"Yae Miyaji-sama, I'm here as promised. Rest assured, no one else will be aware of this trip. Sara said slowly.

"Know you'll keep your promise. Miko smiled, "I guess...... You must be upset these days and can't sleep at night, right?"

"Thanks to these two, I do.

Sara looked at Ying and Luo Mu, and asked lightly, "So, where is the evidence I want?"

Luo Mu pointed to the table.

"These ......" Sara leaned over and began to read slowly.

Her expression went from coldness at the beginning, to confusion in the middle, and then to shock at the end.

The speed of this transformation is enough to reflect her complex heart.

It does have the official seal of the head of the family, and the writing and handwriting are also ...... of his own style

The rebels, the Coral Palace, and the front line didn't even say a word about ......

The head of the house, he ...... Why

is this ......

?" sara muttered to himself, as if asking everyone present.

"Of course, it's to make the 'Eye Hunting Order' go smoothly, if you write these in, what if the general regrets it?" Luo Mu responded in a low voice.

"Heavenly Leader pursues...... Is it true that he is deliberately deceiving the general?" said Sarah, whose expression was wooden at this time, and something seemed to have collapsed in his heart.

She hesitated for a moment, but opened the back letters.

But it was precisely because of this that the shock in her heart reached its peak, "This is written on it...... The dealings between the head of the house and the Fatui?!

Isn't everything I have insisted on hitherto...... Actually...... Damn! The

betrayal is unforgivable, and I am going to confront the head of the family now!"

Sara lowered his head and gritted his teeth, and the aura that was inadvertently exposed was already a little evil.

Seeing this scene, Luo Mu couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his back, "Sara, if you do it then, remember to keep your breath, don't kill your family master."

"I don't need you to remind me, I'm in a measured position!"

After leaving these words, Sara left the place with some letters.

"She might be able to take us to Raiden Shogun. Ying, who had been silent for a long time, said slowly.

"Wait, I have something to tell you. Miko said as she took something out of her inner pocket.

"Remember the 'Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes' when you first entered the Pure Land of One Heart, right?"

Ying nodded slightly.

"You have to find a way to recreate the scene of that day, and if you can make Raiden Shogun "open his heart" in front of the "Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes Statue", there will definitely be a chance to ......

" "Don't worry, Miko, I will do my best. "

Hmm...... Take this with you as a farewell gift.

As soon as the words fell, Miko handed over the omamori he had just taken out.

"The omamori of the Narukami Shrine is quite effective, so I left one for you.

Ying took it with both hands, "Thank you." "

Eh, why didn't I?" Luo Mu couldn't help but raise his hand, hoping that the Divine Son would answer his question.

"You Ji people have their own destiny, you don't need this. Miko rolled his eyes, then looked at Ying and explained seriously:

"When you encounter an intractable crisis, take it out and take a look, and the crisis may be solved."

Of course, you can take it out when you think of me, maybe I'll pop up to see you?"

Ying silently tightened her grip on the Guardian, and then quickly followed Sara.

Luo Mu did not hesitate and quickly followed.


In front of the gate of the Heavenly Leader Mansion

, "Follow all the way here, your courage is not small."

Sara clasped his hands in his arms, but he didn't look angry, "As a witness, before I ask the head of the family for confirmation, I can make sure that you will not be arrested on the spot." "

And after that?" Luo Mu stepped forward and asked.

"If the evidence is true, I will do my best to intercede for you in front of the General.

"But......" Sara said, "if it is confirmed that what you say is slanderous, then not only will you not be able to leave, but you will also be charged with another crime, understand?"

Ying answered.

Next, under the leadership of Sara, Luo Mu and Ying quickly entered the Heavenly Territory Mansion.

In a few moments, two heavily armed samurai blocked the crowd's path.

"Lord Sara, the head of the family has an order, you can't appear in the Mansion at this time. A samurai reminded.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to see the head of the house. Sarah's tone was cold, apparently lacking much patience.

"But...... Lord Ryung's business is on important business at this time, so I'm afraid it won't be convenient to meet with you. Another samurai whispered.

"I say, get out of the way!"

Hearing this, the two warriors looked at each other and couldn't help but clench their swords at their waists.

"The duty lies, please forgive us for not giving in. "

Really?" said Sara, looking around at the two of them, "then let me test your martial arts to see if there is any regression."

Just when the battle was about to break out, Luo Mu and Ying calculated the right time, jumped out from a very tricky angle, and struck each elbow with one person, knocking the two warriors to the ground in an instant.

"Sneak attack trick......" Sara glanced back, but for some reason he didn't resent it.

"There is no need to delay things that can be solved as soon as possible, I don't want to be called a wanted criminal.

Luo Mu leaned down, and then tied the two warriors tightly with hemp ropes, so that even if they woke up halfway, they wouldn't be able to make any trouble.

"Hmph. Sara snorted coldly and opened all the doors with a single palm.

In the depths of the room, Kujou Takayuki was reading the papers on his desk without raising his head.

"Noisy ...... Sara, since when have you become a reckless person who ignores the law?"

Sara moved forward without saying a word, while Luo Mu and Ying followed quietly.

"The political and martial arts are not proficient, and he was captured by the thieves of the Coral Palace, and the kid from Kamaji suddenly disappeared - hmph, Bacheng went to find the little girl of the Hiiragi family for a private meeting again.

Filial piety looked up at Sara and confirmed in a low voice, "And now, even you are going to disobey me?"

