1. The real way to cultivate immortality, the secret of controlling lightning with the magic sword!

“Immortals and Taoists are not gods, they accumulate energy and think they are real”

“Huang Tong’s wonderful voice is hard to hear, and the jade book is written in red ink.……”

Jueyunjian has been deserted since ancient times and few people come here. The only people living here are the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals of Liyue and some monsters without spiritual power.

But at noon when the sun was high in the sky, in the silence of the clouds, there were bursts of recitation.

Listen carefully, it is a gentle male voice, calm and with a reassuring power.

I don’t know if it’s the power of the sound itself, or if it’s the”Huangting Sutra” in Taoist legend, which is said to be a”wonderful scripture for longevity”.

The so-called”Huangting Sutra” is divided into Huangting Neijing Yujing and Huangting Waijing Yujing

Huangting Waijingyujing mostly contains stories about gods and ghosts, legends of immortals, and some mysterious health-preserving skills

The Huangting Neijing Jade Sutra is a real Taoist manual for immortality.

In the past, Lü Zu and Lü Dongbin once said:”The thousand-year-old book of Danzhuan is passed down in the elbow, and the two volumes of Huangting Sutra are recited orally.”

Unfortunately, Lu Zu is just a legendary immortal from another world.

And now……

In the Jueyunjian, there is the visible and tangible Liyue”True Immortal””

Jueyunjian belongs to the high mountain of Liuyunjifeng Zhenjun

The stone table, which had been vacant for a thousand years, has now been put back into use.

A man with a healthy wheat-colored complexion, wearing a pair of red-framed glasses, slender figure, as elegant as a crane, and a simple blue-white long gown.

She is a real intellectual beauty.

This is the master of this mountain, Master Liuyunjiefeng. Of course, Jiang Yan had heard of this a lot in his previous life.

This elegant immortal has many titles, such as the Super Chatty Immortal or the Sickly Immortal.

In short, there is no title related to her

The other two sat beside Master Liuyun. One of them looked like a non-human, with black and red horns on his head and a delicate and beautiful face.

With one hand on his chin, he quietly looked at the gentle young man who was sitting cross-legged on a boulder not far away and chanting Huang Ting.

Although her outfit is very strange and bold, it doesn’t look out of place on her.

Liuyun’s eldest disciple, or adopted daughter, Ganyu

As for the other person, she had a slim figure but was bound by a red string. Her expression was not cold, but seemed to be indifferent to everything.

This is Liu Yun’s second disciple, Shen He.

As for today, a homegirl fairy, a three-no aunt, and an overtime master actually gathered together for the first time.

The reason lies in the young man on the boulder opposite the three people.

Wearing a slim black robe, he sat cross-legged on a huge rock, with a scroll of magnificent scriptures on the stone table in front of him.

The yellow trees behind

The angular face does not look sharp, but rather gentle.

He kept reciting, but he didn’t turn the page. His eyes were leisurely, perhaps looking at Gan Yu and the others, or perhaps looking at the sea of ​​clouds behind them.

But a certain Kirin girl looked shy and timid.

Jiang Yan was calm. He had read the contents of the Huangting Sutra ninety-nine times and studied it for ninety-nine days.

I have memorized it by heart, and I understand its meaning, if not completely, at least about 50% to 60%.

This is the hundredth day since he traveled to Teyvat. As for why he traveled there, it doesn’t matter anymore.

As soon as he came here, Jiang Yan awakened the system

But his system is very unique. It has no name, no novice gift pack, and it immediately gives Jiang Yan a task.

“Read the book a hundred times, and its meaning will become clear. Recite the Huangting Sutra a hundred times within a hundred days, and the system will be officially activated.”

That’s all the system and what he said

After that, there was only a copy of the Huangting Sutra. No matter how he called, the system did not respond.

He came to such a dangerous place, and the system was unreliable. Even if he had a good attitude, he couldn’t help cursing.

But fortunately, Liu Yun, who was helping Gan Yu to purify her mind, met him.

Maybe it was because he looked good, or maybe it was to find a companion for the increasingly indifferent Shen He.

Regardless, Liu Yun kept him and built a cave on the top of his mountain for him to live in temporarily.

Later, Jiang Yan began his long process of reading a hundred times.

It was indeed boring at first, but after reading for a while, Jiang Yan found that his slightly impetuous state of mind in his previous life

In addition, I came to Teyvat, but I was helpless and felt anxious.

All were smoothed out by the Huangting Sutra

At the beginning, I had to do it because of the mission. Now, reciting Huangting Sutra every day has become a habit.

Perhaps it was the blessing of the system, or perhaps this Huangting Sutra had an unfathomable ability.

Not only did Jiang Yan understand it very quickly, but reciting it could also purify his mind and soul, and the listeners would feel a sense of peace and tranquility from the soul.

This is also the reason why Gan Yu and the others like to wait for Jiang Yan to recite the Huangting Sutra.

Even now, I have to take time out every day to listen to Jiang Yan’s meditation and recitation of Huangting

Ningguang once suspected that Ganyu wanted to resign, and she has been giving her psychological counseling in a roundabout way these days.

Jiang Yan kept talking, but it did not affect his multitasking.

Perhaps, this is also the ability brought by the quiet recitation of Huang Ting during this period.

Today is the 100th time I have recited the Huangting Sutra, and it is also the 100th day since I came here.

My mysterious system seems to be activated.

Even though the state of mind that Huang Ting had nurtured for so many days couldn’t help but feel a little disturbed.

The state of mind is the state of mind, and the strength is the strength

Coming to a dangerous world like Teyvat, if Liu Yun and the others hadn’t taken me in,……

To be honest, Jiang Yan can’t even beat a slime.

The combat power should be about the same as Paimon.

