The old man was buried in the abyss.

"Come on, let's see what Wendy was doing when the dragon Durin invaded Mondstadt!"

After Lin Yudie finished speaking, she raised her hand and adjusted the screen to Wendy's perspective.

It was about 500 years ago, not long after Tianli summoned the seven gods to Kanreya to deal with the mess of the abyss.

Due to the outbreak of the abyss, this battle was also extremely tragic. Among the original seven gods, five died in this war, and only the wind god Barbatos and the rock god Morax survived.

Similarly, the four Heavenly Justice Maintainers on Sky Island also fell into a deep sleep because they were severely injured by the monsters from the abyss, leaving only one Sky Ruler, Asmodeus, who was still struggling to support.

At this time, the Kanreya War just ended, and Wendy dragged his seriously injured body back to the land he guarded, originally planning to have a good rest.

But at this time, the dragon Durin invaded Mondstadt with the dark disaster.

However, Wendy at this time had no power to deal with this dragon with the fighting power of the demon god level because he had just experienced the Kanreya War.

He could only watch the dragon and those dark monsters wreak havoc on the land he guarded, but he had no way to do anything.

In the end, the wind god used up his last strength to play the sky harp and summoned the East Wind Dragon Tevalin, and finally killed the dragon on the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain.

As for himself, he fell into a deep sleep because he had exhausted his strength, and he did not wake up until recently...

At this time, the picture of the earth veins ended here. The lady, or Rosalin, looked at the picture in front of her for a long time without saying a word, and no one knew what she was thinking.

She never thought that the truth of the matter was like this.

"Did you see? The drunkard poet never ignored the people of Mondstadt from beginning to end. Even if he was seriously injured, he still cared about Mondstadt."

"He seems to care about nothing all day long, but he can remember the names of everyone in Mondstadt."

"Besides, doesn't Mondstadt have a saying that if a Mondstadt person dies outside, the wind will take his soul back to his homeland."

"These are all done by the wind god who seems to do nothing."

"On the contrary, your noble ice queen or clown should know about these things, but she didn't choose to tell you. Why is that?"

Lin Yudie asked the woman in front of her with a burning gaze.

"They clearly know that the truth of this matter is very important to you, but they still choose to hide it. What's going on?"

"Because your noble Ice Queen and the clown have been using you from beginning to end. You are just a pitiful tool, tool, tool for them to achieve their goals!"

"Did you hear that? You are just a tool for her to achieve her goals. She doesn't even regard you as a human being. The gentle god is just a joke!"

"You fools are trying to achieve her ideals. , how many tragedies have been created in Teyvat, and how many couples, like you and Rustan, who were originally in love, have been forced to separate? "

"How many families will be torn apart by you Fatui? Why should they pay for the doomed goals and ideals of the Ice Queen?"

"I don't know what stimulated her to go against the law of nature five hundred years ago, but this cannot be a reason for you to hurt other people in Teyvat!"

Lin Yudie kept talking as she looked at the woman in front of her, and the lady clenched her fists, and even blood flowed out.

After listening to the girl's words, in her heart, there was even a moment when her belief in the Ice Queen began to waver.

Over the years, the faces of the innocent people who died in her hands appeared in front of her one after another, and they never dissipated for a long time.

At this time, the Void Wanzang was in Lin Yudie's mind, listening to what she said to the lady, although he knew that she did this to disintegrate and weaken the Fatui.

However, Lin Yudie's various behaviors reminded her of a person in the Collapse World who was hated by everyone, that is:

The Ruler of Domination!

There was even a moment when she wanted to jump out and beat up this bad guy Lin Yudie.

But after thinking it over, she still didn't do it. Instead, she secretly recorded it for her and planned to give it to the Great Compassion Tree King in the future. It would be better for her mother to deal with her.


After all, this abominable bad guy has had so much fun now, and someone must be found to deal with her!


"You... shut up!!!"

On one hand, she felt guilty about the innocent people who died, and on the other hand, she believed in the Ice Queen. Under the impact of these two thoughts, she finally collapsed.


The lady screamed, and the fire power that burned all monsters in the past broke out again. The sea of ​​fire that devoured everything began to spread, and countless fire tornadoes began to rage.

Fortunately, this ancient battlefield was originally a wasteland with no people, otherwise it is unknown what the consequences would be.

Seeing this, Lin Yudie immediately took action, and the pure divine power continued to enter the lady's body to seal the fire power.

"Huh, your power of fire is really troublesome. How about it? Have you thought about what to do in the future?"

"Don't think that your intelligence system is very powerful. You even know that there is no information in many world trees, such as the false sky and some technologies from Kanreya."

"But I still say that you know nothing about the abyss, the outside of the world, and the truth of the universe!"

"I... I don't know what to do either." The lady looked up and looked at the false sky above her head, with confusion in her eyes.

"Why don't you go back to Mondstadt, Rosalin, where it will always be your home and the place your lover will protect at the cost of his life, isn't it?"

After listening to Lin Yudie's words, Rosalin was stunned, "Can I... go back to Mondstadt now?"

After all, during this period of time, she was in Mondstadt, using public opinion and the power of the Fatui to constantly put pressure on the Knights of Favonius to ask them to attack Tevarin.

Now those Knights of Favonius must hate me to death, so how could they let me live in Mondstadt?

"What else can I do? Just tell them the truth. As for whether they forgive me or not, that's up to them. After all, sincerity is always the most touching thing♪"

"Also, I have killed the Fatui executive lady. The one standing in front of me now is just a girl from Mondstadt who likes to sing, Rosaline."

Rosaline looked at the girl in front of her for a long time before she slowly said, "Okay~ I'll go back to Mondstadt with you. The rest is up to fate."

"Then, let's go!"

Lin Yudie smiled slightly. The plan to dismantle the Fatui was a small step forward.

"Oh, wait a minute, it's not good for you to appear in Mondstadt in this outfit. Let me change it for you!"

Then, with a wave of his hand, Rosaline was wearing a pink dress. Her original Shamatte-like hairstyle turned into long golden hair that fell to her waist.

At this time, Rosalin's smoky makeup disappeared, and she looked like a pure girl.

"Well~ That's right, this is what a beautiful girl should look like. Look at what you looked like before♪" Lin Yudie nodded with satisfaction.

"You... forget it."

After all, he couldn't beat her, so he had no choice but to accept his fate.

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