The wine was made in a big way, and the wine was made in a big way.

"Okay, Nashida and little Du Lin, have you learned how to make wine?" Lin Yudie asked her two sisters.

At this time, the two little guys made themselves dirty because it was their first time to make wine. They didn't look like a demon god at all.

"Well, the main process should be mastered." Nashida thought for a while and said, and Du Lin nodded.

"Now, even if there is no sister watching, we should be able to brew these wines." The two little ones just looked very happy.

After all, they are demon gods, and Nashida is also the god of wisdom, so her learning ability is naturally very strong, so they only need to be taught once, and they will naturally learn it.

"Well, that's not bad. Okay, go wash your faces. We should go out, otherwise we will miss the most rare drama in Liyue♪" Lin Yudie said with a smile.

After all, she and her sister have been in this Chengehu for several days.

If you calculate carefully, it's time for Xieying and emergency food to come back from Qunyu Pavilion, and go with Zhongli to complete the last task of the Xiandian Ceremony.

Then, Xieying and Gongzi will fight in the Golden House, and then release the demon god Osel.

This is the climax of the whole Liyue. As a qualified Teyvat fun-loving person, how can I miss it?

"Are we going out again? Then let's go wash our faces now!"

After listening to their sister's words, the two little ones thought of their cute faces like little cats, and felt a little bad, so they ran to wash their faces.


At this time, near Dihua Island, after Xieying and Emergency Food came back from Qunyu Pavilion, they came here directly, intending to complete the last preparation of the Immortal Sending Ceremony with Zhongli.

That is to find wild glass lilies, grind them into powder, and put them in the eternal incense, so that the Immortal Sending Ceremony can be completed.

"Da~da da da, da da da, da~da!"

Because glass lilies are a kind of joyful flowers, they need people's beautiful singing to bloom, so at this time Xieying is singing to several "glass lilies" that have not yet fully opened.

However, after Xieying finished singing, there was a slight vibration on the ground at this time.

Then, these "glass lilies" did not open as Zhongli said, but jumped up from the ground, and were still attacking Xieying and Emergency Food.

After all, these things are not glass lilies, but ice elemental cheating flowers, which are a kind of plant monsters!

"Hey, what's going on? Is it because you sang Mond's song?" Emergency Food was a little confused when he saw Xie Ying fighting with the Cheat Flower.

After Xie Ying dealt with these Cheat Flowers, the silver bell-like laughter of the girl came from a distance:

"Hahahaha, not bad, Ying sings really well, but these glass lilies don't seem to like it very much♪"

Lin Yudie was holding her two sisters and laughing happily. Fortunately, she didn't miss this famous scene.

"Damn it, Miss Yudie, you are still laughing, these are not glass lilies at all!" Emergency Food was so angry that he stomped his feet in the air when he saw Lin Yudie laughing so hard.

"What on earth were those just now? They are so difficult to deal with." Xie Ying sighed.

"This monster is called Cheat Flower. It usually disguises itself as various flowers and plants, and then waits for its prey to take the bait." Lin Yudie said to Xie Ying and Emergency Food.

At this point, Lin Yudie tried to scare the emergency food, "Especially the little Paimeng, who looks delicious with his delicate skin and tender flesh, but he is the favorite of Pian Pian Hua♪"

"Ah, don't eat Paimeng, Paimeng is a partner, not food!" Frightened by Lin Yudie, the emergency food hid behind Xie Ying.

"Okay, okay, don't scare Paimeng." Xie Ying held the emergency food in his arms and patted her back gently.

"Miss Yudie, are you done?" Xie Ying said.

"Yes, I will come to you with my sister right after I finish my work. See how good I am to you?" Lin Yudie said with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you Miss Yudie for your concern." Xie Ying said with a smile.

At this time, Zhongli on the side did not speak, but just glanced at her lightly. You are done with playing again.

Come back now.

I don't know when these two girls will be like their mother, at least not as naughty as they are now...

Then, he squatted down and began to check the fragments of the cheating flower:

"These are the fragments of the glass lily that the cheating flower used to disguise. Because they have been buried for too long, they have become very good medicinal materials. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Collect them all."

"Can these be used in the ceremony of sending immortals?" Paimeng looked at Zhongli and asked.


"Ah~~~It seems that we have to keep looking." Paimeng spread his hands.

"Are you looking for the glass lily?"

Just when everyone was about to continue looking for the glass lily, a girl with blue hair and a pair of red unicorn horns on her head appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh, it's you. You are the Seven Star Messenger who invited us to the Qun Yu Pavilion before. What's your name?" Looking at the girl in front of him, Emergency Food couldn't remember her name for a while.

After all, it was only a brief encounter, so it was impossible to remember too much.

"Hello, Wang Xiaomei!"

Because he couldn't remember the name of the girl in front of him, Xie Ying planned to find a random name to fool her.

"Wang Xiaomei? Who is she?" Gan Yu looked at her puzzled.

"I am Gan Yu!"

After a brief exchange, Gan Yu handed the wild glass lily to Xie Ying and the others.

At this time, Lin Yudie looked at the pair of red horns on Gan Yu's head, and her eyes really lit up. So she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and touched it curiously. Well, it felt a little cold.

This pair of unicorn horns seemed to be pretty good.

After feeling the girl's action, Gan Yu immediately covered her horns, with a hint of shame on her face, "Please... don't touch my horns."

"Ah? Sorry, sorry, I'm just a little curious about this pair of horns. They are really beautiful, hehe." Lin Yudie said with a smile.

"Thank... thank you for the compliment." Gan Yu said while covering her horns.

"Alas, my sister has started again." Looking at her sister's behavior, Nashida sighed softly.

I don't know why, but my sister seems to like people or things with horns on their heads. Every time she sees them, she will touch them.

For example, Du Lin's dragon horn is often harmed by this unscrupulous sister, so Du Lin doesn't dare to take out the dragon horn now.

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