“Sorry, I just like to be nosy.”

Atox slashed through with a sword, and the entire dark world was cold.

After the light flashed, the surrounding environment was in the endless night desert.

This is the Pure Land.

The big tube of wood feather clothes floated a hundred meters away, with a cautious face.

The sword of Yatox just now was just casual, and the big tube of wood feathers felt that if he was hit, he would have at least half his life.

The person who knows the time is Junjie, and the attitude of the big tube wood Yuyi immediately became humble.

“Your Excellency, the ninja world really can’t withstand your toss, please go back to your own world.”

“The development of this world has seriously deviated from the original path, and the consequences of continuing like this are unimaginable, which is not good for everyone.”

“From your actions, I can see that you are not malicious, but your actions will only harm the world.”

Will it hurt the world?

Hearing this, Artokes couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahahahaha, “five-six-three” what do you say?”

“You actually say we’re going to hurt the world?”

“The world is unified, there will be no more wars, and all contradictions and disputes will become a small problem within a large group.”

“I think, how can this be a hundred million points stronger than you watched the two sons reincarnate for a thousand years, right?”

When it comes to his own ideas, ideals, Otsuki Yue means that he has to compete.

“Peace achieved by force still spreads hatred and cannot last.”

“Only when people reach mutual understanding can they reap true and lasting peace, and the human beings in the ninja world can usher in true happiness.”

Another set of sayings, Yatox plucked his ears boredly, he really listened too much.

But it can really be done, the best, very few.

Moreover, it is simply impossible to rely on human consciousness.

Yatox felt that Liudao was an old man, and only felt abhorrent and ridiculous.

“Six Dao Immortal Tubewood Yue, do you do anything other than watching?”

“You watch the ninja world bleed for a thousand years, you just watch, even if it is a dog, it has a memory, and it must be problematic to know that a thing fails repeatedly.”

“And you, just set yourself an ideal, and then let the human race play this ideal game that makes them bleed in the endless reincarnation of your two sons.”

Otsuki Yue immediately retorted: “This is all for the good of mankind, peace will always be accompanied by sacrifice, as long as a world where everyone understands each other, then no amount of sacrifice is worth it.”

What a high-sounding one.

“The word sacrifice is really a light word in your mouth.”

“Yes, the Six Dao Immortals, the gods of the Ninja Realm, how can they remember how many mortals have died in strife and war in these thousand years.”

“It’s as if a nobleman can’t remember how many grains of wheat he ate.”

As Yatox spoke, another sword slashed out, and the golden light that illuminated the sky shrouded the big wooden feather coat.

The big tube of wood feather turned the tin staff, and the Dao Jade behind him wrapped himself in it.

Qiudao Jade was cut in half by the golden light, and Datu Mu Yue withdrew from it in time to avoid the blow.

And the golden sword light cut the invisible soaring sand waves in the pure land.

Knowing that Yatox did not intend to stop there, the face of the big tube of wood feathering became completely gloomy.

“You claim to be a demon who destroys the world, what qualifications do you have to dictate to me?”

“What qualifications do you have to look like a savior?”

Atox took the form of the Darkspawn Sword Demon, and the Darkspawn Greatsword smashed towards the top of Otsuki’s head.

“Because you, Uncle Yatox, I have never denied the sins I have committed.”

“I never felt right and never expected a good ending.”

The giant sword smashed the jade like a biscuit, and smashed the large tube of wooden raincoat into the sea of sand.

“My sins are ten times heavier than yours, and only now I have the opportunity to seek salvation.”

“I am willing to be a nosy and good man, even if I can never atone for my sins!”

Yatox grabbed the large wooden feather in the sea of sand, and then pressed it down fiercely.

Pillars of scarlet light several meters high rose into the sky, and hundreds of meters high sand waves like a tsunami spread.

The big tube of wood feathers appeared from the sand wave in embarrassment, quickly repairing the Dao Seeking Jade.

Yatox was more powerful than he could have imagined, and even the Seeking Dao Jade had suffered some irreversible damage.

Ordinary means can be directly skipped, and you must directly exert your full strength.

“Tennuma Spear!”

The black Dao Jade fused together and became such a strangely shaped giant artifact.

This is a sword of the heart, and although it is exaggerated to claim to destroy the world, it also has the power to destroy the surface of the earth.

But only if the user is determined, can the full power be exerted.

Obito performed this trick in the fourth Shinobi World War, but because he still had the dream of becoming a Hokage in his heart, his determination to destroy the world was not firm, so the Spear of Tennuma collapsed.

And this Tennuma spear of the big tube of wood raincoat has been absorbing the power of the Pure Land extremely quickly since it condensed, and the glow has merged into the pitch-black spear0…

At a glance, Yatox could see that this was the power of the soul.

“Sure enough, the world thought you were dead, and you have been planning in the Pure Land for a thousand years.”

“You just need to show up and let the world know of your existence, and you can easily make the world peaceful.”

“But you just don’t do it, you don’t care about the life or death of human beings at all, because you are not human, you will not empathize with human beings, and you have always been high in the posture of God.”

“After all, if you don’t even love your own mother, how can you love others!”

Yatoks’ taunt made Otsuki’s face even more gloomy.

After a thousand years of silence in the Pure Land, today it is actually for people to reveal all the old bottoms.

He wouldn’t admit to being the way Atox said he was, but he couldn’t argue with it either.

When no one else mentions it, people can deceive themselves for a while, or even deceive themselves for a lifetime.

But the darkness buried deep in the heart is dug up by others, and it is difficult to deceive yourself.

Sanctimonious and sanctimonious, it’s about the big tube of wood feathers.

“It’s useless to talk more, I will expel you from this world.”

Under the blessing of the power of the Pure Land, the Heavenly Marsh Spear exudes an aura that is approaching the apex of the five stars, and there is a faint tendency to break through.

A blow that is enough to destroy the surface and even hit the planet hard pierced Atox.

Where the black spear passed, the sand was annihilated and the space was broken, enough to see the determination of the big wooden feather to destroy Atox.

However, it’s useless.

Attox raised his left hand, and his shining dark red claws pinched the Tennuma Spear like a bamboo pole.

“How is it possible!!”

Otsuki Yue was stunned, no matter what, there was no 3.3 way to believe this scene in front of him.

The annihilation power of the Heavenly Marsh Spear is far better than that of the Seeking Dao Jade Form, and everything touched will disappear as if it had never been before.

But now, it was as if it was easily blocked, and the other party was unscathed.

Yatox looked at the big tube of wood with contempt: “Under the gods, they are all ants.”

“I am God, and you, just ants.”

When the words fell, Atox’s hand was slightly forced, and the sound of glass shattering sounded. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Tennuma Spear, which has the so-called power of destroying the world, is like a glass stick shattered into slag.

There was no energy leakage that erupted, destroying the sky and the earth, just shattered into slag and floated down, disappearing.

And the huge energy in this naturally entered Yatox’s stomach.

The giant sword swung through a golden crescent moon, and the body of the big tube of wooden feather split in two.

PS: The wedding is finally over, a cup of coffee, today is a life will also ensure enough updates.

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