Time flies.

Finally, as everyone is eagerly waiting, the screen appears again!

And today's screen is undoubtedly playing the third chapter of Ye Yan's previous life!

On the screen, Tanjiro finally passed the entry test of the old man Mr. Urokodaki and became his apprentice, learning the skills of killing demons under him.

At the beginning of the screen, Tanjiro's continuous training process and Mr. Urokodaki's explanation were also played.

"The Demon Slayer Corps has hundreds of members... It is an organization not recognized by the government, but it has been slaying demons since ancient times...

Demons mainly feed on humans, killing humans and then eating them... Their physical fitness is extremely high, and their wounds can heal instantly. Even if their flesh and bones are broken, they can grow again... Some demons have supernatural powers, such as changing their appearance.

They will only die if they are exposed to sunlight or their heads are chopped off by a special knife...

The Demon Slayer Corps fights demons with their flesh and blood. Because they are human, their wounds heal very slowly, and their lost limbs will not grow back.

Even so, they still fight demons one after another...

In order to... protect humans!"

Seeing this, everyone on the continent of Teyvat was moved.

"Oh my god, ghosts are such scary things..."

"It seems that everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps is amazing!"

"I can't imagine that when facing ghosts, there are still humans who take the initiative to stand up... even if they are not recognized by the government!"

"Yeah, to be honest, if it were me, I might not be willing to join the Demon Slayer Corps... After all, ghosts are almost immortal, and I am just a human. I may die if I get injured!"

All the people on the Teyvat continent, watching Mr. Urokodaki's explanation on the screen, couldn't help but discuss the terrible situation of this "Demon Slayer World".

Although they have had wars in Teyvat, the most recent one was five hundred years ago.

Moreover, even the war five hundred years ago was a fight among humans, and there would be no disgusting things like "ghosts".

Similarly, all the people with God's Eyes in the extraordinary chat group were shocked.

[Paimon]: Eh... I didn't expect that the traveler would become this kind of thing. No wonder she drooled so much when she saw humans in her previous life!

[Wendy]: But I have to say that the traveler is not bad, he can suppress his nature as a demon. (Like)

[Yae Shenzi]: Ye Yan is also very good, as a human, he dares to join the Demon Slayer Corps... I wonder if Ye Yan in this life has the Eye of God? If not, you might as well come to our Inazuma, maybe the general will praise you...

[Funina]: Ye Yan is from our Fontaine!!! Moreover, don’t you Inazuma have the Eye Hunting Order? Are you planning to trick Ye Yan over and take away his Eye of God! (Hands on hips)

[Zhongli]: You can come to our Liyue, but we don’t have the Eye Hunting Order in Liyue.

[Qin]: Mond welcomes Mr. Ye Yan.

[Elhaisen]: In that case, then our Xumi should also express its attitude... I also welcome Ye Yan on behalf of Lord Grass God.

Seeing the news in the group, Funina was almost furious.

Damn it! Ye Yan is obviously from their Fontaine.

These other countries actually want to seduce Ye Yan.

Isn't this stealing my Funina's girl?

But then again, Ye Yan really doesn't seem to have the Eye of God... It's a pity that I'm just a fake god...

Ye Yan won't really be tempted, right?

No! From now on, she will arrange guards to keep an eye on Ye Yan's news day and night.

Once Ye Yan has any movement, she will immediately...

Funina bit her lip.

For a moment, she couldn't think of any good way to make Ye Yan stay.

She couldn't give Ye Yan the Eye of God, which was a flaw.

Oh... If she was really a water god...


Seeing the news in the group, Ye Yan raised his eyebrows and didn't express his attitude in the group.

Through Charlotte's last interview, he had realized that he was now quite famous in Teyvat.

Whatever you say, you may be entangled by someone with ulterior motives.

Moreover, although he does not have the Eye of God, it does not mean that he is now a mortal!

He came to Teyvat to retire.

If you don't have any power, it's not called retirement.

It's not about being old, but about starting a business!

Even without the Eye of God, he can now use every elemental force naturally.


Just like the famous one, every time he arrives at a place, he can switch to the local elemental force!

Ye Yan can also switch elemental forces at any time.

However, unlike the traveler, Ye Yan does not need to go to the corresponding country to use the elemental force corresponding to that country.

Moreover, since he now also has the experience of fighting countless battles in the Demon Slayer World.

It can be said that if Tianli does not take action, Ye Yan can walk sideways in Teyvat without any problem.

Even if Tianli takes action... he may not have no power to fight back.

Who will lose or who will win, we have to fight to know.

Therefore, Ye Yan was not confused by those people in the group who said "I will give you the Eye of God when you come to our country".

It's just the Eye of God.

It doesn't matter whether it is there or not.


The Abyss Cult.

Although Kong was banned, he could still see the messages in the extraordinary chat group.

At this moment, seeing everyone praising Ye Yan so much, he punched the Abyss Mage next to him.

The Abyss Mage cried out "Ouch", and when he saw Kong's look, he immediately shouted back in pain.

But he still couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"Why did you get angry with me when the Abyss Apostle, the big fool, was right next to him?"

Kong had a cold face and completely ignored the psychological activities of the Abyss Mage.

After all, now he just wanted to kill Ye Yan.

Bah, fake!

How dare you steal my sister!

Kong gritted his teeth angrily.

No, this can't go on.

If this goes on, everyone will definitely think that Ye Yan is Ying's biological sister!

If everyone thinks so, even if I stand up in the future, no one will believe that I am Ying's brother, right?

"You, take people to Fontaine immediately."

Kong said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The Abyss Mage was about to leave when he suddenly turned back:

"Your Highness...what are you going to Fontaine for?"

Kong looked at him coldly:

"Of course I'm going to kill him, do I need to tell you?"

What's wrong with this Abyss Mage?

Why is he as incompetent as the Abyss Apostle?

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