213. Kong, who drank the blood of the beast, will prosper the martial arts of the abyss from now on.

Faenleb nodded respectfully.

“Your Highness,”

“Now that my beast has mastered martial arts, I can lead the team deep into Jueyunjian to continue searching for other beasts.”

“Try to bring more beast martial arts personnel to Kanriya”

“In addition, Your Highness, should our ferocious beast martial arts also be divided into realms like Liyue martial arts?”

Sora nodded as a matter of course

“It’s natural”

“Since the fierce beast martial arts is also inspired by Liyue martial arts, we don’t need to waste our brains and can just apply Liyue martial arts directly.”

“Acquired, innate, master, grand master, land immortal”

“As for the more detailed division, Fineleb, you should pay attention to it.”

“After all, you are the only one who has successfully embarked on the path of fierce beast martial arts.”

“In the future, you should also pay more attention to and think more about the fierce beast martial arts, and make it more perfect as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, two words suddenly popped up in Faenleibu’s mind:

Martial Ancestor!

The Liyue martial arts was created by the Geo Emperor, who is considered the Martial Ancestor of Liyue.

Although this fierce beast martial art was named by Kong

But the original beast martial arts was from him, Faenleibu

He was also the one who improved and enhanced it later.

If he is not the Martial Ancestor, then who is?

Thinking of this, Faenleibu suddenly felt full of motivation, and in an instant, a sense of mission surged in his heart.

Immediately, Faenleibu said solemnly:

“Your Highness, rest assured, I will never let you down and will promote the martial arts of the ferocious beasts of Kanriya!”

Kong nodded slightly, took out six drops of blood and gave them to Faenleibu, and took the remaining two drops.

“Later you will select six people to transform into fierce beast martial arts”

“Fierce beast meat, except for the internal organs, you can take the rest as you like, strengthen yourself as soon as possible, and continue to break through”

“Regarding the hunting of ferocious beasts, the pace has also been accelerated.”

“In addition, the emergence of the fierce beast martial arts is different from the traditional fighting style of our Abyss Cult.”

“The original method of long-range elemental bombardment is outdated. Now you should pursue close combat and hone your combat skills.”

“Melee weapons are also made from the bones of fierce beasts.”

“Use as soon as possible”

Kong made the final arrangements, then turned around and took his blood and most of his heart into the hall.

Although his strength currently seems to be much stronger than the so-called land immortal realm of the fierce beast martial arts

Exceeding the limits of the beast’s martial arts

Moreover, Kong’s ambition has always been to cultivate immortality, not just martial arts.

But I can’t cultivate immortality at the moment, so it would be good to practice a martial art first

By analogy

Maybe I can figure out something.

Putting all these aside, who would object to having one more means?

Looking at Sora’s back, until he disappeared into the hall, the atmosphere in the square became a little more relaxed.

Everyone looked at the beast meat being transported, igniting an unprecedented enthusiasm.

Especially the six drops of blood in Faenleibu’s hand

If you can handle it, you will have six chances to get rid of half of the curse of undead.

It is an opportunity for the six great masters of the fierce beast martial arts to

Who wouldn’t want this kind of opportunity?

But Faenleibu also knew the importance of the blood essence in his hand, so he naturally glared at the Abyss Mages around him who were ready to make a move.

As the ancestor of Kanreya, he must pick a few talented

Abyss Mages are the lowest level of combat power in the Abyss. If you give them these essences and blood, they may not be able to resist. It is such a waste.

The Abyss Singer and Abyss Apostle are better, but they may not be able to withstand it.

The best choice is the deep sin baptist

But the number of Deep Sin Baptists is very small, and they are all high-ranking members of the Abyss Cult.

Three more seriously injured now.……

Suddenly, Faenleibu regretted his ruthlessness.

After much thought, I decided not to use these six drops of blood for the time being.

Wait until the right person appears.

However, the remaining beast meat can be shared among them.

Even if the beast meat at the peak of foundation building is not as good as blood essence, it may be able to start the journey of strengthening ordinary abyss mages.

Laying the foundation for fierce beast martial arts

“Lord Faenreb…`…”

Some Abyss Chanters and Abyss Apostles squeezed past the Abyss Mage and came over with a big smile on their faces.

Although his face was covered by a mask, his attentiveness was not visible.

But the tone and behavior are enough to prove a lot of things

The Abyss Mage cannot withstand this essence and blood, and cannot achieve the martial arts of the ferocious beast. They are stronger than the Abyss Mage, so there should be no problem, right?

The fierce power of the beast martial arts just now has really opened the eyes of many people.

Most importantly, it can also remove half of the undead curse.

This is an opportunity I never dared to dream of.

But in Faenreb’s eyes, the Abyss Singers and Abyss Apostles, although they are already high-level combat units in the Abyss,

But if you want to carry the essence and blood, you are still not qualified.

The essence and blood of this beast at the peak of foundation building was obtained by him and many others working together to barely kill it.

It won’t be so easy to find a peak beast in the foundation building stage.

The peak beasts of foundation building are rare and are all in the core area of ​​Jueyunjian.

If you go deep into it, I’m afraid only someone with Kong’s strength can say that it is infallible.

As for the others, even if they are immortals on earth, I am afraid they will not be able to get away with it.

What’s more, with Liyue and other forces watching from the outside and Shushan from the inside, they dare not start a war.

