467. Ninefold Questioning, Otto’s Character

Otto and Kevin successfully entered the ninth level of the heart, which was within Jiang Yan’s expectations.

However, Ganyu and Shenzi were a little surprised when they saw the round mirror in front of Jiang Yan.

Two people stood on the ninth level of the heart in one breath, and they were still not in the state of cultivating immortals. This was the first time

“Are the talents and personalities of people in the collapsed world so powerful?”

Ganyu murmured with some emotion.

Jiang Yan shook his head and said softly:

“That’s not the case. Otto and Kevin are special.”

“If Fu Hua, who is still in deep sleep, wakes up, this time, perhaps two geniuses who have passed the ninth level of self-examination will appear at once.”

Otto, as a human, deceived the tree of imaginary numbers, mobilized forces, and created a new world line.

This kind of great undertaking is destined to make him extremely strong..

Kevin, who was sealed in the quantum sea for 1,500 years, is still the strongest person in the previous civilization, a hero, and a savior

Not to mention Fu Hua, the supreme master of martial arts, who has lived for more than 50,000 years

These three people are special compared to other people in the collapsed world. but……

That’s all.

Perhaps in the future, Kiana can also step through the Ninefold Heart-Searching Stage. By then, she will be quite mature.

But now, only these three people have this ability

“Wait, only two out of three people can pass the ninth level of self-questioning?”

The Son of God was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise:

“Could it be that Otto couldn’t make it?”

After all, she could see that although Kevin had not cultivated immortality, his strength was not something that ordinary people who refined their essence into qi could contend with.

Being too strong is also an advantage

But Jiang Yan shook his head and said softly:

“On the contrary, Otto must have gone through the ninth level of self-examination. Kevin’s words… He still has too many confusions and too many choices in his heart.”

“He is not as pure as Otto”

“Therefore, Kevin cannot survive the Ninefold Questioning.” perhaps……

When the finale of the Collapse World comes, Kevin, who has experienced more things, has completely decided on his future and destination.

At that time, Kevin will also go through the nine levels of self-examination.

But in any case, at the moment, his mind is not as determined as Otto’s.

Apart from anything else, once Otto has made a decision, he will never regret it. No matter how much sacrifice he has to make, he will accept it.

But Kevin……

To be honest, Kevin is afraid that he has not yet made up his mind to implement the plan.

More choices mean more variables

As expected, as Jiang Yan finished speaking, Kevin, who had completely fainted, was pushed out of the Conscience Array.

Raven and Gray Snake rushed over to check and were relieved to find that Kevin was fine.

Although I haven’t passed the ninth level of self-examination, I have already passed half of it.

Moreover, nowadays, his starting point is enough to make many people in awe.

But then, everyone turned their attention to Otto.

Now, only Otto can perform miracles.

The area around the Heart-Searching Formation became increasingly quiet. After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, streaks of golden light surged from the sky.

Into Otto

The latter stood up uncontrollably, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Theresa was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise:

“Grandpa… has he really gone through all the self-examination?”

Ji Zi looked a little complicated, but after a while, she nodded.

“From today on, Otto is the third genius to have passed the ninth level of self-examination before he even began to cultivate immortality.”

Looking in the direction Ji Zi was looking, everyone immediately discovered that on the huge stone tablet, under the two names at the top

A new name

Otto Apokalis

Everyone had mixed feelings, but no matter what, Otto had brought honor to the world of Honkai.

Everyone should show some respect

After waking up, Youlandel looked at Otto in the distance with a complicated look.

“The bishop’s character…is it so firm?”

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding outer disciples instantly became excited.

Cheers resounded throughout the Shushan

Today, they once again witnessed history

Witnessed the birth of a miracle

After Fu Ningna’s Nine-fold Inquiry, another person passed through the Nine-fold Inquiry.

Although I envy Otto’s ability, as a disciple of Shushan, the addition of new talents will surely strengthen Shushan.

The Shushan disciples are still happy from the bottom of their hearts

Kevin also recovered under the regulation of Ji Zi Zhen Yuan. He looked at the name on the stone tablet and then looked at Otto.


After all, it was just a matter of one move.

Gray Snake whispered:

“My Lord, don’t be discouraged, it’s just a mistake. I believe you are qualified to pass the ninth level of self-examination!”

Kevin did not answer, but just looked at Otto who was walking towards him with a smile and a victorious attitude.

After a while, he whispered:


Otto also smiled and nodded. If he hadn’t retained some dignity, he would have jumped for joy right now.

The Nine-fold Questioning of the Heart may not mean that he is talented enough, but it is enough for the Shushan high-level officials to pay attention to him.

In this way, Otto will be able to provide Kallen and the others with more resources.

In the immortal sect, it is always right to show your talent.

“Congratulations, Otto, for becoming the third person in Shushan who has passed the ninth level of self-examination before cultivating immortality.”

Ji Zi mentioned it softly, and Otto’s eyes flashed, and he asked curiously:

“Before becoming an immortal, he had already passed the ninth level……”

“It seems that after cultivating immortality, there are more self-examination arrays?”

Ji Zi nodded slightly and said softly:

“The Great Array of Questioning the Heart is only used by Shushan to select disciples, and for ordinary disciples to train their mentality.”

“Then I would like to ask, where did Mr. Zhongli and others go to cultivate their mental state after practicing Taoism?”

Otto looked at Himeko with some curiosity.

He was curious before. On the stone tablet, it was only written that Zhongli and others stayed in the Eightfold Heart-Searching Place.

But this is unreasonable. Zhongli and his companions are demon gods after all. They have lived for a long time. It is their first time to step into Shushan. It is no problem for them to ask the eighth level of their conscience.

But after cultivating immortality, it doesn’t make sense that I’m still at the eighth level.

Jizi980 pondered for a moment and said softly:

“After changing their cultivation, Zhongli the leader and his men would usually set up a Heart Refining Array in their own caves. There were basically no levels of this Heart Refining Array.”

“The practice of refining the mind is usually carried out in private.”

Otto suddenly realized and nodded:

“Been taught a lesson”

“Let’s go”

Ji Zi raised the disciple token, summoned Hongqiao, and said softly:

“The Great Array of Questioning the Heart has been passed, and the next step is the most important part”

“I believe the master has already known the results of your self-examination formation. Hurry to the sect hall and don’t keep the master waiting too long.”

Kiana shook her head to clear the last bit of confusion and looked at Himeko expectantly.

“Are we going to formally become disciples and start practicing the immortal path next?”

Others also looked at Ji Zi expectantly.

After so much trouble, I finally achieved my goal.

Ji Zi smiled and said:

“It is to worship into the mountain gate, not to worship the master, there is a difference”

“To become a disciple means that someone is willing to take you in as a disciple and teach you your special skills.”

“At present, only the head of the entire Shushan is qualified to accept disciples, but the conditions for the head of the sect to accept disciples are very strict.”

“So… you should think about how to face the heavenly tribulation after you join the mountain sect.”

Kiana’s smiling face suddenly froze, and she looked at Ji Zi with resentment.

“Really! Jizi! If you don’t mention it, I won’t remember to survive the tribulation, right?”

“If I don’t mention it, the thunder tribulation won’t come? Idiot!”.

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