3. Liuyun, you are a broken immortal cultivator. Let me show you how to cultivate.

Hearing Jiang Yan’s question, Liu Yun burst into laughter and pointed at himself with a slightly playful look.

“You are in front of an immortal and ask what an immortal is?”

Jiang Yan’s expression remained unchanged as he felt the thunder tribulation.

There’s still some time, that’s enough

“In your mind, what is immortal?”

Jiang Yan asked again without getting tired of it.

Liu Yun frowned slightly, somewhat displeased

I thought he was joking, but I didn’t expect him to be asking seriously.

If Jiang Yan hadn’t left a good impression on her during this period, she would have used her natural talent of being a good chatterbox.

“Why do you ask?”

Liu Yun put away the smile in his eyes and looked at Jiang Yan calmly.

“It has been about 3,700 years since the Emperor founded Liyue. During these thousands of years, there have been many people who have visited the immortals.”

“What we seek is wealth, power, and strength. This is human nature.”

“But do you know what is the kind of request that the Emperor and us immortals hate the most?”

Jiang Yan remained calm, smiling as always.

“Become an immortal, live as long as the heavens”

“Ha! Your tone is more arrogant than any other immortal seeker I have seen in the past thousands of years.”

Liu Yun looked surprised, and Gan Yu beside him looked at Jiang Yan with some entanglement.

From their previous interactions, it was not clear that Jiang Yan had any desire for immortality. This was also the reason why, coupled with his identity as an alien

Liuyun and the others are quite accepting of him.

But now, why did Jiang Yan suddenly say this? Could it be because of the purple air in the sky just now?

Gan Yu looked at Liu Yun with some concern, fearing that Jiang Yan would say something to irritate Liu Yun.

Let Liu Yun throw Jiang Yan down in one go

“Seeking immortality… Indeed, I am on the road to seeking immortality”

But what gave Gan Yu a headache was that Jiang Yan did say the words that he shouldn’t have said.

Liu Yun’s expression suddenly turned ugly. Even Zhong Li, who was watching from the dark, had a hint of disappointment in his golden eyes.

Jiang Yan came to the world a hundred days ago, and he also came to secretly listen to the Hundred Days Huangting Sutra

It is indeed profound and unfathomable. Zhongli asked himself that he had gained a lot of insights from it.

In addition to what happened today, he was a little curious about Jiang Yan’s situation and planned to show up to see

But at the moment, Jiang Yan’s words made him a little disappointed seem……

Just like many other laymen in the world

But suddenly, Jiang Yan said calmly:

“Liuyun Zhenjun seems to have misunderstood”

“My immortal path is different from your immortal path”

“My immortality can be sought from myself, from heaven, or from the Tao.……”

“Do not seek outside”

Liu Yun frowned and looked at Jiang Yan in surprise. Zhong Li, who was hiding in the dark, also became interested.

Jiang Yan continued:

“Huang Ting Nei Jing Yu Jing Zi Qing Chapter says that the accumulation of merits is not natural, but is the result of sincerity and concentration.”

“Lord Liuyun, I think this article is clear enough.”

“Huangting Yujingjing, from the heart, spirit, lung, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney internal body, from Lingtai, Sanguan, Zhongchi, Baigu, Xuanyuan, Huangting”

“Finally, reach the realm of action and inaction, ascend to the Pure Land and fly to the immortal realm”

“My way, from the beginning of the century till now, has never wavered.”

“So, back to the original topic……”

“What is a fairy in the eyes of the people of Teyvat?”

Liu Yun stared at Jiang Yan deeply, as if trying to see the deep meaning in his eyes.

But Jiang Yan’s eyes were not as clear as before.

A pool of purple mist flowed, covering many

But Liu Yun could feel that Jiang Yan did not seem to be like those people who sought immortality in the past.

He now……

It seems like they are discussing the Tao?

After a moment of silence, Liu Yun felt that Gan Yu and Shen He seemed to be looking over curiously. He nodded slightly and said thoughtfully:

“This immortal is a crane. After being tempered by elemental energy and washed away by time, he officially became an immortal.”

“Afterwards, under the guidance of the Emperor, he mastered many immortal techniques.”

“Over the past thousand years, many talented people have emerged in the world, but no one has ever heard of anyone becoming an immortal.”

“Therefore, immortals are those who are destined to be immortals.”

Jiang Yan’s eyes were dim, like a pool of bottomless spring water.

“First there is destiny, then there is technique, then there is law, but no truth.……”

Jiang Yan shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

“This is not the fairy in my mind”

“Oh? Are you denying me?”

Liu Yun was a little angry and stared at Jiang Yan quietly.

“It has been nearly three thousand years since I achieved the immortal body. Your bone age is only in your early twenties. Do you have such an understanding of the immortal way?”

Hearing Liu Yun’s displeasure, Jiang Yan smiled apologetically.

“All things in the heavens have their own abilities, and their definitions are different.”

“I may not understand your way of immortality, but……”

“Mr. Liuyun, how do you cultivate your immortality?”

Liu Yun snorted.

“This immortal has said! Immortals are born to be immortals. Even if they become immortals later in life, they are destined to become immortals from the moment they are born.”

“Just like Ganyu, whose bloodline is so deep that he will naturally become an immortal, but Shenhe, like Ganyu, was raised by an immortal, but Shenhe is not an immortal after all.”

As expected, Liu Yun’s super chat ability was activated.

