"No, what kind of boyfriend, this is a friend I met in Liyue, Grandpa, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhiqiong tugged at the corner of the old man's coat and explained with a little urgency.

"Oh...... Friend ......

" The old man nodded as if he didn't understand, and then walked over to Luo Mu, "Zhiqiong, this girl didn't make trouble for you, she has been weak since she was a child, but she just likes to run out, no matter how I call her, I don't listen to her."

"Don't worry, grandpa, Zhiqiong is now a very good adventurer, and the map of the Chasm of Strata that she personally surveyed and mapped has been included in the Seven Stars. I believe that it will not be long before she will be promoted to the vice president of the Adventurers' Association.

Luo Mu praised Zhiqiong, and the latter hurriedly waved his hand, but the pride on his face did not dissipate.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, most of these compliments are based on facts, and they can also show from the side that Zhiqiong is not just "messing around" outside, everything she has done has really helped many people, which is something to be proud of.

It was also during further conversations that Luo Mu learned that Zhiqiong's grandfather's name was Zhixun, who was eighty years old this year, had some problems with his legs and feet, and usually used crutches to travel.

The old man now lives alone, and his usual daily life is taken care of by the nurses and nannies that Zhiqiong is looking for.

But there are some things that cannot be compensated for by the care of others, such as family affection.

Luo Mu wanted to go and join the large army, but Zhixun kept inviting him and Xiao Jixiang to have dinner here, saying that he wanted to get to know each other.

The hospitality of the old man is hard to refuse.

After saying a few polite words, Luo Mu finally responded.

The old mansion of the Zhiqiong family is very large, and it is definitely ranked in Qiaoyingzhuang, and the "Zhi family" originally had two brothers, but a few years ago, a mine cave in the Black Rock Factory collapsed, taking away all the pillars of the family.

It was from then that Xiao Zhiqiong, who was only a few years old, had the idea of becoming an explorer.

She didn't want other families to experience the pain again, so she preferred to go alone and ...... in the dark

Even if she could only leave a few maps for posterity, she thought it was worth it.

Even if the gods she believed in never looked at her, she never wavered.

In fact, many people in the Adventurers' Guild are like this, they do not have a "vision", but they resolutely walk in front of many so-called "strong people".

This precious will may be something more powerful than the "Vision of God"!

At the dinner table, the nanny fried twelve dishes, directly making Luo Mu look stupid.

He thought of Zhixun's enthusiasm, but he didn't expect that there would be more than a dozen dishes on this one, and each one of them looked expensive.

"Grandpa, isn't this a little too grand?" Luo Mu picked up the chopsticks and didn't know where to pick them up for a while.

"What's so grand about this, eat, you're welcome. Zhixun took the lead in moving his chopsticks, and at the same time looked at Xiao Jixiang with a smile on his face, "This is the little Jixiang mentioned by Luo Mu, Chang Zhen Shui Ling, how old is this year, where do you live, and are there any other brothers and sisters in the family?"

"I ......" Xiao Jixiang pursed his lips, and the confusion in his eyes was about to overflow, obviously unprepared for the "Liyue Elder's Greeting Package".

"She's sixteen this year. Luo Mu sandwiched the peeled shrimp into the small auspicious bowl and continued: "She is a native of Sumeru, her parents divorced for some reason, there are no other brothers and sisters in the family, she has been doing chores in the Akademiya since she was a child, and she has suffered all kinds of hardships.

The first time I met her, I was attracted by her strength, she was different from ordinary people, and she often kept a low profile in the courtyard to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although we are now in a relationship of "scholar and assistant", it is more accurate to say that she has become my heart.

After speaking, Luo Mumian did not change color, and he could even spare the mood to serve a bowl of broth to Xiao Jixiang.

If nothing else, just about making up words, he hasn't served anyone yet.

In just a few words, he has already shaped him and Xiao Jixiang into the kind of "master and servant" relationship who share weal and woe, and there are no loopholes.

Will anyone believe this kind of improvised stuff?

Zhiqiong can't say, anyway, Zhixun believes it.

He looked at Xiao Jixiang now, and what he thought in his heart was: It turns out that this girl is already sixteen years old, but it doesn't look like it's really big, she must have suffered a lot in the Akademiya before, right? Fortunately, he met an enthusiastic guy like Luo Mu, otherwise, hey, ......

"Awesome......" Xiao Jixiang's lips opened slightly, and he gave Luo Mu a thumbs up under the table.

"Ji, Ji.

