
Luo Mu let out a low sigh, and almost instantly rushed to the place where the voice came from, and threw the man to the ground before he could react.

The Fatui uniform, the Fatui logo ......

The man in front of him was clearly a man of the Fatui.

The surrounding branches immediately began to grow according to Luo Mu's will, and soon the person was completely bound.

"What are you sneaking around, seeing that one leg is already lame, could it be that you don't want the other leg anymore?"

Luo Mu stared at the man, and began to think about countermeasures in his heart, he didn't want his abilities to be exposed to the Fatui.

But at this moment, the man suddenly spoke: "Brother Luo, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, we've seen it before." "

Hmm, do you know me?" Luo

Mu frowned, and found that the kid in front of him was indeed becoming more and more familiar the more he looked at it.

Fatui ...... Leg injury ......

"You...... Are you Kolya?" Luo Mu confirmed in a low voice.

"Yes, it's me, it's me!" the Fatui boy nodded frantically.

"How can this be......"

Luo Mu waved one hand and quickly loosened the binding of the branches.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him was Katarina's younger brother Kolya.

But...... He who was rescued in the Chasm of Stratum is still active in Qiaoyingzhuang, does that mean that their sister and brother were not abandoned by the rooster after that, but got other jobs

?" "What about your sister, why didn't you see her?"

"Katya, she ......" Kolya paused, and said with a little sadness: "She was sent by Lord Rooster to the Black Rock Factory, Brother Luo, it is not a place for people to stay at all, you must save her......"

Don't worry, tell me the details. Luo Mu said calmly.

"Hmm. Kolya gathered her emotions for a moment, then recounted their experiences after the Chasm.

It turned out that after the Chasm was sealed in advance, Katarina took Kolya back to Rooster's stronghold.

Considering Kolya's leg injury, the Rooster's initial plan was to abandon the siblings completely, after all, they no longer have any "value".

However, Katarina's insistence shook the rooster for a moment, and he said that he could continue to accept the siblings and heal Kolya's leg injury, but in exchange, Catarina had to go to the Black Rock Factory on a mission.

As for what this task is, Kolya is unknown.

Anyway, the task that can make the rooster adults feel worthwhile will definitely not be an easy job.

In this way, Kolya continues to operate in the village, while Katarina is still trapped in the Black Rock Factory, and her life and death are unknown.

"Tsk, this damn cock is so ruthless to his subordinates. Luo Mu shook his head lightly, feeling helpless about what happened to Katarina's sister and brother.

"Brother Luo, I was just passing by here just now, and I didn't see anything...... Can you save Katya...... I can give you our information......" Kolya whispered.

"Intelligence...... Yes. Luo Mu smiled slightly, and said tentatively: "Then can you get me the information of the rich man, the more specific the better."

Hearing this, Colya's expression froze instantly, "Do you mean Master Pantarone...... He is now in charge of the affairs of Qiaoyingzhuang with his son, and he is either managing the accounts on weekdays, or on the way to the accounts, there is really nothing special.

"In other words, he is indeed a civilian official, and his combat effectiveness is not strong?" Luo Mu wondered.

"I can't say that......" Colya thought for a moment and continued, "Although Lord Pantarone has rarely shown his strength in front of us, he has always come across as dangerous...... In short, if you despise him just because he is a banker, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Okay, I see. Luo Mu patted Kolya on the shoulder, "If the Fatui have anything big to do in the future, you remember to pay attention to it a little, but remember not to expose it, I will find an opportunity to contact you."

"Okay. Kolya nodded, but her expression was still a little worried, "Nakatya ......

" "Don't worry, I'll go to the Black Rock Factory to find it, I've saved it once anyway, and I definitely won't leave her alone now." Luo Mu promised.

"Brother Luo, thank you so much, really, thank you very much!"

"Don't thank you, you can get out of this area quickly, I still have some things to do here." "

Okay, I'll go now.

With that, Kolya quickly left the place.

After seeing him leave, Luo Mu stood in place and fell into deep thought:

"I wanted to go back to Sumeru to solve the matter of Qiaoyingzhuang, but I didn't expect that now it will be related to the Black Rock Factory and Katarina.

"But if I'm not mistaken, the Black Rock Factory seems to be Liyue's 'arsenal', what is the Rooster sending Catarina to do there......

" "Oh yes, wasn't the Sky Xuan Star Yun Yi in charge of the Black Rock Factory before, maybe you can ask him something."

Thinking of this, Luo Mu found that he had so many things to do, and he didn't have an eyebrow for everything.

This sense of confusion is very suffocating, especially in these special times.

After some more experiments in the field, he quickly returned to his residence.


"How is it, have you found anything abnormal?" Looking at the grass evil eye on the table, Luo Mu couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it's pretty much decided. Xiao Jixiang nodded, "The essence of the life force it stimulates is 'overdraft', which is similar to calling the original life of plants in advance, and the medium of this process is Mora." "

Mora?" Luo Mu was stunned when he heard this, and only then did he understand a little why Zhongli was so concerned.

Zhongli must know a lot about the evil thing like the "evil eye", but it stands to reason that he doesn't need to interfere too much after retirement.

However, the rich man has now stepped on all the minefields, not only trying to shake Mora's financial status with shady tricks, but also using Mora's purest magical catalyst on the "evil eye".

With this operation, Zhongli didn't come to a "Heavenly Movement", which was already very face-saving.

After all, every piece of Mora circulating on the continent is Zhongli's flesh and blood, which is his trust in all beings.

Whoever fails Mora will defile his ...... blood

Such acts are inexcusable.

"I know what to do!" Luo Mu retracted his thoughts, took Xiao Jixiang's hand and planned to leave.

"Wait, where are we going?" Xiao Jixiang didn't stop, but asked after getting up.

"Go see my father-in-law. "


"No, what kind of father-in-law." Luo Mu shook his head and corrected: "It's to find an old man who likes to watch dramas, we have to know what he thinks now." "

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