Hunting a beast at the peak of foundation building is itself a supreme opportunity.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this beast at the peak of its foundation building stage will soon become a swan song.

Then these six drops of blood are extremely important.

At the very least, he must find someone as strong as him to control this essence and blood.

Faenleibu decisively collected his blood essence, looked at the eager man in the abyss in front of him, and said calmly:

“The essence and blood of this beast at the peak of foundation building is not something you can control. You’d better give up on this idea.”

“His Royal Highness the Prince has entrusted me with this responsibility, so I will naturally select the six most suitable and outstanding people.”

“As for you, you can wait for the essence of other fierce beasts to open your Dantian and embark on the fierce beast martial arts.”

“Now, you can also eat some beast meat to sharpen your blood and accumulate strength.”

“The meat of a fierce beast at the peak of foundation building, even if it is not essence and blood, the effect is strong enough”

Hearing this, the people in the abyss lowered their heads in disappointment.

What they wanted most was, of course, blood essence, but there were only six drops of blood essence, so it was unlikely that they would get their turn.

However, the meat of a fierce beast at the peak of foundation building is enough.

After eating it, you can also strengthen your strength and lay the foundation for the subsequent fierce beast martial arts.

“Everyone lined up and came to receive it one by one”

Fineb decisively began to issue orders

The people in the abyss also began to line up to receive meat

This beast at the peak of foundation building can only support a round of distribution for tens of thousands of people at most. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There are more than ten thousand people in the Abyss Cult right now?

Including those who have not returned, the total number is close to one million.

This beast is still far from being

In the final analysis, we still need more ferocious beast meat.

Farnreb’s sorrow stopped outside the hall.

Kong looked at the two drops of blood and half of his heart in his palm, and his eyes gradually became hot.

His strength is indeed as strong as the original Zhongli

But his strength is not just his physique

The only people in Teyvat who are truly famous for their physical strength are the ancient dragon kings and dragon species.

Warcraft and other demons during the Demon War

Although this beast at the peak of foundation building is not a match for Kong’s strength, it can also strengthen his body.

At his level, even the slightest improvement makes a world of difference.

“Faenleibu can only withstand one drop of essence and blood, so I should be able to withstand two drops, right?”

Kong was a little uncertain, but he still gritted his teeth and swallowed the two drops of blood in one breath.

The hot blood that twisted the air tasted as sweet as two drops of warm milk when it entered my throat.[]

Sora couldn’t help but smack his lips.

“It’s really delicious.”

After saying that, Kong did not dare to be careless, and decisively sat cross-legged on the ground, sealing his mouth and limbs.

The tragic scene of Faenleibu absorbing the essence and blood is now vivid in Kong’s mind.

He doesn’t want to lose face.

Nervously waiting for the essence and blood to take effect

Kong Nei watched as the blood slowly passed through his body and settled in his Dantian.

Unlike the Kanreyans, Sora’s Dantian has energy.

This is the ability of being a traveler in the alien star sea.

That pure white light exudes a terrifying power.

But after the blood essence slowly fell into the Dantian, the white light, like a mouse seeing a cat, instantly hid in all directions.

“Here we come!”

A faint pain and burning sensation came over him, and Sora’s face froze.

��In an instant, the pain soared from a level that was still bearable to a level that Sora had never felt before.

Faenleb was right. It was a tearing despair.

He seemed to be torn apart from the abdomen by a pair of sharp claws and tied into a bow.

During this time, it seemed as if someone was roasting him with lava.

From time to time, I throw a piece of ice into my dantian

Since his voice and limbs were sealed, Sora could only bear this pain desperately.

Cold sweat instantly soaked the area around him, it was a pain that made him want to die immediately.

But Kong still gritted his teeth and looked inward at the changes in his blood essence.

The two drops of blood intertwined and continued to transform into blood and spread.

Kong also sensed that there was a mysterious and powerful aura around him, which was constantly seeping into his body and merging into his Dantian.

That’s the spirit.

There seems to be something in the empty heart

He watched helplessly as his Dantian continued to expand, cracks appeared all over it, and then quickly repaired under the blood and energy.

Destruction and rebirth continue to unfold within him.

The pure white energy was also devoured by the blood, and was stained with a layer of blood mist.

I didn’t know how much time had passed, I just felt like I had been chopped in half thousands of times.

But I can’t get used to that kind of pain.

After a while, when his essence and blood completely dissipated, Kong looked at the light realm power in his body that was stained with blood, and lay dejectedly on the ground.

Panting heavily without any image

He was so exhausted that even moving a finger was a luxury.

But the desire for that half of the heart reached its peak

Sora gritted his teeth, climbed up and approached his heart with difficulty.

After a moment, he bit like a devil.

The surging blood and energy flowed from the mouth into the stomach, and Kong’s energy and spirit were quickly restored.

The power in Dantian is becoming more and more tightly integrated, and the muscles in the body are also faintly glowing with the brilliance of steel.

When the last piece of heart is eaten

The power in Kong’s body suddenly turned into boiling liquid.

The blood-colored white liquid rushed through the body like a river of blood.

A flash of blood flashed in Kong’s eyes, and he stood up.

He clenched his fists. The terrible sonic boom and the shattered air made him feel a little lost.

After such a long time, his stagnant strength has leaped forward again.……

Now, no kidding.

He doesn’t rely on any strength, just his physique, and one punch can give a top-level original god who is good at defense a chill in the heart.

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