaking, the Creator God will not go to the world created by others unless they have a very good relationship, trust them very much, and are invited to do so.

In the Creator God's own world, home combat has a near-absolute advantage, which can greatly make up for the strength gap between the two sides.

If it is calculated in hundreds, at least the gap of thirty can be made up, and more can even make up the gap of fifty.

Therefore, it is a very dangerous thing to rush to the world of other Creator Gods.

"This unknown Creator God, it is very impolite to come uninvited..."

Before the King of Reincarnation finished speaking, Artox's fist beckoned to the face of the King of Reincarnation, flew out for Ya, and rubbed on the floor.

The rules of this world, fights must still hit the face.

Yatox must admit that hitting him in the face is really cool.

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