The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.

Everyone only saw that Tanjiro had been following the speed of the two.

He had been looking for an opportunity.

Finally, the opportunity he had been waiting for came!

In just a few seconds, the Sound Pillar and the Courtesan Taro had exchanged several moves.

The Sound Pillar was hit in the lower abdomen, and the next second, his forehead was hit again.

“Mr. Uzui…”

Tanjiro shouted in worry.

“Don’t stop, jump up!!!”

The Sound Pillar endured the pain, and after realizing Tanjiro’s intention, he immediately said.

Tanjiro flew up!

“Too slow! You turtle!”

The Courtesan Taro said.

The next second, Tanjiro's chin was pierced by Jifutaro's blood sickle after he jumped up.

However, to Jifutaro's surprise, Tanjiro not only did not stop, but made the wound deeper - he was closer to Tanjiro!

"This bastard is still swinging his knife desperately, is he stupid?"

In Jifutaro's puzzled eyes, Tanjiro continued to swing his knife!

"Cut it down! Chop it down!"

Tanjiro has already forgotten his life.

There is only one belief in his heart, that is to chop off Jifutaro's head!

He can't waste the opportunity created by the sound pillar with his life!

"It's not enough to use the strength of your arms, you have to use the strength of your whole body! Squeeze out all the strength from the top of your head to the tip of your toes! Forget all the pain in your body and hold on! It's not enough to just use all the strength in your body!

You have to... squeeze out a hundred times the strength!!!"

In the picture, the scar on Tanjiro's forehead is emphasized.

While Tanjiro was desperately draining his own strength, the scar on his head actually began to sublimate - stripes!

Tanjiro has activated the stripes!!!

Tanjiro's knife has already cut half of Jifutaro's neck.

"Damn it! I'm going to be chopped off by this kid... Oh no, it's going to be chopped off!"

Jifutaro's eyes flashed with a trace of luck:

"No, it doesn't matter! Even if I get beheaded, as long as my sister's head is still there, it's okay!"


"The scar on Tanjiro's forehead has changed! He's stronger!"

"At this moment, Tanjiro's strength is not bad, right?"

"Really exciting!"

"Striped Tanjiro! So handsome!"

"Jieji: Brother, I think so too!"


At the same time.

Tanjiro was about to chop off Jifutaro's head.

And Zenitsu on the other side gradually slowed down.

"Damn it! I'm running out of strength!"

"I'll cut you into pieces before you chop off my head!"

Jueji noticed that the yellow-haired kid was already showing signs of fatigue, and immediately said.

However, the belt she sent out to attack Zenitsu was instantly chopped off by Inosuke who suddenly flew up.

"How is this guy still alive? Didn't my brother pierce his heart?"

Jueji looked at Inosuke in disbelief.

"Don't underestimate the flexibility of my body! Moving the position of my internal organs is just a piece of cake! I grew up in a dangerous mountain and I'm not afraid of poison!"

Inosuke swung his knife and landed accurately on Zenitsu's neck, which was cut in half and turned into a belt.

"Brother! Find a way! Brother!"

The belt fell on the gap of Inosuke's knife and separated again.

"Brother! Find a way, brother!"

Jueji screamed in fear!

At the same time, the head of Jifu Taro was just a little bit away from being chopped off!




Everyone used up all their life's strength.


Fire and electric light flashed.

Jifu Taro and Jue Ji were beheaded at the same time!

In the picture on the screen, the heads of Jifu Taro and Jue Ji rolled to one place.

Everyone couldn't help but scream.

Even excited, they hugged the people around them and jumped up and down to celebrate.


"So cool!"

"So strong! So shocking!"

"You are my god!!!"

Since Tanjiro and his friends entered Yuguohua Street, they have been watching and looking forward to when Tanjiro can kill the demons here.

At the same time, they are also worried whether another pillar will be sacrificed this time.

At the end of the battle, they almost forgot the time.

When I saw that Tanjiro and his team finally won, and everyone was only seriously injured but no one lost their lives,

That kind of happy and satisfied mood exploded in everyone's heart!

When it became clear!


Extraordinary chat group.

[Funina]: Hahahahahahaha we won! Tanjiro is so awesome!

[Barbara]: Yes! Mr. Tanjiro is really awesome!

[Yae Shenzi]: Indeed, Mr. Tanjiro can be said to be gentle, handsome and excellent.

[Cole]: If possible, when I get a boyfriend in the future, I will look for one who looks like Mr. Tanjiro!

[Wendy]: Damn it! Didn't Zenitsu contribute?

[Dartaglia]: Inosuke, his contribution is not small, right?

[Aratake Ichito]: Uzui Tengen's hand is broken!

When they saw the women in the group praising Tanjiro in unison, they felt a little unbalanced.

Obviously, their contribution is not small!

[Walnut]: To celebrate Tanjiro's success in killing Upper Six, from today on, as long as everyone comes to the Hall of Rebirth and reports the code "Tanjiro is the most handsome", they can buy one get one free!

[Wendy]: I can't use your buy one get one free offer in the Hall of Rebirth! Besides, what the hell is this code!

Seeing Walnut's message, Funina was not to be outdone.

Start typing immediately.

[Funina]: Tanjiro killed Jifu Taro and Jueji, I decided to give Fontaine a three-day holiday!

[Funina]: At the same time, all tourist attractions in Fontaine will be free of admission for these three days!

[Funina]: All expenses of all tourists will be paid by——

That Villette closed Funina's chat group.

He breathed a sigh of relief almost unnoticeably.

Fortunately, Funina almost had to use the national treasury to treat guests.

God knows how much effort he spent for this little national treasury.

We can't let Funina spend it all with a wave of her hand.

"Ms. Funina, the treasury has always been the responsibility of the goods. Before you make this decision, shouldn't you ask my opinion?"

That Villette said seriously.

Just now Funina almost said "All expenses of all tourists are borne by the Fontaine government"!

It's really terrible.

Funina shrank her neck innocently and said:

"Just now I was excited..."

Then she looked at Villette carefully:

"Okay, okay, next time before making any decision, I must ask your opinion!"

Funina knew that she was not as dedicated as Villette in managing Fontaine.

Just now I was a little impulsive. should be okay to use my own private money to give some benefits, right?

Villette saw through Funina's thoughts and said:

"Ms. Funina, most of your salary has been saved, and the other part is used for daily snack expenses... Are you sure you want to use the saved part?"

"Is that all?"

Funina had to give up her previous idea.

Well, that money is saved by herself, and she plans to use it when she retires in the future.

What if she retires in the future and has no salary, but she wants to marry Ye Yan... How can she do it without money?

At this time.

The people in the group are already very anxious.

They all tagged Funina.

[Wendy]: @ Funina, did you just say that you will bear all the expenses?

[Wendy]: I wonder if your Fontaine wine is good? It's not too much for me to taste it?

[Zhongli]: In terms of common sense, I haven't been to Fontaine for some time...

[Nashida]: Speaking of which, Nashida hasn't been out to see the world yet... In that case, why not go to Fontaine as the first destination!

[Baalzebub]: Do you mean to go to Fontaine without Mora? Then I-


Ye Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw the message in the group.

Sure enough, Mora is more attractive no matter what time it is.

Especially for these four.

After all, the four of them together can't make up a Mora!

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