Luo Mu had almost eaten at this time, so he simply held Xiao Jixiang's hand under the table, and asked Zhixun about the cold current while rubbing it.

According to Zhixun, the cold snap that blew from the solstice winter affected ninety percent of the tea farmers in Qiaoyingzhuang, and the loss was not small.

The solution given by Longli is that Seven Stars will reclaim another piece of land to the south of Qiao Yingzhuang, and then the tea farmers only need to transplant the tea seedlings to this place to ensure the future harvest, and the losses caused by the cold snap during the period will be compensated by Seven Stars from the treasury.

This plan sounds good, but it is a bit time-consuming and laborious in practice, and the compensation given by Seven Stars is only the official price, in fact, the price of tea is about 50% more expensive than this official price.

So many tea farmers chose another plan, which was proposed by the Fatui, and it was the rich executives who were the leaders.

The solution offered by the rich was that the tea farmer would only have to sublease the contracted land to the Fatui for a minimum of three years, and he would receive 70 percent of the normal tea harvest within three years, during which time he would not have to work and would be paid while sitting at home.

However, the tea farmers had to sign an agreement promising that all their transactions with tea during the lease period would be settled in the newly issued currency, the "rough stone", rather than the "mora".

Zhixun also said that the rich man seemed to attach great importance to the "chaos" in Qiaoyingzhuang, so he temporarily put aside his work at Fontaine and went directly to the place to "guide" the tea farmers.

Of course, Luo Mu knows what the rich want to do, and now that Mora has stopped production, there will inevitably be a new type of currency to replace Mora's position in the future.

Although the effect of the original stone as a magic catalyst is far less than that of Mora, if there are many people who use it, it is difficult to say the outcome......

Tea has always been associated with Mora for thousands of years.

It stands to reason that there should be some kind of law to protect such an important thing, but the current laws of Liyue have not yet developed to that extent, and the protection of many trade goods is not enough.

If the rich man's plot succeeds and pegging the currency of the solstice to tea, it may only take a year to shake the financial world, let alone a three-year start with an agreement with a tea farmer.

"The situation is not optimistic.

Luo Mu retracted his thoughts, only to find that Xiao Jixiang's hands had been covered with sweat from him.

After talking to Zhixun for a few more words, Luo Mu took Xiao Jixiang and left here and returned to the residence arranged by Longli for the scholar.

However, the group of scholars who traveled with them didn't seem to be able to count on it, and they investigated here for a few days and found nothing.

The only research of value is that a scholar proved that a cold snap came from the north.

After briefly sorting out the research of his peers, Luo Mu still felt that it was better to ask for others than for himself, and in the final analysis, this action was also proposed by him, so he had to put some thought into it.

"This one is affected by a cold snap, you check if there is anything unusual about it." Luo Mu looked at the tea tree in front of him and asked, this is what he just bought from the tea farmer with roots and soil.

"I'll try. Xiao Jixiang leaned down, put his hands on the tea leaves and patiently checked them.

After a while, she said with a solemn face, "Ice elemental...... With the sheer amount of ice elemental blocking every inch of the tea leaves, it's no wonder that Liyue, a land protected by the rock gods, is also difficult to dissolve...... But it stands to reason that they should have died long ago, how could it be in such a half-dead state......

" "Could it be that someone deliberately did this?" Luo Mu broke off a piece of tea and examined it carefully, "If the cold snap is man-made, then everything may make sense, someone wants to take the opportunity to shake Mora's dominance." "

I'll see if I can cure them. Xiao Jixiang clasped his hands together and recited some mysterious spells.

Luo Mu originally wanted to stand by the side, but he soon remembered that he had another meeting to hold later, so he went out first after explaining a few words.


As an invited scholar, it was the first time that Luo Mu knew that Liyue had an association dedicated to the management of tea.

Following the locations marked on the map, he quickly found the "Liyue Tea Association".

It's said to be an association, but it's actually just a bigger room.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Luo Mu quickly found his seat.

The seats are by the window, and the two positions on the left and right are already seated at this time.

It seems that everyone came quite early.

Luo Mu stepped forward slowly, and the expression on his face froze at the same time.

After a closer look, he noticed the table sign and the ...... the people sitting on the table

On the left, Zhongli, a member of the Liyue Tea Association.

On the right, a wealthy man who is also a member of the Liyue Tea Association.

"I'm obedient, what's the situation?" Luo

Mu sat down in his place nervously, and showed a fairly realistic smile to the two bigwigs beside him......

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