"Why, judging by your reaction, haven't you seen this?" Alhaitham wondered.

"I should have seen it, but I'm not sure ......

either" Luo Mu took the weave and began to look at it carefully in his hand, "I know an executive...... He likes to wear a big hat on weekdays, and the curtain of the hat is a bit like this thing. "

Which executive is it?" Alhaitham asked.

"The sixth seat of the Eleventh Executive Officer of the Fatui, codenamed - Skirmishers.

After speaking, Luo Mu handed the curtain back.

In the rest of the time, he briefly introduced the origin of the Balladeer and the process of obtaining the Heart of Thunder God.

And after learning this information, Xiao Jixiang and Alhaithham's eyes both became solemn.

A perfect vessel, a divine authority.

What happens when the two are combined?

No one knows.

"That doesn't seem to be good news.

Alhaitham looked in the direction of the World Tree, wondering what he was thinking.

"Doctor, Balladeer...... There are also servants with an unclear purpose......" Xiao Jixiang sighed softly, "This land seems to be facing a catastrophe.

At this moment, Luo Mu, who had been silent for a long time, slowly spoke: "I will find a way to deal with the doctor, and if I find his traces, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"It's okay, but you don't have to be reckless at a critical time, and self-protection is the best policy." Alhaitham said seriously: "As for that skirmisher, I will pay more attention to the forbidden island and not let him mess around." "

The servant is still on the border of the Burning Desert, and the deal is not valid. The little auspicious god moved, and a stack of information quickly appeared in his hand.

"These are materials related to the doctor, who was last seen around this opera house, but it is not clear what his purpose is.

Luo Mu took the information, but he was not in a hurry to open it.

He was now thinking about what the Doctor was trying to do with so many prosthetics.

"This meeting is too hasty, and there are still a lot of things to say that are inconvenient to go into detail, so how about we get together again another day?" Alhaitham proposed.

"Okay, according to yours. Luo Mu nodded.

"Well, it's not early, Luo Mu, Lord Grass God, rest early.

After saying that, Alhaitham looked at Xiao Jixiang, and after receiving the latter's nod, he came to the big tree before him and walked in slowly.

"He knows my name?" Luo Mu was a little surprised.

"I mentioned you to him, of course, without mentioning the secrets you have. Xiao Jixiang whispered.

The time spent together always passes quickly, especially when the heart is in mind.

The two of them sat side by side, looking at the World Tree in the distance and talking about what they had seen and heard recently.

In fact, for Luo Mu, such a peaceful life is what he wants most.

The Ice Empress's grand goals, the so-called judgment of the Heavenly Reason, were all illusory things to him.

When he was stunned, for a moment, Luo Mu wanted to reach out and grasp the happiness in front of him.

As for what Fontaine, Nata, look for anti-main ......

Let Ying go alone, anyway, she is the original protagonist of this world.

That's right...... Glowing ......

Luo Mu chuckled in his heart, and suddenly remembered that Ying was still in his residence.

"Xiao Jixiang, I'll leave first if there's nothing to do, if you want to play with me, you can use the previous pocket anchor, I'll be there at any time at night."

"Is it so early?"

"Well, there are still ...... at home" Luo Mu's mouth was stunned, and he secretly screamed that it was not good.

"What else? Could it be that Ying...... Where you live now?" Xiao Jixiang's eyes were like knives, hitting the point.

"Just stay for one night, and I'll take her to find a place tomorrow."

Luo Mu thought for a while, and added: "It's the first time she came to Sumeru, and she is not familiar with this, and you also know that life as a non-scholar is not easy, not to mention that she is still a traveler." "

Lonely men and widows are in the same room, who knows what will happen......" Xiao Jixiang said to himself with a look of indifference.

At this time, even if the wood is like Luo Mu, he also senses that something is wrong.

It was true that he wanted to do his best to be a landlord, but the process was a bit inappropriate.

"After I go back, I'll find her a nearby hotel?" Luo Mu said tentatively.

"With her status, what do you think can be a good hotel? If you open a high-end room as you, the boss will never let her in.

Seeing that Luo Mu was still a little confused, Xiao Jixiang sighed lightly, got up and said, "Hey, don't you just call her to come to my room, anyway, it has been connected with pocket anchors, and my room is quite large."

"That's fine...... Luo

Mu pondered for a moment, and then clapped his hands again, "No, what do you want her to sleep with you, if that's the case, then I'll go directly to your place to sleep, and then ask her to live with me alone, isn't it okay?"

"Then do you have the confidence not to do anything to me in bed?" Xiao Jixiang asked suspiciously and seductively.

"This is not nonsense, of course I ......" This

"stuck" has passed for an extremely long time, Luo Mu just imagined the picture in his mind, and made up the follow-up in his mind, and his body was faintly a little disobedient.

But at the same time, he also knows very well that Xiao Jixiang's physical condition is special, and he can't do anything in a short time.

And even if it is not like that, just simply approaching it, it is very likely to shake the foundation and affect the upper limit of future strength development.

"Of course not confident. Luo Mu smoothed his pants quietly and said helplessly.

"Hmph, that's not the end of it. Xiao Jixiang didn't look surprised, at least now in her heart, the young man in front of her was still very measured.

After a few more words, she returned to the Heavenly Dome Secret Garden.

It is worth mentioning that on the way back, she applied some kind of effect to her face so that passers-by could see another face.

After seeing Xiao Jixiang leave, Luo Mu was melancholy on the tree stump for a while.

In the end, Xiao Jixiang is still too young, and she is only suitable for being a sister at present, and if she is to grow up to be as suitable as a partner like Lei Movie, it will take at least five hundred years.

But don't say five hundred years, just fifty years, the battle between the Ice Emperor and Tianli should be clear.

At that time, how can you be in the mood to fall in love, it would be good to be able to save your life.

After the melancholy, Luo Mu slowly got up and left.

It's not too early, it's time to buy some food and go back, I hope Ying won't blame ...... by then


It's a very ordinary restaurant, and it's no different from any restaurant on this street.

After waiting for a long time at Luo Mu's residence, Ying finally couldn't stay up, and found a restaurant nearby to prepare something to eat.

Although she was not familiar with the people here, as long as Mora was the only currency in Teyvat, she should not be without food in this land.

"One serving of 'Tree King Reliscular Mushroom', two servings of rice. Ying whispered to the stall.

Her tone was a little unconfident, not knowing that such an order was not in line with local customs.

After a moment of silence, there was no response from the stalls.

The surrounding customers continued to eat, and several of them looked sideways, and their faces quickly became a little banter.

"Is it the wrong way?" said Ying silently.

She was a little hesitant in her heart, and she really should go back and wait...... But she's so hungry now.

Just then, a young man in a ceremonial dress walked in.

He looks so graceful, and there is not a trace of superfluous movements.

"This lady wants a 'Tree King Holy Body Mushroom' and two servings of rice, shopkeeper, are you deaf?" The

young man's voice was very calm, but it was calm and a little sharp, enough for the whole restaurant to hear clearly.

After a while, a short waiter walked out, his face was already soaked with sweat, but he still said with a smile:

"Our restaurant is pre-ordered, this guest, the previous meal has not been completed, we will not accept new reservations for the time being." "

What are you...... Are you denying me?" the young man frowned when he heard this, and his delicate face revealed a faint murderous intent.

The next moment, he waved his palm.

A brand new taper appeared from his side and stabbed the waiter quickly.

The sharp taper hits the heart straight through the atrium.

Before he could say another word, the waiter shuddered and fell silently......

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