The truth is, the truth is that the world is not what it used to be.

Humans want to kill themselves and Mei.

But the ghosts they meet tell themselves to cherish their lives.

[I don't regret becoming a ghost. ]

[No matter how many times I have to do it again, I will definitely choose to become a ghost. ]

[I will never let go of those who live happily! ]

[I will definitely become a prostitute and take away their happiness! 】


"No way, Sixth Brother's cards are too bad! He can reach the level of Upper Six, which is already very awesome!"

"No choice, either become a ghost or die."

"Sixth Brother has tried very hard, why treat him like this!"

"If it were me, I would have no other choice..."

For the first time, the people of Teyvat discovered that ghosts would also be sad when they died.


[However, if there is still something to worry about...]

[Mei, you shouldn't live this kind of life with me. ]

[If you were in a better store, you could be a real oiran. ]

[If you were born in an ordinary family, you could be an ordinary girl. ]

[If you were born in a wealthy family, you would definitely become an elegant lady. ]

[You are straightforward and easily influenced by others. ]

[I taught you to be like this. ]

[Take away other people's things before being robbed, and take away what should be taken. This is all taught by me! 】

【That's why you pierced the samurai's eyes. 】

【If you could be more obedient, maybe your fate would be completely different. 】

【My only concern is you...】


Seeing this, the entire Teyvat continent burst into tears.

"Sixth brother has never seen a better profession, so he thought the best profession was to be an oiran... He gave the best to his sister!"

"Yes, rich ladies, ordinary girls, he only knew a rough idea, but he still thought of it for his sister..."

"If they had met the lord..."

"He didn't blame Mei for poking the samurai's eyes, but thought that everything was his fault... Sixth brother, really, I'm crying!"

"The man who loves his sister the most on the Internet, no one else!"


On the screen.

Jifu Taro and Mei appeared in a void at the same time,

but one side led to light and the other side led to darkness.

"Where is this? Hell?"

While Jifu Taro was wondering, he suddenly heard Mei's voice behind him.

"Brother! It's so uncomfortable! I hate this place! Where are we? I want to get out! Let's think of a way!"

On the screen, Jifu Taro looked like a ghost, but Mei was still in human form.

"You...what do you look like?"

Seeing Mei's appearance, Jifu Taro thought of something. Without saying a word, he walked towards the dark side.

"Is the exit here?"

Mei asked.

"Don't follow me anymore..."

Jifu Taro said.

"Why? Wait...I..."

"Don't follow me anymore!!!"

Jifu Taro was mean to his sister for the first time.

But Mei just said:

"Did what I said just now make you angry? I apologize! Please forgive me! I just can't accept it! I can't accept losing! I don't want to admit that I lost to them! I'm sorry, it's all my fault!

If I could help more, maybe I wouldn't lose..."

Mei's voice was already crying:

"Brother! Listen to me!"

"You and I are no longer brother and sister... I'll go this way, and you go the other way."

Jifu Taro said.

But, in response, it was Mei who trotted and jumped on him.

"No! I don't want to! I don't want to be separated! Absolutely not! I want to be with you forever! No matter how many times I have to do it again, I will be your sister..."

Hearing Mei's crying.

Jifu Taro gradually compromised.

He supported his sister who jumped on him, carried her on his back, and then the two walked into the darkness together.


"Sixth brother is such a man!"

"Wow, I'm crying!"

"Sixth brother doesn't let his sister go with him, is it because he thinks the bright side is the way to heaven? He wants to bear the sin alone..."

"We don't have the right to choose heaven or hell, we only have the fate of being chosen."

"Running in both directions, it's not just the brother who loves his sister!"

"It seems heartless, but in fact he is reluctant to leave..."

"Sixth brother: I'm not your brother anymore, but you still

She used to be my sister. "

This time, the screen finally disappeared.

In fact, even if the screen didn't disappear, everyone would not be in the mood to continue watching.

The last time they cried like this was because the Flame Pillar died.

I really didn't expect that the death of two ghosts would make them cry like this.

Super chat group.

Even Wendy, who loves fun the most.

This time, no outrageous opinions were expressed.

Only a few leaders talked about their own political arrangements.

[Ningguang]: From now on, we in Liyue will gradually increase the proportion of funds in the welfare home to ensure the quality of life of the people and reduce the occurrence of such human tragedies.

[Qin]: Barbara is responsible for the relevant welfare of Mond. No matter what the family situation is, try not to affect Affect the healthy development of children's body and mind.

[Barbara]: Don't worry. I will make proper arrangements.

[Funina]: We have already arranged these in Fontaine... However, I will discuss with Villette about welfare benefits and continue to improve them, and strive to provide all-round protection!

[Ying]: I will also do my best! If I encounter any unfair things in the future, I will definitely not stand idly by!


See the discussion in the group.

Ye Yan put down the fishing rod in his hand and nodded slightly.

After all, Teyvat is an 8+ game world.

Strictly speaking, such things rarely happen.

But it's better to be prepared.

Yi Fanzhang on the side has already cried into a tearful man.

"Boss, did they really go to hell later?"

As soon as the question came out, Yi Fanzhang immediately said:

"No! Boss, you don't know either! You haven't been to hell..."

Yi Fan Zhang cried, and Ye Yan couldn't help but think of Funina.

Although Funina's message tone was normal in the group just now.

But she is the best at acting.

Is she actually crying like a tearful person now?


Mo Mang Palace.

It's time to receive ordinary people again.

But this time, Funina cried openly.

And that citizen also cried with her.

"Lord Water God! You must go and talk to the gods of the demon world...Jifu Taro and Mei, they have their own difficulties!

Let them get out of hell as soon as possible!

We are so distressed!"

Funina wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to communicate with the gods of that world."

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