67. Liyue Seven Stars Conference, do your best to cooperate with the cultivation of immortals!

After a long struggle, Bai Wen and the others finally believed that they had only just started cultivating immortality, and had not really become immortals.

However, looking at the proud expressions of the three Bai Wens, it was clear that they still felt that they had become immortals.

Ningguang is a little tired, so she won’t say more.

They will understand later.

Looking at the seven stars with expectant expressions on their faces, Ningguang breathed a sigh of relief.

“Today’s events are really too complicated, and I don’t know where to start. Let me list a few important things.”

“Let me explain it to you one by one.”

“First, the emperor said that he would fake his death during the ceremony and step down from the position of the Rock King Emperor.”

The first piece of news was so explosive, what will happen next?

Uncle Tian and the others looked at each other, not knowing how to respond for a moment.


As the oldest and someone who had met Zhongli several times, Tianshu was naturally chosen by the other seven stars to be the spokesperson.

But this news came out of nowhere, like a thunderbolt, and he really didn’t know what to say.

“About…about the news that the Emperor abdicated……”

“What the Emperor said is true”

Ningguang once again acknowledged the authenticity of the news

“The Emperor had been thinking about abdicating since last year. One reason was that he was too worn out and no longer had the energy to lead Liyue forward.”

“Secondly, the Emperor thought that Liyue had grown stronger and could move on without him.”

“Now that Xiuxian has appeared, the Emperor was invited by the head of Shushan to join Shushan and serve as the acting head of Longshou Peak. From then on, he devoted himself to Xiuxian and ignored the mundane world.”

“The Emperor also told us at Mount Shu that during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, the Emperor would fake his death and escape, and then return Liyue to the people.”

“Unless there is a crisis that Liyue cannot resolve, the Emperor will not intervene.”

“This is just a routine notification. The Emperor has made up his mind. We cannot ask the Emperor, who has worked hard for more than 3,700 years, to continue to lead Liyue forward.”

“All the Seven Stars need to do is to deal with the disturbance caused by the Emperor’s fake death during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.”

Hearing this, Qixing smiled bitterly and couldn’t say anything.

Zhongli has made his own decision, and it has already been decided. He is here to inform them.

Can they still force Zhongli to continue leading Liyue? not to mention……

Liyue ruled by humans may have a better future.

Thinking of this, the Seven Stars were actually looking forward to it.

Seeing that everyone accepted this, Ningguang continued:

“Today we are going to Mount Shu. Keqing, I, and other immortals have already joined Mount Shu and become disciples of the Seven Sects of Mount Shu.”

“From then on, he embarked on the official road of cultivating immortals.”

“The True Lords have already settled in Shushan. Unless there are unexpected events, they will not return to Teyvat often. This is also what the Emperor said.”

“The immortals want to practice, and Liyue has entered human rule, so naturally all problems should be solved by humans.”

“Like the Emperor, the Immortals will only appear if there is a crisis that Liyue cannot resolve.”

“In addition, after the recent Immortal Invitation Ceremony, Keqing and I will focus on cultivating immortals. At that time, I will have to trouble you seven stars.”

Hearing this, the Seven Stars were a little unhappy.

Uncle Tian smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Kaiyangxing on the side said:

“Liyue has just embarked on the path of human rule, but Tianquan and Yuheng, who have the most important responsibilities among the Seven Stars, are obsessed with cultivating immortals?”

“How will Liyue develop? What should the Emperor think?”

Ningguang didn’t think he was being rude. The seven stars present had all abandoned their personal identities and were only thinking about Liyue.

Naturally, no selfishness

But Ningguang already has a way to deal with it

“Today, I entered Shushan and practiced for an afternoon. Keqing and I are now as powerful as ordinary immortals and the followers of demons.”

“In a human-ruled Liyue, humans should also have a strong foundation. We cannot rely on the Immortal Emperor when major problems arise.”

Hearing this, Kaiyangxing frowned and thought for a while, then nodded and said:

“If that’s the case, we can share some of the work with you. Liyue, ruled by humans, still needs to have its own fighting power.”

“I just hope that Tianquan and Yuheng can continue to improve.”

The other seven stars also nodded.

Ningguang said softly:

“Thank you for your understanding”

“The third thing is to dispatch the elite troops of Qianyan Army to be stationed under Jueyunjian and rotated on a monthly basis.”

