The experiment was a big mistake.

" experiment! I'm going to kill you, kill you, kill you!!!!"

The doctor's slice was almost going crazy looking at the various experimental devices that were shattered on the ground and the life energy that returned to Durin's heart again.

After all, these devices are all his hard work. Once they are gone, it can be declared that this experiment has failed.

For a scientific madman like him with a twisted mind, the failure of the experiment can be said to be the biggest blow to him, which is more painful than killing him directly!

At this time, the doctor's slice was surrounded by black air, and his scarlet eyes stared at the fools in front of him.

Then, one after another, black swords went towards these soldiers, and in a very short time, they turned these soldiers into a pool of pus.

After dealing with these soldiers, the doctor's slice turned his eyes to Durin's heart again, his eyes full of resentment.

"Since the experiment has failed, there is no point in keeping you, so it's better to destroy it!"

"As for the person who hid in the dark and controlled all this just now, I will come to settle accounts with you later. If I can't get it, you can't get it either!"

Then, he gathered all his strength and punched Durin's fiery heart!

Then, the heart of the magic dragon Durin did not break as the slice thought, but the slice itself flew backwards due to the huge recoil force.

The slice looked closely and found that two beautiful girls, one big and one small, had appeared at the position of Durin's heart.

At the same time, Durin's heart was also protected by a green wind wall.

"It seems that you two are the ones who ruined my good deeds?"

"Yes, it's us, what can you do?" Lin Yudie looked at the slice in front of her, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Although it was not the one in its heyday, Lin Yudie looked at it and found that its strength could barely reach the level of a demon god. Of course, it only had the power of a demon god, but not the power.

"The last person who spoke to me like this is dead."

As he said this, the evil eye on the slice glowed with black light, and a ball of black air condensed on his fist, and punched the two girls in front of him.

Then, a ball of dark elemental energy went towards the two sisters at a very fast speed, with the momentum of destroying everything.

Seeing this, Nashida immediately activated the divine power in her body, and the Song of Childish Dreams in her hand was emitting a light green light, illuminating the dark cave.

"Like morning dew, dissipating in the morning light!"

Nashida's mind moved, and the small figure rushed towards the black energy ball, and then the Song of Childish Dream in her hand slashed it horizontally!


The violent explosion was heard, causing the entire cave to tremble, and even some boulders fell, as if some ancient beast was awakening.

Fortunately, with the protection of the previous wind wall, Durin's fragile heart was not affected.

"Demon? How could it appear here?"

Until now, the doctor's slice has clearly seen the strength of this little girl, a real demon!

Thinking of this, he no longer planned to stay here, but planned to escape. As for Durin's heart, he had to go find it.

After all, he was not the slice in his heyday, and he could not beat a demon at all.

"Don't run!"

"Nashida, come back! This guy is a little special, let your sister deal with it, you go prepare to revive Durin." Just when Nashida was about to continue chasing, she was stopped by Lin Yudie.

After all, the consciousness of this slice should be able to connect with other slices. Lin Yudie plans to try to find and lock the doctor's body through this.

"Well, okay then." Nashida sighed, then walked to the position of Durin's heart, and began to use the power of creation to prepare to revive Durin.

"Okay, Nashida, don't be unhappy, even if you want to test your strength, you will have a chance after you go to Liyue."

"As for this person, he is a slice of the second doctor of the Fatui executive. He is very special and useful to my sister. He can't die for the time being."

Lin Yudie naturally saw her sister's little thoughts, and hurriedly comforted her


"Well, then."

"Well~ Nashida is really good, come, pat my head."

"Sister, if you don't go out, the slice will probably run away!"

"Oh, don't worry, it can't run away♪"

"Hmph, stinky sister, I'm going to start resurrecting Durin. You have to come back to supply me with elemental power in an hour at most, otherwise I can't hold on!"

"Got it!"

Seeing that her sister was already using the power of creation to resurrect Durin, Lin Yudie didn't bother her anymore, but came outside with Void Wanzang.

"So it ran to the snow-covered road. It seems that it plans to go down the mountain, but it's not that simple!" Lin Yudie looked at the direction where the slice ran away, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Flying flowers!"

The noble girl stood on the snow mountain, and then shot an arrow, leaving a pink rainbow on this cold snow mountain, as gorgeous as flying flowers.


Accompanied by a scream, arrows like flying flowers have hit the slice's legs, and some vines have instantly grown on the ground, trapping him and making him unable to move.

Afterwards, Lin Yudie used the wind elemental power and flashed to the side of the slice.

"A small slice can run quite fast." Lin Yudie said as she looked at the slice in front of her.

But the slice did not speak, just looked at her coldly.

"If I guess correctly, your slice and the main body can communicate with each other, right?"

"So what? If my main body is here, it's not your turn to snatch the experimental materials!"

"Haha, if your main body comes, I will kill you anyway! Of course, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you now."

"Void Wanzang, Elemental Force Mode, Mimicry, Yu Duchen, Consciousness Impact, Maximum Power Output!"

A small golden flower appeared in Lin Yudie's hand, and an invisible wave of consciousness of the slice in front of her began to transmit to other slices and the main body in the distance.

Since these slices can share memory and consciousness, the attack from consciousness can naturally be transmitted to other slices and the main body.

At this moment, this slice was wrapped in golden light, and he only felt that his consciousness was burning, as if he fell into a fire pit.

At this moment, he couldn't even think, let alone pass on the message to the main body, the clown and the ice queen.

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