If it were someone else, it would be a little sad, but Shen He……

Now, her mentality continues to deteriorate, maybe she doesn’t care

Or maybe she cares but doesn’t want to show it.

“If your bloodline is immortal, you are not an immortal.”

Jiang Yan shook his head, still stubborn. Seeing Liu Yun was about to say something, Jiang Yan suddenly said:

“I heard that Rock King Emperor Morax is the ancestor of all immortals. What is the difference between him and the True Lord?”

Although Jiang Yan was looking directly at Liu Yun, Zhong Li felt a little uncomfortable. He always felt that Jiang Yan was indeed looking at him.

But when it comes to Zhongli, Liuyun becomes proud.

He raised his slender neck and snorted softly.

“The Emperor is the ancestor of all immortals. Even if we are not immortals, the Emperor is undoubtedly an immortal!”

“The Emperor is born knowing this. If we immortals still need to cultivate elemental energy and accumulate immortal power, we can be called immortals.”

“Then the Emperor, from the moment he was born, could be called an immortal. Later, as he gained control of rocks, gold, jade, and the power of contracts, he made rapid progress.”

Jiang Yan did not refuse Liu Yun’s face and said softly:

“So… can the immortality of Emperor Rock King be cultivated?”


Liu Yun was stunned for a moment and said dissatisfiedly:

“What outrageous words! The Emperor is a natural born demon god, the most powerful ruler in the world, and is known as the God of War!”

“The power of the Emperor can only be controlled by the Emperor! You repeatedly ask whether immortals can be cultivated, but it is just a cliché!”

“I thought you wanted to sit down and discuss philosophy with me, but I didn’t expect that you are still so stubborn!”

Jiang Yan did not make any statement because of Liu Yun’s accusation

Looking up, I saw that the sky was already covered with thunderclouds, which seemed to be the wrath of Liu Yun.

Perhaps because of this, Liu Yun and others did not notice that something was wrong with the celestial phenomena.

“It’s almost time”

Jiang Yan murmured softly, then lowered his eyebrows and looked at the people in front of him.

“If immortals are born and raised by nature, then, sorry, I don’t admit that this is immortal.”

“Born destined to be an immortal, a child of nature; born sacred, a demon born and raised by nature; these are not immortals.”

“He practices the law, the art, and the life, but he doesn’t practice Taoism… This kind of immortal is far from what I imagined.”

“You talked about cultivating immortals in Teyvat, using thousands of techniques and tens of thousands of methods. I just want to ask one question: can you achieve immortality?”

“Can eternity be achieved?”

“Can you achieve immortality?”

Jiang Yan’s series of questions made Liu Yun even angrier. Gan Yu quickly winked at Jiang Yan, asking him to stop talking.

She was really afraid that Liu Yun would throw Jiang Yan off the mountain.

“After saying so much! Don’t you just want to become an immortal? Ridiculous! No matter what the immortals in your original world were like, in Teyvat, immortals are like this.”

“It has always been this way, it has always been this way, and it will always be this way”

Liu Yun snorted and put down the teacup.

“Ganyu, Shenhe, show the guests out!”

“Liuyun Zhenjun, Jiang Yanta……”

Ganyu was a little anxious to smooth things over.

Jiang Yan shook his head, stood up leisurely, his ink-colored Taoist robe fluttering in the wind, mysterious and mysterious.

“Master Liuyun, what I said today was indeed a bit rash, but… this is my way, and it cannot be deceived or changed.”

“Humph! Then go and dream about becoming an immortal! Perhaps, tonight you will be able to dream about becoming an immortal, which will be your wish come true. Goodbye!”

Looking at Liu Yun’s cold words, Jiang Yan smiled calmly.

“Thank you for the blessing from Master Liuyun, but Master Liuyun is wrong. Immortality is not something that can be achieved through dreams, nor is it something that can be achieved through birth.”

“Immortality is achieved through cultivation!”

“Go against the will of heaven, fight against fate, use my heart to represent the will of heaven, heaven and earth will perish but I will not perish, heaven and earth will decay but I will not be immortal”

“Beyond the Three Realms, Not Within the Five Elements”

“This is my immortal way, the Huangting immortal way”

“If you don’t fight or compete, and just follow the will of heaven, you won’t become an immortal.”

Jiang Yan slowly opened his hands, and the purple air gathered under his feet. His long black hair fluttered in the wind. He looked relaxed and at ease, as if he was about to fly away.

Seeing this, Liu Yun’s pupils shrank, and he looked at Jiang Yan in disbelief, chewing over his previous speech.

Frowning, he said:

“This is extremely treasonous and against the will of heaven!”

“Really? Then I feel relieved.”

The smile on Jiang Yan’s face gradually became a little arrogant, and he looked up at the sky flashing with thunder.

“If I were as docile as a domestic dog and obeyed the will of heaven, I would not be able to become an immortal. Everything I have must be fought against heaven.”

“Going upstream is my destiny”

Jiang Yan slowly rose into the air and said softly:

“Fellow Daoist Morax, if you are interested, please watch with fellow Daoist Liuyun.”

“Just look at me…how I fight against the heavens for my life!”

Flowers bloomed in the void, sword lights flashed under his feet, and Jiang Yan reached the endless sky as if he had cut through space.

Under the black cloud that seemed to be about to crush Teyvat, Jiang Xuan’s body, which was surrounded by purple air, was extremely thin.

Like I’m alone, fighting against the whole world

But at this moment, he was full of excitement.

This emotion is also in harmony with heaven and earth.

Everyone in the sky was celebrating for him

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