“Each batch must have no less than 2,000 people”

This matter makes people a little embarrassed

“Not to mention that most of the elite Qianyan Army are in various places to suppress monsters, Jueyunjian is the residence of immortals, and there is also the current head of Shushan.”

“We send the Qianyan Army over there……”

Yaoguangxing looked at Ningguang hesitantly, and the latter said softly:

“The Qianyan Army that he led today just caught up with the headmaster’s morning class at Jueyunjian. Since then, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.”

“I asked the headmaster for a trade group, and asked him to send some Qianyan soldiers to listen to the headmaster’s morning class every day. Their strength will definitely increase greatly. As a price,”

“We need to collect more animals for Shushan and the leader, and collect various Liyue classics.”

“This is the only bargaining chip that we in Liyue can offer that will make Shushan accept it.”

“In a human-ruled Liyue, not only top-level combat power is needed, but also bottom-level combat power.”

“Of course, the Qianyan Army stationed there should not act recklessly and should show respect to Shushan.”

Hearing Ningguang say this, the Seven Stars became even happier

Yaoguangxing nodded repeatedly

“I will go down and make arrangements later. After the elite troops are reorganized, they can be stationed in Jueyunjian in order.”

“While ensuring the tranquility of Jueyunjian, it also stops some reckless people.”

“As for animals and books… isn’t this too much of a joke? Transactions are not equal!”

Ningguang smiled and said helplessly:

“The leader is extremely powerful, what can we offer that is worthy of Shushan’s attention?”

“It’s nothing more than this thing. The leader happens to think it’s useful now, so it can be used as the price of the transaction.”

“If Mora… is a carrier of values ​​that restrain mortals, then what is the use of it for immortal cultivators who do not need the mortal value system at all?”

“This is also the headmaster’s mercy, so there is no need to worry about it. There is more to the transaction.”

“These transactions have other bargaining chips.”

“The fourth thing is that the Shushan Cave Heaven is full of spiritual energy, and some animals have evolved into fierce beasts.”

Ningguang gave Keqing a look, and she took out the beast meat and asked Baiwen to give each of the seven stars a piece.

“You may wish to taste it first”

Ningguang kept it a secret and took the first bite

The Seven Stars were a little confused, but they still believed that Ningguang and the others would not harm them.

So they just tried to eat it.

As soon as the beast’s meat was eaten, the seven stars were shocked.

Everyone present is extraordinary, at least they all have the eyes of God.

With this feeling, he suddenly found that his elemental power, which had been stagnant, began to rise again, and even his physical strength became much stronger.


Uncle Tian covered his chest in disbelief, and the feeling of chest tightness and shortness of breath disappeared instantly.

Toxins in your body……


“This is probably the best panacea! It is indeed something for a cultivator.”

Uncle Tian praised it repeatedly, and he finished eating it in a short while.

“Everyone, how do you like the meat of this beast?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ningguang wiped the corners of her mouth elegantly and looked at everyone with a smile.

Kai Yangxing, who was rather impatient, said quickly:

“Tianquan, how much meat can this beast produce? How difficult is it to hunt? Is it only effective against the original gods?……”

Ningguang raised her hand slightly, signaling Keqing to summarize.

Keqing took out a list and passed it to the other seven stars.[]

“This beast meat was produced by a mutated wild boar. One wild boar produced nearly twelve tons of meat.”

“The output is pretty good.”

“As for the effect… the Qianyan Army that went there today, their physical strength alone is no less than that of ordinary original gods.”

“Naturally, it also works for ordinary people”

“The only pity is that each beast has extraordinary power, and it is difficult for the original gods to hunt them.……”

“The lowest level beast, the difficulty of hunting is no less than that of a young rock dragon lizard”

“However, compared with the effect of the beast’s meat, this little trouble is not worth mentioning. What do you think?”

Uncle Tian nodded decisively and said seriously:

“Naturally, all the hidden diseases in my body have been eliminated. This beast meat is really a treasure. If Qianyan Army takes it for a long time,”

“In less than three months, it will become the strongest army in Teyvat.”

Ningguang smiled and nodded, saying softly:

“I have consulted with the headmaster. The beast evolved from the beast that came to Shushan from Teyvat.”

“The head of the sect has agreed that Liyue needs to pay for this transaction with raw stones, minerals, and medicinal materials. In addition, there are also the immortal magics and secrets of the emperor and the immortals.”

“Materials such as raw stones need to be collected by you in a certain way. Please ensure that they are of sufficient quality and quantity.”

