The handball ghost broke through Miss Tamayo's house with her handball.

At the moment of danger, Tanjiro and Yushiro protected Nezuko and Miss Tamayo respectively.

After seeing the attacking ghost clearly, Tanjiro took out the Nichirin sword and protected them in front of several people.

Among the people present, it was obvious that he was the only one with the highest strength.

"Hahahaha, just like what Yabaha said, a building appeared in an empty place, it seems that a blood ghost technique that can cleverly hide things is used..."

The handball ghost showed her sharp fangs and laughed wildly.

It seems that this time, she will definitely be able to return with merit.

Lord Muzan said that as long as she can bring back the head of the boy wearing earrings, she can give her more blood...

By then, let alone the lower-rank demons, even the upper-rank demons are not impossible!

The handball ghost laughed crazily, and her eyes were determined to get Tanjiro's head.

On the side, the arrowhead ghost, whose eyes were in the palms of his two hands, covered his head and said puzzledly:

"A ghost hunter is actually with a ghost? What's going on?"

The handball ghost could hardly suppress the corners of her mouth, and attacked Tanjiro and others with her weapon handball.

These handballs have uncertain trajectories, and it is impossible to use normal thinking to guess where they will go next.

Tanjiro held the Sun Wheel Sword and was ready.

And those handballs circled around the few people in one impossible trajectory after another, and then-


One of the handballs rushed straight towards Yushiro's head.

Under this almost unstoppable attack, Yushiro's head burst open!

His head was directly blown up by this handball!


Miss Tamayo was surprised and hugged Yushiro's headless body in her arms.

Seeing this, Tanjiro could only hold the knife and try to protect the rest of the people.

At the same time, please ask Nezuko to send the woman that Miss Tamayo brought back for treatment to the basement.

At this time, he had already discovered that the two ghosts in front of him were very strong, almost stronger than any ghost he had encountered so far.

Moreover, it felt so stuffy when he inhaled it into his lungs.

"The person wearing special earrings, is it you?"

The handball ghost looked at Tanjiro and grinned.

Tanjiro was slightly surprised, and immediately reacted:

"Ms. Tamayo, retreat to a safe place! Their target is me!"

Ms. Tamayo was holding Yushiro's headless body in the ruined house, with a calm face.

"Mr. Tanjiro, don't worry about us, just fight to your heart's content... After all... we are ghosts."

When she finished saying this, a head exactly the same as the previous one slowly grew out of Yushiro's severed head in her arms.

The head had just grown halfway and just reached the mouth, but the guinea pig bed couldn't wait to complain to Miss Tamayo:

"I told you from the beginning that you don't have to get involved with the ghost hunters! My tricks are not perfect!"

At this time, Tanjiro took a deep breath and used a move towards the handball that the handball ghost attacked:

"Full Concentration - Water Breathing - Seventh Form!"

"Shizuku Wave Stab·Curve!!!"

The handball that attacked him rushed straight to Tanjiro's face in a weird and completely unpredictable trajectory!

At this time, Tanjiro's knife also arrived!


With a slash of the knife, the handball was split in half.

But before Tanjiro could be happy.

The handball that was split into two halves was not picked up as he thought.

Instead, after turning a corner, it hit Tanjiro again.

Although, the power of the handball at this time was not that great.

But this change was beyond Tanjiro's expectations.

"It comes again... It didn't hit anywhere but changed its trajectory... If it hits, the power will decrease, but it will hit me anyway..."

Even though Tanjiro had already split a lot of them, the handballs continued to attack Tanjiro.

"There are two demons... Although we can identify their direction by smell, it's too slow..."

Just as Tanjiro was trying hard to think of a way to break the dilemma, three or four handballs went towards Ms. Tamayo and Mr. Yushiro behind Tanjiro!

"Ms. Tamayo! Mr. Yushiro!"

Tanjiro shouted anxiously.

Tamayo said calmly:

"Tanjiro...Don't worry about us, we are demons and can heal ourselves!"

From the current situation, her use of blood demon arts will definitely affect Tanjiro, and Yushiro's blood demon arts are almost unusable for the same reason.

We must find a suitable opportunity to kill him with one blow!

At this time, Yushiro suddenly covered his head that was injured again, stood up and said to Tanjiro:

"Hey! Demon hunter! You can understand the direction by seeing the arrow! Avoid the arrow!"


Tanjiro's tone was full of doubts.

At this time, Yushiro realized that Tanjiro had never been able to see the arrow!

"Really, you can't even see that? I'll lend you my perspective!"

Yushiro took out a talisman from his arms.

Then, he shot towards Tanjiro!

The talisman landed steadily on Tanjiro's forehead.

It was at this moment that Tanjiro saw it!

Every handball, when moving, will have an arrow representing the trajectory of the movement appear next to it!

No wonder, the trajectory of these handballs cannot be judged at all!

Because, these handballs are not controlled by the handball ghost at all, but by the arrow ghost! ! !

Go and eat quickly, at this time, the handball ghost grew four arms, each with a handball!

The difficulty is increased again!


Super chat group.

[Dartaria]: It seems that you were not good at fighting in your previous life! @Yae God Child

[Yae God Child]: Then welcome this Fatui executive to come to our Inazuma to try my life...

[Dartaria]: Hahaha (dry laugh)

[Lei Movie]: You come, I fight.

[Yae God]: Tsk, tsk, tsk, what's the wind today? Even you are here.

[Paimon]: Eh? Is this Lei Movie famous? As the most powerful guide in Teyvat, I don't even know him!

[Wendy]: It's normal that you don't know, haha.

[Funina]: The opponent this time is very strong! As a god, I can't help but look forward to Ye Yan's performance in his previous life.


"If you have anything you want to know, you can ask me directly..."

Ye Yan looked at Funina with a puzzled look.

Isn't he here?

Why do you have to ask in the group?

Funina said proudly:

"Didn't you say anything when I asked you before? This time, I will ask others myself!"

"But... your way of expression may not be called asking, but creating an atmosphere..."

Hearing Ye Yan's words, Funina's pupils dilated slightly because of shock.

Then she found that she brought her usual speaking habits to the group!

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