In this world, there is nothing wrong with craving for power

Jiang Yan was not sure if the three beauties on the opposite side could understand the Huangting Sutra.

Thinking about it carefully, these days, apart from Liu Yun and the others asking a few questions about what scripture this was, there has been no other discussion about the Huangting Sutra.

I guess they treated it as a story and a different kind of poetry recitation?

The Huangting Sutra is indeed obscure and difficult to understand. In addition, the immortals in Teyvat are not the same as the immortals mentioned in the Huangting Sutra.

Liuyun is not Zhongli. I guess she really didn’t understand, or maybe she was too lazy to understand.

He plays Gundam, and cultivating immortals is his side job.

Perhaps because the system is going to be officially launched today, Jiang Yan is in a good mood today.

His eyes turned to Ganyu again. He didn’t know what the little Qilin was thinking. His cheeks were red and he looked shy and timid.

This surprised Jiang Yan.

Could it be that the Huangting Sutra has this kind of effect?

As for Shen He……

Well, Jiang Yan and her had very few exchanges over the past few days, and Shen He seemed to be avoiding him deliberately because of her own problems.

Jiang Yan wouldn’t flatter others and make them uncomfortable.

The Huangting in the mouth gradually recited the last chapter of the bathing chapter

Ganyu and the others also perked up and even stretched lazily.

Just as Jiang Yan thought, the three people who knew that he was an alien only read the Huangting Sutra that Jiang Yan had been reading every day.

Treat them as people from their world, a daily must

As for understanding……

Sorry, I can’t understand it even if I look at it.

However, the sound of this kind of recitation is indeed very soothing. The three of them regarded it as a spiritual massage.


They are still looking forward to it, and even like this part.

However, Ganyu actually came with a mission today.

She wanted to take Jiang Yan to Liyue Harbor. After all, it was not good for a mortal to be close to an immortal. In addition, Shen He was still not used to interacting with people.

Jiang Yan is also an alien, so he must have special talents. Liyue naturally doesn’t mind being tolerant and using people.

Moreover, they had chatted with Jiang Yan for more than three months and had indeed seen his wild ideas.

Especially regarding the national system of Liyue, he seemed to be very familiar with it, and many of his suggestions helped Ganyu a lot.

He needs Jiang Yan to display his talents in Liyue

Of course, this is an objective factor.

As for subjective factors……

Gan Yu wants to bring Jiang Yan under his command. As for what he thinks, that is a personal matter.

Seeing that Jiang Yan was about to finish reciting his daily homework, Gan Yu’s eyes became brighter.

I secretly clenched my fists to encourage myself.

We’ll chat later. I must bring Jiang Yanguai… to Liyue Harbor.

Only there can he display his true talent!

As soon as I was distracted, I noticed that Jiang Yan had completely finished his homework for the day.

Gan Yu’s face lit up with joy, and she quickly stood up, planning to pull Jiang Yan over to sit down.

Suddenly, I was surprised to find that there was an endless purple air condensing between heaven and earth, and there was even a faint smell of the soothing smell of sunken wood and pine.

Liu Yun and Shen He were also moved, and hurriedly stood up and stood in front of Jiang Yan with Gan Yu.

The latter calmly closed his eyes, his Taoist robe fluttering without wind, and the golden light wrapped around him like a thin film.

The half-long black hair left for more than three months now seemed to have been injected with hormones and grew to the waist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Endless purple air condensed in the sky and drilled in from the top of Jiang Yan’s head

This scene made Ganyu extremely panicked.

“Don’t worry, I can feel it, it doesn’t seem to be bad for him.”

Liu Yun said something soothing in a gentle voice, Gan Yu nodded silently, but clenched her fists tighter.

The three of them did not notice that a tall man quietly came to the shadow of a tree not far away.

Looking at this side quietly, or more precisely, looking at Jiang Yan

But all this has nothing to do with him

Endless purple energy completely entered his body. Under everyone’s eyes, an exquisite light golden rune condensed between Jiang Yan’s eyebrows.

It was an ingenious structure that was hard to describe. At least Liu Yun couldn’t tell what it was.

I just feel that there seems to be some mysterious power hidden in it.

Jiang Yan slowly opened his eyes, and after a moment of purple mist, he saw

“Jiang Yan! How are you? Are you feeling unwell?”

Gan Yu looked at him with some concern, but the thin layer of golden light on Jiang Yan’s body had not yet completely dissipated, so she did not dare to rush forward.


Jiang Yan looked at Gan Yu’s eyes gently.

After a moment, the corner of his mouth

“Thank you for your concern. I am now… I can’t be better.”

On the golden system panel that only he could see, the real name that the system had been hiding finally came out like ink.

“Preaching and Immortal Cultivation System”

The name is simple and straightforward, and clearly indicates the positioning of the system.

Jiang Yan didn’t know about other systems, but his system was simple and crude. Apart from the name, it was all about tasks.……

To put it bluntly, there is not even a mall

Jiang Yan didn’t care much, he looked down

“Read a book a hundred times and its meaning will become clear”

“Recite the Huang Ting 100 words in silence for 100 days, and your state of mind will be in harmony with nature.”

“Reward: The actual practice state of Huangting Yujing Sutra is synchronized with the state of mind, currently at a minor level;

Spells: Sword Controlling Technique, Golden Lightning Curse, Divine Sword Controlling Thunder Technique

Basic alchemy, basic refining, basic talismans, basic spells”

Feeling the surging immortal energy flowing through my body like a river

Jiang Yan took a deep breath

Is there really such a truth in the world that a dragon can change into a dragon when the wind and clouds change?

For example, at this moment, he knows……

From now on, he, the immortal cultivator who traveled to Teyvat


(No more displaying! I have published a new book, dear parents. This is a new book by an old author. Please give me flowers and comments!)

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