“Once this matter is settled, in the future, perhaps we can sell beast meat as Liyue’s new signature product.”

As soon as the words fell, Kai Yangxing flatly refused

“This is absolutely not allowed!”

“If it is a friendly country, we may provide some as a friendly gift, but if it is sold on a large scale, I am afraid that the Fatui will also be able to buy it.”

“Why should we make wedding clothes for others?”

“What’s more, it works even if eaten by ordinary people. If a bunch of powerful ordinary people appear in Teyvat, I’m afraid there will be chaos.”

Ningguang shook her head

“Kaiyang, don’t worry. When I say sell, it’s something we are sure of.���”

“The head of the sect said that after the emperor becomes familiar with cultivating immortals, he can create martial arts techniques for ordinary people to practice.”

“By then, our Qianyan Army will have the skills, beast meat, and the opportunity to station in Jueyunjian.”

“Why worry about not being able to lead the world?”

“At that time, selling the beast meat would only enrich the national treasury, with no harm at all.”

After careful consideration, Kai Yangxing nodded in approval.

“In this case, it would be a two-birds-with-one-stone strategy.”

Ningguang smiled and continued:

“Today we are going to Shushan. Everything is a blessing. You can put your worries aside.”

“As long as we get through the early transition period, Liyue will definitely get better and better, everyone can rest assured”

Hearing this, the other seven stars also showed joy on their faces.

After a moment, Yaoguangxing asked curiously:

“Tianquan, does the master plan to open the mountain gate?”

Ningguang naturally knew what she meant and shook her head.

“The head of the sect has not yet thought about opening the mountain gate, but the head of the sect has said that because the people of Liyue know more about cultivating immortals,”

“The strongest acceptance of cultivating immortals”

“If we open the mountain gate later, we will naturally target Liyue first.”

“However, the leader’s thoughts are naturally related to the development of Shushan. We must not be arrogant and conceited because the leader values ​​us.”

“Everything goes well as long as the leader wishes.”

“In addition, since Liyue has received so much help from Shushan, it is natural for it to provide some convenience to Shushan, even if it is insignificant to Shushan.”

“But it’s attitude after all”

“At present, Shushan does not need anything from Liyue, but we cannot miss it.”

“Raw stones, medicinal materials, mineral materials, animals, and classics, these are the only things we can take out, please collect more.”

“In addition, I want to set up a special fund for Shushan, both to attract ordinary Liyue people who will join Shushan in the future.”

“It is also for the convenience of the people of Shushan, especially the leader, to do things in Teyvat.”

“Although the head of the sect likes quietness, he also said that he would temper his mind in the world of mortals.”

“Be prepared so you don’t get caught off guard.”

The Seven Stars nodded repeatedly. If they didn’t hold on tightly to Shushan, they wouldn’t be worthy of being the Seven Stars.

Regarding Ningguang, they gave her resources, privileges, and prepared special funds that might not be used.

They don’t think there is anything

The fact that someone is willing to teach Liyue how to cultivate is already a huge blessing for Liyue. This is a huge favor, and they feel a little ashamed to give such a small gift.

But the objective factors are here

The wealth and everything that Liyue is proud of are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Shushan

What they think is precious, Shushan will not even take a second look

There is an insurmountable gap between mortals and immortals.

They don’t have anything good to offer in return, so they can only show their attitude and do their best to complete various requirements.

Shushan’s every move has a bearing on whether Liyue can stand on top of Teyvat in the future, or even surpass Teyvat.

Since then, the seven stars have known

In the future of Liyue, I am afraid that everything will depend on the development of Shushan.

Shushan has no intention to take care of the affairs of the mortal world, so Liyue will take the initiative to do all this for Shushan

Ningguang and Keqing thought about it for a moment, thinking that there was nothing else to say.

“Today’s work is over. Thank you for waiting for so long.”

“Yuheng and I will return to Shushan tomorrow. If there is anything urgent, just send someone to Jueyunjian to pass on the message.”

“If there is no emergency, we will come back to deal with it in the evening.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

The seven stars stood up one by one and prepared to leave.

The news we got today is all good news. It can be seen that everyone is full of ambition and is ready to go all out.

Ningguang thought for a moment and looked at Keqing.

The latter also said:

“There is still a lot of beast meat left today, you can take it back and enjoy it slowly.”

“It’s a good thing to be able to improve personal strength”

The Seven Stars were even happier about this, and they didn’t pretend to refuse, and came straight over.

After saying thank you, he left quietly.

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