With the strength of Yatoks, finding a Ban in such a big ninja world is just a glance at it.

Under the rain country, Apana, black and white, eating hot pot…

Well, two of the three don’t eat, and one is too old to eat hot pot.

Anyway, they were chatting, and suddenly the roof was lifted, and the old comrade Ah Ban almost didn’t stop.

Naturally, it was Yatox who came to play with Aba Spot.

“Dance King Uchiha, shrunk in this underground gutter, like a stinky mouse, not in line with your style.”

Artokes looked at the aging Apan in front of him, not knowing why the first thing that came to mind was a maniacal meme.

Ahem, it’s all the trouble of the second creation.

“Boy, didn’t your adults teach you to be polite to your elders?”

Known as the rat in the smelly gutter, Ah Ban’s eyes narrowed, and he immediately became angry.

The already old body released Chakra’s domineering energy of the past.

It’s just that the person in front of you doesn’t eat this.

“Ah Ban, are you, haven’t eaten.”

“Oh, you look like you’re dying of old age, can’t you eat at all.”

Yatox is still the smelly Yatox, and he can’t control his mouth when he sees the object that can be mocked.

Seeing that the other party ignored his momentum, Aba suddenly put away the light 640 vision heart and asked, “Who are you?” I don’t remember the ninja world having you as a person. ”

Hei Jue also played drums in his heart, and Bai Jue’s news did not return, but he had already vaguely guessed.

Yatox stared at Hei Jue: “Why, the news of Bai Jue hasn’t come yet?”

“Introduce yourself, Atox, although the name of the Darkspawn Sword Demon really wants to take off, it seems that it has been tied to me forever.”

Yatox used the scarlet darkspawn energy to condense the form of the darkspawn sword demon for a moment, indicating his identity.

Hei Jue had already cursed in his heart, and he had never expected that there would be people from another world to intervene in his plan.

Now Ah Ban is not in its heyday, and the eye of reincarnation is not there, but what a whole.

Ah Ban asked Yatox quite calmly, “No matter what you are, whether you are from another world or not, I advise you not to be my way.”

Yatox laughed on the spot and laughed.

“Hahahahaha, Ah Ban, you are threatening me, you are actually threatening me?”

“Ahahahaha, I don’t know how many years no mortal dares to shout in front of me, let alone a threat.”

Yatox was really laughing, and tears were about to burst out.

God, where does Aba get his confidence?

Is it the eye of reincarnation, or the love given to him by the intercolumnar face on his chest?

“Hahaha, Ah Ban, I remember you once said that this small ninja realm is barely enough for two people to toss between you and the Thousand Hand Pillar.”

“Why, after being invincible in this ninja world for too long, he became a frog at the bottom of the well.”

“Oh, by the way, speaking of the Thousand Hand Pillars, some time ago we reincarnated him from the dirt and pulled him to build a house in my world.”

Even if he was ridiculed, and heard the news of the persecution between the pillars, Aba was about to go crazy.

“Arrogant, although I am old among the thousand hand pillars, I am not yet something that anyone can mock!”

As soon as Ah Ban’s heart was ruthless, he temporarily returned to his youthful state by transporting Chakra through the outer golem.

It’s just that now this pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes are not his original pair, and they can’t exert their full strength.

But even so, he is confident that he can be invincible.

Hei Jue saw this and knew that he couldn’t persuade now, and it was estimated that the other party could not hide it if he could find it like this, and now he could only hope that Aba could beat the other party.

“Good momentum, Ah Ban, you are very brave.”

“But do you really think you’re my opponent?”

Artokes grinned and raised his hand and waved it lightly.


The underground space where several people were located was instantly shattered by the storm, and the rock formation above was cut into pieces and flew into the sky.

Hei Jue subconsciously immediately sank into the ground, and Ah Ban quickly opened Susano.

However, in a hurry, he could only protect himself with Chakra ribs, and then he was blown out of the pit.

Ah Ban slid hundreds of meters on the muddy ground before stopping to stand firm, his eyes were already full of caution like a great enemy.

A casual wave of his hand is the power of the super S-class wind, and he can’t do it in his heyday.

Without hesitation, Aba immediately opened his full body, and hundreds of meters tall blue Chakra giants rose to the ground, holding a giant Chakra sword in each of their four arms.

Yatox jumped out of the pit and looked like a big toy.

“Is this the ultimate power of your Uchiha clan?”

“Looking about the same age as Freyrdrand’s goat-dog bear brothers, I just don’t know if they are so resistant.”

The bridge of Aban’s nose trembled, the other party’s mouth shattered to annoy him, and the four Chakra swords that were completely supposable were chopped down in unison.

This blow shattered the earth, and countless rubble and trees were thrown into the air, smashing out a huge pit.

The smoke and dust were wafting, and Apashi, who was completely in the head of Susano, could not see the situation inside.

In the next second, he felt a huge force coming from below.

“Your thing is a flower rack.”

At the same time as Yatox’s words sounded, Aban’s complete body Susanoo was thrown hundreds of meters high and thousands of meters away.

It landed heavily in the woods, creating a giant human-shaped pit.

“It’s always a weird force!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Looking at Attox who jumped out of the pit, Aba simply didn’t know how to complain.

There is this kind of power in human form, and it is also available in the Darkspawn Sword Demon form.

Before Apan could react, Atox had flown above Abba’s head in an instant.

Crawling out of the pit, the embarrassed Ah Ban’s expression was extremely angry, how could he have been so humiliated by the Ninja Realm Shura?

Even in the battle with the pillars back then, he was only slightly down.

Now I have to admit that the other party is definitely stronger than the pillars in the period of full victory

Only by using the eye of reincarnation can he fight with the other party.

But now that the eye of reincarnation was in Nagato, he now regretted that he didn’t listen to the black one.

Without waiting for him to think more, Artox’s taunt came again.

“The ultimate strength of the Uchiha clan is not very good, Abara, you are really old.”

“I’m a Darkspawn Sword Demon, and you, you don’t even have the qualifications to let me take out a sword.”

“I’m disappointed, or should I give you some time to install the eye of reincarnation?”

Yatox’s last sentence can be said to have filled the ridicule, and Apana’s anger value suddenly soared.

Let him go and get the eye of reincarnation, is this a charity to his Ninja Realm Shura?

“Bully, man, too, even!!”

Akira staged an extremely angry acting, and once again condensed his complete body and slashed towards Atoks.

And Yatox just punched the four Chakra swords that came at him.

The fist and the Chakra sword collided, and the Chakra sword instantly disintegrated and shattered, followed by the complete body of Susano.

Like a hurricane of the century, the fist wind tore apart the earth and trees with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, and all the light rain flew upside down into the sky.

Even thousands of meters above the sky, the dark clouds that have shaded the sun all year round have been blown away.

In the land of rain, a rare drop of sunshine.

And Ah Ban, who flew thousands of meters into the air with the rain, looked at the sun and lost the ability to think.

PS: Help Fa Xiao clean up the wedding room tonight, and pick up his daughter-in-law with him tomorrow, the two best Fa Xiao, I am single among the three.

The results of this book are so good, I can’t explode and I myself am distressed to death, but the small wedding can’t be absent, and I hope that the big guys Haihan.

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