The sound of dragon roars in the distance is getting closer and closer. The originally azure sky is now covered by dark clouds, and it seems that dark clouds are pressing down on the city.

In the sky, Tevarin is constantly circling. It is no exaggeration to describe his huge body as covering the sky and blocking the sun. The deafening dragon roars resound through the world, as if telling his unwillingness to be forgotten over the years.

The dragon's wings vibrate, raising gusts of wind. The once prosperous and free city-state has become dilapidated in just a moment under the ravages of this wind.

Then, four tornadoes began to destroy everything they saw along the way, and some debris was directly rolled into the sky.

"The wind dragon is coming again, run!"

"This damn monster!!! Everyone, run!"

Seeing this, the residents of Mondstadt also fled immediately, closing their doors and windows and not coming out again, looking like they had seen this countless times before.

At this time, in the crowd, Lin Yudie held Nashida's hand tightly, raised her head, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the huge wind dragon in the sky.

According to her estimation, Tevarin's current strength should be the power of a medium-level demon god, but not as strong as the undead under the Red King's Mausoleum.

"Sister, is this the former East Wind Dragon? But isn't he the dependent of the drunkard poet? Why did he attack Mondstadt? This is the place he once guarded!"

Nashida looked at the azure dragon in the sky and said in disbelief.

Perhaps it was the dual influence of Zhongli and her sister, or for some other reason, anyway, Nashida now began to call Barbatos the drunkard poet.

"Nashida, pay attention to the two poisonous sores on the East Wind Dragon!" Lin Yudie pointed to the two places on Tevarin's body that were contaminated by the power of the abyss.

"Is that... forbidden knowledge? No... is it the power of the abyss? Could it be that the East Wind Dragon was contaminated by this thing, so it attacked Mondstadt?"

"Then sister, is there any way to remove the power of the abyss from him?" Nashida looked at the giant dragon circling in the sky with some concern.

At this time, many knights in Mondstadt had come out and attacked the giant dragon in the sky.

Even Lin Yudie saw many familiar people in the game, such as Kaeya, Qin, Lisa, Diluc, etc.

They followed behind the tornadoes that the wind dragon had set off before, constantly destroying these sweeping winds.

"Let's go quickly, Qin and the others are here, nothing will happen!"

Seeing this, Amber immediately held Ying and Lin Yudie's hands and ran to a safe place.

And Paimon held Ying's arm tightly, as if he was afraid of being thrown off, and he looked a little cute.

As for Nashida, she also held her sister's hand. Although she and her sister were not afraid of this East Wind Dragon, her sister did not choose to do anything, so she would naturally not do anything.

However, at this moment, a tornado hit them, and the terrifying airflow directly blew Nashida and Ying away.

"Sister!!!!" Nashida was a little overwhelmed by this sudden scene.

"Nashida! Damn Tewarin!"

Seeing this, Lin Yudie immediately used her power to construct a wind wing, and then chased after it. After all, flying in the air is not something that mortals can do.

If she didn't use the Wings of Wind to cover it up, she would bring endless troubles to herself. Maybe she would be mistaken for the drunkard in Mondstadt...

On the other hand, Ying, Paimon and Nashida were all caught up in the sky together, and they all seemed a little flustered, especially Nashida. This was the first time for her.

Although, on weekdays, she always flew in the sky with her sister, but not in this strong wind.

Seeing this, Lin Yudie immediately used her power to put a Wing of Wind on her sister, after all, to hide from others.

"Don't be afraid, spread the Wings of Wind, feel the flow of the wind, and balance your body!" The girl's gentle voice sounded in their ears.

After listening to Lin Yudie's words, Ying also quickly adjusted her body, and soon cooperated with the Wings of Wind to keep her body balanced.

As for Nashida, although she could also control the Wings of Wind, Lin Yudie still

He chose to hold her in his arms, his sister couldn't be hurt.


Tevalin in the distance roared and rushed directly towards Lin Yudie and others. The huge dragon claws, with the force of tearing the sky, pressed down on the girls in front of him.

"Damn it, Barbatos, do something serious!"

Lin Yudie swore that after the matter was over, she must hold a few cats and chase the drunk poet every day, after all, that guy was allergic to cats.

Looking at the incoming dragon claws, Lin Yudie did not choose to confront them directly, but chose to dodge, even though she had the ability to subdue Tevalin.

However, if she did that, not only would her identity be exposed, but if she chose to confront Tevalin here, the city of Mond below would be destroyed.

Therefore, the best way now is to wait until the drunk poet comes to deal with it.

So, Lin Yudie started to act like this, holding her sister.

It has to be said that if her current acting skills were placed on the Blue Star in her previous life, it would probably kill many stars in seconds.

And Nashida, looking at her sister's current appearance, naturally understood her thoughts. She didn't ask much, but just stayed quietly in her sister's warm embrace, like a good baby.

Anyway, as long as her sister is there, there is nothing to worry about!

At this time, Ying looked at Nashida who stayed obediently in Lin Yudie's arms, and then looked at the emergency food hiding behind her, and sighed, why is the gap so big?

At this time, Tewarin continued to flap his wings, and a storm more violent than before hit everyone, hitting them like a small steel knife.

At this time, whether it was Ying's wind wings or Lin Yudie's wind wings constructed with power, they were all shattered at this moment and could no longer be used.

Then, everyone fell from the sky at a high speed.

"Ah~~~Help...Help!" Paimeng grabbed Ying's arm tightly.

"Damn, drunkard poet! If you don't care about your family anymore, I will take care of it for you!" Lin Yudie protected her sister and roared in her heart.

She swore that she would not only take the cat to find the drunkard, but also put some cat hair in his wine! ! !

This was originally Ying's sister's business, but she didn't want to involve herself and her sister. It seems that I can't get too close to melon eaters in the future!

However, just when the girls were about to fall to the ground, a gentle wind took them directly to the sky.

"Hey, what's going on? We are not dead, good!" Paimeng said happily.

"I don't know either. I was here as soon as I opened my eyes." Ying was also very confused now.

"I asked the thousand-year-old wind to help you, so I brought you to the sky."

A strange voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the girls.

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