The view above the empty island is the largest in Tivat, and the area is very large, almost the size of Narugami Island.

The terrain that can be seen on the continent of Tivat, mountains, valleys, lakes, streams, plains… It’s all here.

And not only the Heavenly Principle Maintainer lives here, but also some original gods.

That’s right, it’s the Genshin group that has always been mentioned in the game, but has never appeared.

Those who receive the gaze of the gods and the eyes of the gods are the original gods, and they may one day be able to fly to the sky.

These original gods on the empty island are the famous or unknown powerhouses in the history of Tivat.

Among them is Mond’s former founder of the Knights of the Zephyr, the Lion of the South Wind in the Guardian of the Four Winds, Winessa.

This red-haired, wheat-skinned girl lay bored on the grass, looking at the false sky overhead.

Not only her, but everyone ~ seems a little bored.

After all, they were just a few people on this empty island, and there was no entertainment at first.

After that, although they came up with all kinds of ideas for entertainment, after so many years, the inspiration was basically exhausted.

So people like Vanessa spend most of their days lying on the grass and blowing the wind.

If she had a choice, she naturally wanted to stay in Mondstadt and protect her hometown.

Now staying on the empty island, he has the power of almost seven gods given by heaven, but he is not free.

Atox and the Celestial Guardian arrive at the magnificent floating palace in the center of the empty island.

In the reception hall, the unique wine and food of the empty island have been prepared, which is indeed several times and ten times better than the wine and food on the mainland of Teyvat.

When the seven gods gathered five hundred years ago, they must have enjoyed these drinks.

And since then, Nanami has not been to the empty island again.

The two ate and talked, and the Tenli maintainer wanted to know exactly about Atox’s attitude, and Atox also wanted to know something about Tivat and Tenri.

For Yatox’s question, the Tianli maintainer also carried out a series of answers, which can be regarded as the sincerity of his own side.

Today’s Tenri took Tivat from Pharnes and established his own order of the seven gods.

Tenri is tolerant of outsiders who are not a threat to the continent of Tivat. World bubble promotion.

For example, Koli’s mother, Alice, is a witch from other worlds who brings many new things to Tivat.

However, in the treatment of the brothers and sisters of Kong and Ying, the momentary negligence of Tianli caused a big mistake.

The continent of Tivat is too small to withstand the consumption and tossing of scientific and technological development, so Tianli will destroy the kingdom where technology reaches a certain level.

But Tianli has never rejected technology, and he knows that if Tivat can really be promoted in the future, it is inseparable from technology.

So when Canrea was established, Tianli did not care, only intending to destroy it after its technology reached a certain level.

But after a thousand calculations, it was not calculated that the Canrea people were able to discover the power of the abyss, and they dared to use it.

By the time it was discovered, it was too late, so there was the Great Eruption of the Abyss five hundred years ago.

The Heavenly Guardian intercepted when the brothers and sisters wanted to escape, thinking that the seal was empty, but he did not expect that he would escape with the power of the abyss after that.

The Guardian of Heavenly Reason can only separate a doppelganger before falling asleep, and go to follow the sister who fell into Tivat, that is, Paimon.

Because the strength of the Heavenly Principle Maintainer at that time was weak, Paimon is now an independent… Little spicy chicken?

Anyway, it is very weak, and it only has the role of a monitor for the maintainers.

Perhaps after many, many years and eating a lot, Paimon can also grow into the current Heavenly Guardian.

“Sure enough, even if you remove the breath, just the characteristics on your body, Little Paimon has too many similarities with you.”

Artox finally confirmed his guess, and Paimon was indeed the Celestial Maintainer of Trumpet.

It’s just that the small one is a little too much, there is no attack power and IQ, only the amount of food and defense.

Thinking of Paimon’s condition, the Tianli maintainer was also embarrassed and blushed a little: “That kid, it’s indeed a little…”

Strictly speaking, Paimon is not an extension of herself, but also a daughter.

Such a criticism of the image made her really feel humiliated.

Artokes then asked the two siblings, “I plan to live permanently on the continent of Tivat, and Tianli plans to deal with these two brothers and sisters in the end.”

Tianli shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I can only wait for Tianli to wake up, I can only stand up to the two of them first.”

In fact, the Tianli maintainer is more inclined to directly kill the two brothers and sisters, but Tianli seems to plan to keep the two.

Moreover, now that Atox and Ying have a good relationship, the Heavenly Guardian can only give up the direct and proper way of dealing with killing.

Yatox did not stay long on the empty island before returning to Mond, taking Vanessa with him by the way.

At his suggestion, the Tenri maintainer promised to give the island gods enough vacation.

Anyway, this group of people stayed idle on the empty island, so let them find trouble for the Abyss Sect on the continent of Tivat.

…… (▽)~……

Yatox took Vanessa back to Mond, and the happiest person was naturally Jean, who was her idol.

Although she can see the changes in Mond on the empty island, it is not as good as she came back to feel in person.

As the hero who saved Mond from the old nobility, Vanessa also has a prestige second only to the wind god in the Mond people.

“Yatox’s face is really big, and the above actually gave you a holiday.”

Wendy showed up and looked at Vanessa and felt a little uncomfortable.

Although he guided Vanessa to overthrow the rule of the old aristocracy, in the end, it was he who did not pay enough attention to Mond, which led to the old aristocracy enslave the people of Mond.

“Dressed in alcohol, Lord Barbatos, can you get down to business?”

She also respected this wind god at the beginning, and after fully understanding his character and style, she knew that there was no need to give face to a wine who did not do business.

When Yura saw Winessa, she felt guilty, inferior, and guilty.

Eura tried to avoid Winessa, but Vanessa had already spotted her and took her hand.

“Why, the excellent knights of the Zephyr Order, see me, the founder, shy to hide?”

Facing the gentle smile on Winessa’s face, Yura’s nose soured all of a sudden.

A word, a smile, represents heartfelt approval.

Even Winessa, who had been enslaved and led the people to raise the banner of rebellion, confessed Yura.

So others, what reason is there not to recognize her.

She is a descendant of the Lawrence family.

But she is also a wave knight of the Zephyr Knights, a warrior spoon born and died for Mond.

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