Sara did not respond directly, but met Filial piety's gaze and said in a deep voice: "Lord Filial Piety, I have read the official documents and letters to the Fatui from the Imperial Palace, please ...... Give me an explanation!

" "Who took the lost official documents and letters?"

"I can understand this sentence of yours as ...... Are they really your handiwork, and not forgeries?, please answer me positively, my lord, the celestial leader under your leadership...... Did you really betray the shogunate?"

"None of this matters now. Xiaoxing smiled bitterly, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at himself or laughing at Sarah's short-sightedness.

"I have indeed dealings with the Fatui, and I have come from the official documents you have seen.

All you need to do is assist in the promulgation and implementation of the "Eye Hunting Order" to reap the benefits promised by the Solstice Envoy.

For a long time, there are so many people who covet the status of the Kujo family, and there are countless families who want to pull us down.

Not only can it get the strong support of other countries' forces, but it can also weaken the combat power of those enemies with the help of the eye hunting order...... I think it's a good deal, but I don't need to tell you, Sara.

Xiaoxing's expression was calm, and his tone sounded less like repentance, but like quibble.

Even if he is as calm as Luo Mu, he is a little nervous at this time.

I have to say that the old guy in front of him is really thick-skinned.

"You obviously ......" Sara paused before continuing after calming down, "You have always respected the general so much, why do you say the betrayal so lightly!"

Xiaoxing's mouth opened slightly, and then he took another sip.

He didn't know how to respond to the question, and after a moment of silence, he had to bow his head and continue his work, "Is that all you have to say?" "

What?" Sara tilted his head slightly, wondering if he had misheard.

"I say, if you want to spend your precious time here talking to me about the changes in your heart, or if you want to explain something that has been repeated a thousand times...... Then it is better to go to the castle tower and report these things to the Shogun, and she will naturally make a decision. "


"But I would like to remind you that the Shogun is now meeting with the envoy of the Winter Solstice, the Fatui Executive Lady.

Xiaoxing's expression was calm, steady as an old dog, he knew very well that no matter how his subordinates exposed him, as long as the general didn't nod, no one would dare to do anything to him for the time being.

As for the general's side...... The executive had promised that she would take care of it, and that there would be no mess.

"Is it 'Ma'am' again?" Ying lowered her head in thought, and that arrogant face quickly appeared in her mind, "The attack on the island should have been her handiwork. "

Fatui, it's Fatui again......" Sara clenched his fists, and faint nail marks were quickly left on his slender fingers.

"Envoy of the Solstice...... It just so happened that she didn't think she could get away from Inazuma!",

Sara turned and left.

As for the etiquette of saying goodbye to the head of the family, she didn't care at all at this time.

But it's one thing for her not to care, it's another thing for someone to be yin and yang.

Luo Mu gave a middle finger and saluted Xiaoxing, "Master of the Jiujo family, let's leave first if there's nothing to do, don't worry, we will bring fruit to visit you in prison in the future." "

Huh. Xiaoxing shook his head and chuckled, "No hurry, no hurry, you two might as well stay for a while and talk to me for a while

?" "What do you want to talk about?" Ying frowned and asked.

"Kamaji and Sara, you've seen them all. What do you think of the children of the Kujo family?"

"Each of them has Inazuma at heart. Ying stared at Xiaoxing and said coldly: "It's very different from you."

"Hehe, indeed, indeed. Xiaoxing rubbed his temples, as if reminiscing about the past.

For an elderly person like him, as long as he recalls something far away, his head often hurts for a while.

"Kamaji is my youngest son, and he has a good brain, but it's a pity that all his thoughts are spent on poetry and songs, and his body is also poor.

Sara's martial arts and the art of war are at their peak, and he is only slightly inferior in intrigue and intrigues, and the most rare thing is ...... Her unwavering loyalty.

I think she is the only one who can succeed the Heavenly Leader and replace me in the service of the General.

After listening to the words in the clouds, Luo Mu was stunned and didn't know what Xiaoxing was talking about, "What do you want to say, is it possible to simply tell us that you don't plan to hand over the position to your son?" "Don't

worry, I haven't finished yet." Xiaoxing paused and continued:

"With Sara's martial arts, if she is well-prepared and calm-minded on weekdays, she will still be able to fight with the executive officer under the eight seats.

But at this moment, she has long been carried away by anger, and she is by no means the opponent of that "lady".

Although I had an appointment with me beforehand, those executives have always only looked at their own mood and interests.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the "Lady" will breach the contract and use the power given to her by the Ice God to take action against Sara. "

Then you didn't say it earlier!" Ying looked back anxiously, only to see that there was no longer a figure of Sara on the passage from which she came.

"Wait, there's one more thing, don't mention anything you see with the Admiral in the future. Xiaoxing added.

Luo Mu didn't bother to pay attention to him at this time, and he couldn't wait to leave this obscure place now.

But after walking a distance, a few voices came from behind him:

"This study was built by the first Kujo family head, and all subsequent family heads have witnessed the rise and fall of Inazuma here.

Traveler, if the General spares my life in the end, I will repent of my sins in prison.

If the General condemns me to death...... Please dismantle this study and make a coffin for me!"

Luo Mu didn't think about it, and responded directly.

But after pondering for a moment, he quickly changed his words again: "No, what kind of coffin, have you asked the first Kujo family master? Even if your conscience finds out in the end, I will still state it truthfully and will not say a good word for you."

"That's enough, grateful. Xiaoxing bent down slightly, and for the first time in his life, he thanked someone younger than him.

Luo Mu turned sideways and didn't take this thank.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked with Ying towards the castle tower.

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